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Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong 2012 Brochure
2012 marks the 10th year of Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong.

                       Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong                                                                                                I can hardly believe that a decade has passed since we
                                                                                                                                                 produced our first professional trade-show for the food

                       A Decade of Continued Improvement                                                                                         & beverage industry in Hong Kong. The industry has
                                                                                                                                                 changed a great deal in this time and most of the changes
                                                                                                                                                 have been for the better.

Culinary Capital
Undoubtedly Hong Kong has improved its restaurants in this time and the quality of the food
and the service in Hong Kong today has never been higher. In 2002 it was true to say that         Rent & Legislation
most of the best Restaurants in the city were inside 5 star hotels. Whilst Hong Kongs best
hotels still offer some fantastic dining options, the restaurant landscape has changed in that
                                                                                                  Of course there are always difficulties for restaurateurs: rising rents and staffing issues continue to top
there are a wide range of the very best restaurants outside the major hotel groups. The arrival
                                                                                                  the list of challenges faced. Todays rents are on average two and half times what they were in 2002 and
of the Hong Kong Michelin Guide in 2008 also served to highlight Hong Kongs position as the
                                                                                                  continue to rise as landlords seek to push rates ever higher. The challenge of recruiting and retaining
culinary capital of Asia.
                                                                                                  a skilled workforce in a highly competitive market is also a difficulty, added to which the government
                                                                                                  continues to push for greater legislation around issues like minimum wage and working hours. We have
                                                                                                  added our voice to the industry in calling upon the legislators to rethink this approach as we believe the
                                                                                                  ability to self regulate is one of Hong Kongs core strengths.
Social Media
The phenomenon of social media has also had a marked effect on the restaurant community
in Hong Kong with thousands of food bloggers posting pictures and comments about every            Industry Support
aspect of their dining experiences, food, service and value for money. A recent survey in Hong
Kong suggested that 8 out of 10 diners were more likely to visit a restaurant that other diners
                                                                                                  The past ten years in Hong Kong has been quite a journey with a few bumps along the way, the effects
had recommended. Coupon buying websites and voucher schemes have also begun to have
                                                                                                  of SARS in 2003 and the GFC in 2008 were difficulties faced by all of us. But through all of these good
a major impact on how diners choose where to eat.
                                                                                                  and bad times one thing that has remained constant has been the support from the industry for the show.
                                                                                                  It is a clich辿 to say that we could not have done this without your help but it is certainly true, so on behalf
                                                                                                  of Diversified and our R&B team, thank you for your support and we look forward to the next decade of
Coffee & Wine                                                                                     bringing restaurant and bar suppliers and operators together to meet, learn and do business.

The past ten years has also seen a significant surge in the popularity of premium coffee
products with both of the citys major chain coffee shops now operating over 100 stores each
as well as a thriving small independent coffee house industry. The local consumer is far more     Celebration
knowledgeable about coffee and the quality they expect than in the past. Wine consumption
has also seen a steady increase in Hong Kong, with many government backed initiatives to          To Celebrate 10 great years Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong will put on the most spectacular show we
encourage consumers to learn more and try new wines in the wake of the removal of import          have ever run with more international exhibitors than ever before, a 10th anniversary gala dinner, more
tariffs. Many restaurants are seeing average restaurant receipts rise as they are able to         features and competitions than ever before and most importantly more than 12,000 regional restaurant
maximise profits from the beverage sector of their operations.                                    buyers.

    Thanks for ten great years, and I look forward to celebrating with you at the show in September                 Stuart Bailey &
                                                                                                                           General Manager
Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong at a glance

Who Visits...
2011 Total attendance 12,107 (+7.4% growth)

                                          15%     Restaurant / Bar Manager

                                          14%     General Manager

                                          13%     F&B Director / Manager
                                                                                         Number of visitors continues to grow
                                          12%     Purchasing Director / Manager
                                          12%     Owner/ Proprietor
                                          12%     Executive chef / Chef
                                          11%     Marketing & Sales Director / Manager
                                           7%     Restaurant / Bar Staff
                                           4%     Sommelier / Other

