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HTML 5 - A step towards semantic webSachinKhoslaFounder, digimantra
Whats coming ?HTML  Show me what is it ?Latest in the WEBWeb WorkersWEB storage APICSS3Semantic WEBDEMOS
HTML5What ? When ? How ?W3C & WHATWGWeb Hypertext Application Technology Working Group Logo
HTML5 structured page<header><h1>Hello</h1></header>  	<nav><p>Menu</p></nav>  <section>  	  <p>Section</p>  	  <article><p>article 1</p></article>   	  <article><p>article 2</p></article>  </section>  <footer><p>The footer</p></footer>
Image credits  Sitepoint.com
What else ?FormsRequired fieldAutofocusDate際際滷rAudio & VideoCanvas (dynamic scriptable rendering of 2D bitmap images)Auto-complete using datalist
RIAAdobe FlashMicrosoft SilverlightApache Pivot  		Sun JavaFX
Get involved ?http://www.whatwg.org/news/startMailing listTwitter accountIRC
Web Workers  what is it ?
Spawning a workervarmyWorker = new Worker('my_worker.js');myWorker.onmessage = function(event) {	//event has the data or the return values	alert("Called back by the worker!");};
Web StorageWhy do we require this ?How do we do it ?CookieHidden form valuesQuery stringhttp://dev.w3.org/html5/webstorage/
Why not cookie ? Low size
 Bad taste (multiple tabs)
 Cross site scriptingWhats better then ?You know whats better for you
The cakeIt isn't a cake  its Web StorageSession StorageLocal Storage
RecipeSession Storage RecipesessionStorage.setItem(key,value);Local Storage RecipelocalStorage.setItem(key,value);
What good is CSS3 Transparencyrgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2);Web Fonts@font-face {   src: url(/realin/html-5-a-step-towards-semantic-web/"gargi.ttf"); font-family: "gargi"; }Text shadow text-shadow: 2px 2px2px #000;
Semantic webHOW ?

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Html 5 a step towards semantic web