Qualified for everything. Trained for nothing.
I am in awe of A.R. Rahman, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Christiane Amanpour, Dwight Schrute, John Nash, John Oliver from the Daily Show, Jon Stewart, Joseph Stiglitz, Kenneth Parcell, Naomi Klein, Peter Singer, Phil Donahue, Samantha Bee, Shashi Tharoor, Tina Fey, Wyatt Cenac, John Mayer on the rainy nights, Bill O' Reilly's throbbing vein and the infamous Colbert-Stewart partnership!
"Practice does not make it perfect. Only perfect practice makes it perfect."
"A mind is a terrible thing to waste."
And one of my personal favorites by Fredrick Douglas
"Freedom in never given voluntarily by the oppressor, it must be demanded by th