I'M jusT a cMpLe pErson haviNg grEat eXpierienceS in Lyf..
eVen tHoug i'm young?..
maybE?.. i can taLk w/dEeP seNsed peopLe^^
to share ouR various dEePed senSes toWarDs Lyf
a year ago( dec. 2 2009- dec. 2 2010)
i took my ojt period in int'l precision assemblies inc.
i'ved learned a lot in this society. encountered many kinds f people..
and stiLL waiting and searching 4 d rYt 1..
i think it's the stage where i'm maturing enough..
aNd it's Very meMeoraBLe bEing inVOLved iN this iNdusTry..
y0u wiLL eNcounter mAny sItuations wHere iN you'LL
(i tHInk?) bE teSted aCc0rDing tO yOur miNdsEt and PersonaLity..
tHIs sUch a'Year beIng an Ojt..
^^ wILL Made you a s