                       81%               5%
                                                                                            In its ninth year, Restaurant and Bar Hong Kong 2011 attracted
                        Hong Kong
                                         Others                                             12,107 visitors, the highest attendance thus far since our inception.
                                                                                            Once again the emphasis of the event is on the high quality
                                                                  3%                        attendees, who are primarily decision makers from premier
                                                                                            establishments. With the visitor numbers increasing steadily
                                                                  Macau                     year-on-year, the event is in a very strong position in terms of
                                                                                            quality and quantity.
1                            2          3   4
                                                                                                                       Restaurant & Bar HK
                                                                                                                       Equipment Showcase

                                           Fantastic Features
                                           For 2012 Edition                                                        5   6

1 Cocktail & Spirit Theatre
2 Show Bar
3 Wine Tasting Theatre

4 Restaurant & Bar HK Equipment Showcase New
5 Chef Masterclasses
6 Disciples Escoffier
                                                                           7                            8          9   10
7 World Siphonist Championship HK

8 Hong Kong Barista Championship
9 Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong House Wine Awards
10 Hong Kong Perfect Pizza Challenge

*Please visit our website www.restaurantandbarhk.com for the very latest information on these exciting features.
Years of Support
Thanks to every member of our advisory committee over the past 10 years
Adrian Rudin, Island Shangri-La HK                           Geoff Haviland, Yu - InterContinental HK            Paul Jeffrey Chandler, Hong Kong Disneyland           Robert Blythe, Kowloon Cricket Club
Adrien Ellul, Pizza Express ( HK ) Ltd                       Grant Baird, Epicurean Group                        Peter Pfister, Marco Polo Hong Kong                   Rudolf Muller, Hong Kong Disneyland
Alain Decesse, Press Room Group                              Heinz Egli, Charterhouse                            Peter Ng, En Group Limited                            Russell Paine, Marco Polo Hotels
Alex Chau, Cathay Pacific Catering Services                  Hernan Zanghellini, Zanghellini holt                Philip Fung, Mega Hospitality Intl                   Scott McLean, Paramount Rest Ltd
Anna Adasiewicz, Finds                                       Herv辿 Pennequin, Hong Kong Jockey Club              Philip Sedgwick, Gaddis                              Simon Miller Jones, Phoenix
Andrew Lee, Steak Expert Holdings Ltd                        Ivo Estroninho, Westin Resort - Macau               Philippe Seiler, American Club                        Simon Tam, HKFORT
Andrew Wong, Pacific Coffee                                  James Li, Luk Kwok Hotel                            Pino Piano, Fine Max Ltd                              Simon Wong, Dai Pai Dong Restaurant
Andrew Young, Pure Group                                     Jean-Michel Offe, Shangri-La Group                  Rajkumar Gurung, Room One Lounge Bar at The Mira HK   Suzanne Storms, The American Club
Anthony Lock, California Red                                 Jennifer Migliorelli, Habibi Egyptian Rest          Raju Harilela, Harilela Strategic Group               Timothy Lau, Shake em Buns
Benny Yeung, VTC                                             Jerome Joseph, Sodexo HK Ltd                        Raymond Chan, Vocational Training Council             Tony Tam, Federal Restaurant Group
Bobby Shum, Cathay Pacific Catering Services                 John Kwong, Lans Steak                             Rob Cooper, Enoteca and Bacar                         Walter Adelmann, Ninety Seven Group
Bridget Chen, 798 Unit & Co Ltd                              John Cheah, Hotel Inter-Continental HK
Bryan Chui, InterContinental HK                              Julie Roh, Lee Fa Yuen Korea House Restaurant Ltd
C Bull, Eclipse Concepts                                     Karin Joffe, Lan Kwai Fong Hong Kong
C S Lee, Tony Romas                                         Katrina Mayer, Loft 9
Calvin Ku, Buzz Management Group Ltd/Volar                   Kavita Faiella, Press Room Group
Carl Duggan, Hyatt Regency Hong Kong Shatin                  Lauren Michod, Food4Media
Christophe Orlarei, Grand Hyatt HK                           Lawrence Chan, Saints Alp (Intl) Co Ltd
Christopher Christie, Langham Hotels                         Lawrence Koo, West Villa Restaurant
Christopher Lenz, Igors Group                               Lena Tsang, Sir Hudson Hospitality Ltd
Claudio Salgado, Grand Hyatt HK                              Mark Lettenbichler, Ritz - Carlton, Hong Kong
Daniel Schneersohn, Chez Patrick Restaurant                  Mark Holmes, Grand Hyatt HK
Daniel Fong, Sha Tin 18                                      Martin Allies, CAFE Deco Bar & Grill
David Bingley, New World Renaissance Hotel                   Martyn P.A. Sawyer, HK & Shanghai Hotels Ltd
David Leong, HK Convention & Exhibition Centre               Michael Domer, Outback Steakhouse International
David Yeo, Aqua Bar & Restaurant                             Michelle Garnaut, M At The Fringe
DC Bull, 1/5th                                               Michelle Chui, Fook Lam Moon Restaurant
Dean J Winter, Mandarin Oriental HK                          Micky Doherty, Eclipse Management Ltd
Dominique Berhouet, Crowne Plaza Shenzhen                      Nacinopa Domingo, Pizza Express
Duncan Chui, Fook Lam Moon                                     Nelson Siu, Wine Luxe
Eddy Leung, Poison Ivy                                         Nicholas Knight, The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club
Elizabeth Seaton, Gingers Ltd                                  Nichole Garnaut, Alibi / Keen City Intl Ltd
Erica Lo, Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades Paray Li, Venetian Macau Ltd
Federico Seaton, Hirsh Bedner Associates                       Paul Watt, China Pub Co HK Ltd
Florian Trento, HK Chefs Association                           Paul Hsu, Cafe Einstein
Gary Stokes, Stauntons Group                                  Paul D. Hugentobler, Hyatt Regency ( Macau )
Who Exhibits...

