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Consumer Research
Definition of Consumer Research  The discipline of consumer research has its roots in marketing research. There are two paradigms of consumer research  qualitative and quantitative. While qualitative deals with consumer insights in a visual form or in words, quantitative is primarily number driven. Some researchers now use both these techniques together to get more accurate insights. The consumer research process focuses on defining the research problem, conducting exploratory and evaluation, conclusive research design and qualitative and data collection, analysis, and report.
The Consumer Research Process Six steps defining the objectives of the research collecting and evaluating secondary data designing a primary research study collecting primary data analyzing the data preparing a report on the findings
Developing Research Objectives Defining purposes and objectives helps ensure an appropriate research design. A statement of objectives helps to define the type and level of information needed.
Secondary Versus Primary Data Secondary data: data that has been collected for reasons other than the specific research project at hand Primary data: data collected by the researcher for the purpose of meeting specific objectives
Quantitative Research Descriptive in nature. Enables marketers to predict consumer behavior. Research methods include experiments, survey techniques, and observation. Findings are descriptive, empirical and generalizable.
Positivism A consumer behavior research approach that regards the consumer behavior discipline as an applied marketing science.
Observational Research Helps marketers gain an in-depth understanding of the relationship between people and products by watching them buying and using products. Helps researchers gain a better understanding of what the product symbolizes. Widely used by interpretivist researchers.
Qualitative Research Consists of depth interviews, focus groups, metaphor analysis, collage research, and projective techniques. Administered by highly trained interviewer-analysts. Findings tend to be subjective. Small sample sizes.
Interpretivism A postmodernist approach to the study of consumer behavior that focuses on the act of consuming rather than on the act of buying.
Table 2.2  Comparisons between Positivism and Interpretivism  PURPOSE METHODOLOGY Positivism Prediction of consumer actions Interpretivism Understanding consumption practices Positivism Quantitative Interpretivism Quantitative
Table 2.2 continued ASSUMPTIONS Positivism Rationality; consumers make decisions after weighing alternatives The causes and effects of behavior can be identified Individuals are problem solvers  A single reality exists Events can be objectively measured Interpretivism No single, objective truth Reality is subjective Cause and effect cannot be isolated Each consumption experience is unique Researcher/respondent interactions affect research findings
Figure 2.1  The Consumer Research Process Develop Objectives Collect Secondary Data Design Qualitative Research Method Screener questionnaire Discussion guide Prepare Report Analyze Data (Subjective) Conduct Research (Using highly trained interviewers) Exploratory Study Prepare report Analyze Data (Objective) Collect Primary Data (Usually by field staff) Design Quantitative Research Method Sample design Data collection instrument
Table 2.2 Major Sources of Secondary Data Government  Publications Internal  Sources Periodicals  & Books Commercial  Data
Data Collection Methods Observation Experimentation Surveys
Experimentation Can be used to test the relative sales appeal of many types of variables. Only one variable is manipulated at a time, keeping other elements constant. Can be conducted in laboratories or in the field.
Survey Data Collection Methods Personal Interview Mail Telephone Online
Table 2.4 Comparative Advantages MAIL TELEPHONE PERSONAL INTERVIEW ONLINE Cost Low Moderate High Low Speed Slow Immediate Slow Fast Response rate Low Moderate High Self-selection Geographic flexibility Excellent Good Difficult Excellent Interviewer bias N/A Moderate Problematic N/A Interviewer supervision N/A Easy Difficult N/A Quality of response Limited Limited Excellent Excellent
Qualitative Data Collection Methods Depth Interviews Projective Techniques Focus Groups Metaphor Analysis
Thank you All

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Consumer Resarch

  • 2. Definition of Consumer Research The discipline of consumer research has its roots in marketing research. There are two paradigms of consumer research qualitative and quantitative. While qualitative deals with consumer insights in a visual form or in words, quantitative is primarily number driven. Some researchers now use both these techniques together to get more accurate insights. The consumer research process focuses on defining the research problem, conducting exploratory and evaluation, conclusive research design and qualitative and data collection, analysis, and report.
  • 3. The Consumer Research Process Six steps defining the objectives of the research collecting and evaluating secondary data designing a primary research study collecting primary data analyzing the data preparing a report on the findings
  • 4. Developing Research Objectives Defining purposes and objectives helps ensure an appropriate research design. A statement of objectives helps to define the type and level of information needed.
  • 5. Secondary Versus Primary Data Secondary data: data that has been collected for reasons other than the specific research project at hand Primary data: data collected by the researcher for the purpose of meeting specific objectives
  • 6. Quantitative Research Descriptive in nature. Enables marketers to predict consumer behavior. Research methods include experiments, survey techniques, and observation. Findings are descriptive, empirical and generalizable.
  • 7. Positivism A consumer behavior research approach that regards the consumer behavior discipline as an applied marketing science.
  • 8. Observational Research Helps marketers gain an in-depth understanding of the relationship between people and products by watching them buying and using products. Helps researchers gain a better understanding of what the product symbolizes. Widely used by interpretivist researchers.
  • 9. Qualitative Research Consists of depth interviews, focus groups, metaphor analysis, collage research, and projective techniques. Administered by highly trained interviewer-analysts. Findings tend to be subjective. Small sample sizes.
  • 10. Interpretivism A postmodernist approach to the study of consumer behavior that focuses on the act of consuming rather than on the act of buying.
  • 11. Table 2.2 Comparisons between Positivism and Interpretivism PURPOSE METHODOLOGY Positivism Prediction of consumer actions Interpretivism Understanding consumption practices Positivism Quantitative Interpretivism Quantitative
  • 12. Table 2.2 continued ASSUMPTIONS Positivism Rationality; consumers make decisions after weighing alternatives The causes and effects of behavior can be identified Individuals are problem solvers A single reality exists Events can be objectively measured Interpretivism No single, objective truth Reality is subjective Cause and effect cannot be isolated Each consumption experience is unique Researcher/respondent interactions affect research findings
  • 13. Figure 2.1 The Consumer Research Process Develop Objectives Collect Secondary Data Design Qualitative Research Method Screener questionnaire Discussion guide Prepare Report Analyze Data (Subjective) Conduct Research (Using highly trained interviewers) Exploratory Study Prepare report Analyze Data (Objective) Collect Primary Data (Usually by field staff) Design Quantitative Research Method Sample design Data collection instrument
  • 14. Table 2.2 Major Sources of Secondary Data Government Publications Internal Sources Periodicals & Books Commercial Data
  • 15. Data Collection Methods Observation Experimentation Surveys
  • 16. Experimentation Can be used to test the relative sales appeal of many types of variables. Only one variable is manipulated at a time, keeping other elements constant. Can be conducted in laboratories or in the field.
  • 17. Survey Data Collection Methods Personal Interview Mail Telephone Online
  • 18. Table 2.4 Comparative Advantages MAIL TELEPHONE PERSONAL INTERVIEW ONLINE Cost Low Moderate High Low Speed Slow Immediate Slow Fast Response rate Low Moderate High Self-selection Geographic flexibility Excellent Good Difficult Excellent Interviewer bias N/A Moderate Problematic N/A Interviewer supervision N/A Easy Difficult N/A Quality of response Limited Limited Excellent Excellent
  • 19. Qualitative Data Collection Methods Depth Interviews Projective Techniques Focus Groups Metaphor Analysis