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RHBC 207: Warning Signs
#2  Warning Signs
Joel 1:2-15
I. We are to Realize Gods
Warning Signs
A. To serve as a wake up
 Environmental Disasters
 Substance Disaster (1:5)
 Agricultural Disasters
B. To serve as a trumpet
 Financial Disasters (1:5)
 Non-Human Disasters
 Emotional Disasters
II. The Remedy to the Coming
Crisis of The Day of the
A. The good news is that the
Lord tells the people
through the Hebrew
prophet what to do:
 We must wake up from
our drunken, intoxicated
stupor (1:5)
 We are to consecrate a
fast (1:14)
 We are to proclaim a
solemn assembly
 We are to gather the
deacons (1:14)
 We are to gather all the
inhabitants of the land
 We are to cry out to the
Lord (1:14)
B. What should we say when
we cry out to the Lord?
 To forgive us,
 To help us,
 To heal us,
 To save us,
 To cleanse us,
 To adopt us into His
 To fill us with His Holy
 To teach us to walk in His

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