Gilbert Tang,
Horeca Manager,
 Nespresso has been
exhibiting in Restaurant        Supporting Brands
and Bar for many years
with wonderful feedbacks
everytime, the new
commercial machine
launched this year is no
exception. Over thousands
of visitors have tried our
beverages at Restaurant &
Bar HK which has proved to
be a brillliant exhibition.

Manou Heitzmann-Massenez,
Conseiller du Commerce
Exterieur de la France,
Fine Vintage (Far East) Ltd
                                                    Wilson International Frozen Foods (HK) Ltd.
 This is my first time at the event.
Its a marvelous exhibition because
I saw all sommeliers, F&B managers,
bar men, professional customers. I was
so happy to be here. Everyone loved the
Mount Riley Wine that I brought this year.
So, definitely Ill come back next year with
Fine Vintage. Thank you very much.
Your Chance to be Part
             of the Success
Book a Booth

                                                                                                              What you receive?
                                                                                                                Carpet                                   Power
                           Already have a vision?                                                               Partition Walls                          Spotlight
                           This is ideal if you wish to build your own stand.                                   Fascia with your company name            Cleaning
                           Bare floorspace                                                                      Furniture (Counter and Chairs)           Rubbish Bin
                                                                                                                Flat Shelf

                            HK$ 3,300 /m2           US$ 420 /m2                                                HK$ 3,800 /m2         US$ 485 /m2

Sponsorship                                                                                                   Gala Dinner
Please contact us to find out more marketing opportunities in 10th anniversary Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong     Celebrating 10 great years for the regions F&B Industry

Online banner         Special features       Hanging banner         Floor stickers       On-site decoration    HK$ 1,200/ ticket         HK$ 10,000/ table

      90%                   of exhibitors expressed their intention to rebook for Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong 2012!!
Contact Us
Jim Sugarman / Sales Director
Email : jim@restaurantandbarhk.com
Tel : +852 3105 3993

James Orr / Senior Sales Manager
Email : james@restaurantandbarhk.com
Tel : +852 3105 3972

