The document evaluates two websites providing information about Abraham Lincoln, the 16th US President. [1] The site is deemed more authoritative as it is a government website. [2] It is also deemed more accurate as the information is from a reliable White House source and is proven by citations. [3] The Angelfire site is questionable as a source since it is freely hosted and has advertisements. The document concludes that the site would be the best choice for student research due to its reliability.
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Web Page Evaluation EDTL 6360 - Nick Rider
1. Web Page Evaluation
Nick Rider
Bowling Green State University
EDTL 6360
Fall 2012
2. Topic Selected
Abraham "Honest Abe" Lincoln
The websites that
were compared both
are websites that
provide information in
regards to the 16th
president of the
United States,
Abraham Lincoln.
3. Web Page # 1
4. Web Page # 2
5. Authority
It is pretty obvious that the white Angelfire is the authoritative figure on
house is the authoritative figure on this website. They are a free host for
this website. anyone who wishes to build a
6. Accuracy
This website is very accurate without This website is very questionable
links to other resources beyond the when it comes to whether or not it is
website. It is a government website a probable source. First off it is
proven by the .gov suffix and it was hosted for free on Angelfire, which
meant specifically provide any person in the world can two.
background information on all of the Secondly it has advertisements all
presidents of the United States. over the place.
The information does appear to be in
The website states the information depth and comprehensive, so I dug
regarding Abraham Lincoln came deeper to find how well I could rely
from a reliable source from the white on it. I was surprised to find a full
house and provides bibliographic bibliography on the information, but
information on the source. the website lacks parenthetical
citations, or tie-ins to the sources.
7. Currency
When I investigated the page there This website states clearly that the
was no updated last information but, information was last updated August
at the bottom of the web page, the 21st, 2005 at the bottom of the page.
bibliography information says that the
source that the information came
from was published in 2009 by the
White House Historical Association.
8. Objectivity
The White House The information
Historical Association published on this
was responsible for website was collected
the information from a very large
published on the group of proven
website. So if there is sources all referenced
any bias on the in the bibliography
information, it is page.
9. Which site would I choose?
This source would be the one that I
would use for my students to
research any of the presidents on the
United States for solid, reliable
information. Almost always, for
research purposes websites that end
in .gov are going to be the most
I would not entirely rule out the
second web page, but I would be
very careful to double check any
facts that are used on that page,
before accepting them as facts.