Nancy Wong / Sales Manager
Email : nancy@restaurantandbarhk.com                                                  Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong 2012
Tel : +852 3105 3977
                                                                                          Hall 3 F&G, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
Find out more
                                                                                                                           Date & time
                                                                                                              11 September 2012, 12:00 - 19:30
                www.restaurantandbarhk.com                                                                    12 September 2012, 12:00 - 19:30
                                                                                                              13 September 2012, 12:00 - 18:00

           Diversified Events Hong Kong, LLC                       Co-located with:                    Join us on:   twitter.com/DiversifiedHK
           2104-05, 21/F, Island Place Tower
           Island Place, 510 Kings Road, North Point, Hong Kong                                                     facebook.com/rb.hongkong
           Phone: +852 3105 3970 Fax: +852 3105 3974

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Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong 2012 Brochure

  • 2. 2012 marks the 10th year of Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong. Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong I can hardly believe that a decade has passed since we produced our first professional trade-show for the food A Decade of Continued Improvement & beverage industry in Hong Kong. The industry has changed a great deal in this time and most of the changes have been for the better. Culinary Capital Undoubtedly Hong Kong has improved its restaurants in this time and the quality of the food and the service in Hong Kong today has never been higher. In 2002 it was true to say that Rent & Legislation most of the best Restaurants in the city were inside 5 star hotels. Whilst Hong Kongs best hotels still offer some fantastic dining options, the restaurant landscape has changed in that Of course there are always difficulties for restaurateurs: rising rents and staffing issues continue to top there are a wide range of the very best restaurants outside the major hotel groups. The arrival the list of challenges faced. Todays rents are on average two and half times what they were in 2002 and of the Hong Kong Michelin Guide in 2008 also served to highlight Hong Kongs position as the continue to rise as landlords seek to push rates ever higher. The challenge of recruiting and retaining culinary capital of Asia. a skilled workforce in a highly competitive market is also a difficulty, added to which the government continues to push for greater legislation around issues like minimum wage and working hours. We have added our voice to the industry in calling upon the legislators to rethink this approach as we believe the ability to self regulate is one of Hong Kongs core strengths. Social Media The phenomenon of social media has also had a marked effect on the restaurant community in Hong Kong with thousands of food bloggers posting pictures and comments about every Industry Support aspect of their dining experiences, food, service and value for money. A recent survey in Hong Kong suggested that 8 out of 10 diners were more likely to visit a restaurant that other diners The past ten years in Hong Kong has been quite a journey with a few bumps along the way, the effects had recommended. Coupon buying websites and voucher schemes have also begun to have of SARS in 2003 and the GFC in 2008 were difficulties faced by all of us. But through all of these good a major impact on how diners choose where to eat. and bad times one thing that has remained constant has been the support from the industry for the show. It is a clich辿 to say that we could not have done this without your help but it is certainly true, so on behalf of Diversified and our R&B team, thank you for your support and we look forward to the next decade of Coffee & Wine bringing restaurant and bar suppliers and operators together to meet, learn and do business. The past ten years has also seen a significant surge in the popularity of premium coffee products with both of the citys major chain coffee shops now operating over 100 stores each as well as a thriving small independent coffee house industry. The local consumer is far more Celebration knowledgeable about coffee and the quality they expect than in the past. Wine consumption has also seen a steady increase in Hong Kong, with many government backed initiatives to To Celebrate 10 great years Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong will put on the most spectacular show we encourage consumers to learn more and try new wines in the wake of the removal of import have ever run with more international exhibitors than ever before, a 10th anniversary gala dinner, more tariffs. Many restaurants are seeing average restaurant receipts rise as they are able to features and competitions than ever before and most importantly more than 12,000 regional restaurant maximise profits from the beverage sector of their operations. buyers. Thanks for ten great years, and I look forward to celebrating with you at the show in September Stuart Bailey & General Manager
  • 3. Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong at a glance Who Visits... 2011 Total attendance 12,107 (+7.4% growth) 15% Restaurant / Bar Manager 14% General Manager 13% F&B Director / Manager Number of visitors continues to grow 12% Purchasing Director / Manager 12% Owner/ Proprietor 12% Executive chef / Chef 11% Marketing & Sales Director / Manager 7% Restaurant / Bar Staff 4% Sommelier / Other 81% 5% 11% In its ninth year, Restaurant and Bar Hong Kong 2011 attracted Hong Kong Others 12,107 visitors, the highest attendance thus far since our inception. Once again the emphasis of the event is on the high quality China 3% attendees, who are primarily decision makers from premier establishments. With the visitor numbers increasing steadily Macau year-on-year, the event is in a very strong position in terms of quality and quantity.
  • 4. 1 2 3 4 Restaurant & Bar HK Equipment Showcase New Fantastic Features For 2012 Edition 5 6 1 Cocktail & Spirit Theatre 2 Show Bar 3 Wine Tasting Theatre 4 Restaurant & Bar HK Equipment Showcase New 5 Chef Masterclasses 6 Disciples Escoffier 7 8 9 10 7 World Siphonist Championship HK 8 Hong Kong Barista Championship 9 Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong House Wine Awards 10 Hong Kong Perfect Pizza Challenge *Please visit our website www.restaurantandbarhk.com for the very latest information on these exciting features.
  • 5. Years of Support Thanks to every member of our advisory committee over the past 10 years Adrian Rudin, Island Shangri-La HK Geoff Haviland, Yu - InterContinental HK Paul Jeffrey Chandler, Hong Kong Disneyland Robert Blythe, Kowloon Cricket Club Adrien Ellul, Pizza Express ( HK ) Ltd Grant Baird, Epicurean Group Peter Pfister, Marco Polo Hong Kong Rudolf Muller, Hong Kong Disneyland Alain Decesse, Press Room Group Heinz Egli, Charterhouse Peter Ng, En Group Limited Russell Paine, Marco Polo Hotels Alex Chau, Cathay Pacific Catering Services Hernan Zanghellini, Zanghellini holt Philip Fung, Mega Hospitality Intl Scott McLean, Paramount Rest Ltd Anna Adasiewicz, Finds Herv辿 Pennequin, Hong Kong Jockey Club Philip Sedgwick, Gaddis Simon Miller Jones, Phoenix Andrew Lee, Steak Expert Holdings Ltd Ivo Estroninho, Westin Resort - Macau Philippe Seiler, American Club Simon Tam, HKFORT Andrew Wong, Pacific Coffee James Li, Luk Kwok Hotel Pino Piano, Fine Max Ltd Simon Wong, Dai Pai Dong Restaurant Andrew Young, Pure Group Jean-Michel Offe, Shangri-La Group Rajkumar Gurung, Room One Lounge Bar at The Mira HK Suzanne Storms, The American Club Anthony Lock, California Red Jennifer Migliorelli, Habibi Egyptian Rest Raju Harilela, Harilela Strategic Group Timothy Lau, Shake em Buns Benny Yeung, VTC Jerome Joseph, Sodexo HK Ltd Raymond Chan, Vocational Training Council Tony Tam, Federal Restaurant Group Bobby Shum, Cathay Pacific Catering Services John Kwong, Lans Steak Rob Cooper, Enoteca and Bacar Walter Adelmann, Ninety Seven Group Bridget Chen, 798 Unit & Co Ltd John Cheah, Hotel Inter-Continental HK Bryan Chui, InterContinental HK Julie Roh, Lee Fa Yuen Korea House Restaurant Ltd C Bull, Eclipse Concepts Karin Joffe, Lan Kwai Fong Hong Kong C S Lee, Tony Romas Katrina Mayer, Loft 9 Calvin Ku, Buzz Management Group Ltd/Volar Kavita Faiella, Press Room Group Carl Duggan, Hyatt Regency Hong Kong Shatin Lauren Michod, Food4Media Christophe Orlarei, Grand Hyatt HK Lawrence Chan, Saints Alp (Intl) Co Ltd Christopher Christie, Langham Hotels Lawrence Koo, West Villa Restaurant Christopher Lenz, Igors Group Lena Tsang, Sir Hudson Hospitality Ltd Claudio Salgado, Grand Hyatt HK Mark Lettenbichler, Ritz - Carlton, Hong Kong Daniel Schneersohn, Chez Patrick Restaurant Mark Holmes, Grand Hyatt HK Daniel Fong, Sha Tin 18 Martin Allies, CAFE Deco Bar & Grill David Bingley, New World Renaissance Hotel Martyn P.A. Sawyer, HK & Shanghai Hotels Ltd David Leong, HK Convention & Exhibition Centre Michael Domer, Outback Steakhouse International David Yeo, Aqua Bar & Restaurant Michelle Garnaut, M At The Fringe DC Bull, 1/5th Michelle Chui, Fook Lam Moon Restaurant Dean J Winter, Mandarin Oriental HK Micky Doherty, Eclipse Management Ltd Dominique Berhouet, Crowne Plaza Shenzhen Nacinopa Domingo, Pizza Express Duncan Chui, Fook Lam Moon Nelson Siu, Wine Luxe Eddy Leung, Poison Ivy Nicholas Knight, The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club Elizabeth Seaton, Gingers Ltd Nichole Garnaut, Alibi / Keen City Intl Ltd Erica Lo, Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades Paray Li, Venetian Macau Ltd Federico Seaton, Hirsh Bedner Associates Paul Watt, China Pub Co HK Ltd Florian Trento, HK Chefs Association Paul Hsu, Cafe Einstein Gary Stokes, Stauntons Group Paul D. Hugentobler, Hyatt Regency ( Macau )
  • 6. Who Exhibits... Gilbert Tang, Horeca Manager, Nespresso Nespresso has been exhibiting in Restaurant Supporting Brands and Bar for many years with wonderful feedbacks everytime, the new commercial machine launched this year is no exception. Over thousands of visitors have tried our beverages at Restaurant & Bar HK which has proved to be a brillliant exhibition. Manou Heitzmann-Massenez, Conseiller du Commerce Exterieur de la France, Fine Vintage (Far East) Ltd Wilson International Frozen Foods (HK) Ltd. This is my first time at the event. Its a marvelous exhibition because I saw all sommeliers, F&B managers, bar men, professional customers. I was so happy to be here. Everyone loved the Mount Riley Wine that I brought this year. So, definitely Ill come back next year with Fine Vintage. Thank you very much.
  • 7. Your Chance to be Part of the Success Book a Booth What you receive? Carpet Power Already have a vision? Partition Walls Spotlight This is ideal if you wish to build your own stand. Fascia with your company name Cleaning Bare floorspace Furniture (Counter and Chairs) Rubbish Bin Flat Shelf HK$ 3,300 /m2 US$ 420 /m2 HK$ 3,800 /m2 US$ 485 /m2 Sponsorship Gala Dinner Please contact us to find out more marketing opportunities in 10th anniversary Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong Celebrating 10 great years for the regions F&B Industry Online banner Special features Hanging banner Floor stickers On-site decoration HK$ 1,200/ ticket HK$ 10,000/ table 90% of exhibitors expressed their intention to rebook for Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong 2012!!
  • 8. Contact Us Jim Sugarman / Sales Director Email : jim@restaurantandbarhk.com Tel : +852 3105 3993 James Orr / Senior Sales Manager Email : james@restaurantandbarhk.com Tel : +852 3105 3972 Nancy Wong / Sales Manager Email : nancy@restaurantandbarhk.com Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong 2012 Tel : +852 3105 3977 Venue Hall 3 F&G, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre Find out more Date & time 11 September 2012, 12:00 - 19:30 www.restaurantandbarhk.com 12 September 2012, 12:00 - 19:30 13 September 2012, 12:00 - 18:00 Diversified Events Hong Kong, LLC Co-located with: Join us on: twitter.com/DiversifiedHK 2104-05, 21/F, Island Place Tower Island Place, 510 Kings Road, North Point, Hong Kong facebook.com/rb.hongkong Phone: +852 3105 3970 Fax: +852 3105 3974 weibo.com/2213114477