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International Civil Protection and Risk Reduction
Functional Center
Shkoder - November 2016 ,17th
Riccardo Cocozza
IKRAN SERVICES Chief Innovation Officer
Holistic Program Working Group Member
>>	Framework	and	goals	
An international risk functional center creation proposal, in the Adriatic area.
Defining common work and strategy on risk prevention and management
Molise	Region	created	a	working	group,	commi8ed	to	draw	up	a	preliminary	
analysis	on	risk	technical	strategies	and	forecast	management,	through	the	
interna>onal	risk	func>onal	center.	
Working	group	decided	to	focus	its	work	on	mari-me	and	land	migra-ons	too.	This	
topic	is	really	actual	and	cri>cal,	both	for	involved	security	problems	and	EU	border	
controlling	social	impact.
>>	Preliminary	works	
According to MEP Ivan Jakovcics EUSAIR
Report, approved by European Parliament,
Molise Region was going to start with a strong
sensitization and design process, promoting a first
study on
Civil Protection Systems of the Adriatic and
Ionian Countries.
This report was written to describe the actual
situation, about civil protection systems and
regulatory laws, in the target area.
>>	Summary	
>	Civil	protec-on	systems	of	the	adria-c	and	ionian	
countries.	A	review	
>	Forecas>ng	risk	in	key	countries:		
 Seismic	Risk	
 Wild	Fire	risk	
 Volcano	and	Seaquake	risk	
 Clima>c	change	risk	
>	Risk	management	in	key	countries:		
 Technology	&	Solu>ons
>>	Civil	protec-on	systems	of	the	adria-c	and	ionian	countries.	A	review	
Based	on	the	principles	of	subsidiarity	and	
complementarity,	civil	protec>on	coopera>on	
proved	to	enhance	the	overall	capacity	to	
cope	with	a	wider	range	of	hazards,	since	80s.	
More	than	thirty	years	later,	improving	
synergies	among	European	CP		
authori>es	is	s>ll	on	the	EU	agenda.		
>	State	of	the	art
>>	Civil	protec-on	systems	of	the	adria-c	and	ionian	countries.	A	review	
>	CPP	Opportuni-es	
The	development	of	an	integrated	Civil	Protec-on	Policy	(hereaWer	CPP)	represents	
an	opportunity:	
to boost the sustainability
and resilience of Civil
Protection systems at EU
to enable the self-improvement of
enlargement countries capabilities
and action as well as their closer
integration within the EU
to identify a convergence
criteria for future cross-border
and trans-national cooperation
>>	Civil	protec-on	systems	of	the	adria-c	and	ionian	countries.	A	review	
>	CPP	Opportuni-es	
The	crea>on	of	a	regional	centre	for	the	strategic	coordina-on	of	na-onal	and	regional	
CP	systems	in	the	Adria>c-Ionian	region	can	really	cons>tute	a	relevant	added	value	in	
the	European	Strategy	for	the	Adria>c-Ionian	Macro-Region.		
to enhance capacity
building, on which the
centre could rely
>>	Civil	protec-on	systems	of	the	adria-c	and	ionian	countries.	A	review	
>	EU	role	in	the	鍖eld	of	CP	
≒ Suppor>ng	
≒ Coordina>ng	
≒ Supplemen>ng	
the actions of EU
Member States
>>	Civil	protec-on	systems	of	the	adria-c	and	ionian	countries.	A	review	
>	EU	role	in	the	鍖eld	of	CP	(ar-cle	196	of	the	TFEU	)		
to	encourage	coopera>on	between	Member	States	in	order	to	improve	the	
e鍖ec>veness	of	systems..		
for	protec>ng	people,	environment	
and	property,	including	cultural	
heritage,	against	natural	or	man-
made	disasters;		
to	promote	consistency	in	
interna>onal	CP;		
to	supplement	Member	States	
e鍖orts	and	train	their	personnel;		
to	support	and	complement	
preparedness	and	preven>on	through	a	
range	of	ac>vi>es,	such	as	training	
courses,	exchanges	of	experts	and	good	
prac>ces,	simula>on	exercises	and	
di鍖erent	types	of	coopera>on	projects.
>>	Civil	protec-on	systems	of	the	adria-c	and	ionian	countries.	A	review	
>	EU	role	in	the	鍖eld	of	CP	(ar-cle	222	of	the	TFEU	)		
(So-called	solidarity	clause)		
to act jointly in the spirit of solidarity, including the
mobilisation of hard military resources aimed at addressing
modern threats from non-state entities or natural or man-
made disasters
>>	Civil	protec-on	systems	of	the	adria-c	and	ionian	countries.	A	review	
>	Posi-ve	e鍖ects	of	CPC	poten-al	candidate	countries	
Facilitation of the integration and gradual association
with the European Civil Protection System		
Major role of the EU in enabling and boosting
cooperation in the Macro-regional Strategy Countries
and Regions
Increase of CP capacities in the area Risk reduction
>>	Civil	protec-on	systems	of	the	adria-c	and	ionian	countries.	A	review	
>	Adria-c-Ionian	countries	and	regions	converging	priori-es	
Assessment	of	individual	inten>ons/
capaci>es	to	convergence	towards	the	
common	objec-ve	of	pooling	exper>se,	
competences	and	resources	in	the	鍖eld	
of	CP	
The feasibility of the centre should be based on a wide consultation
of all stakeholders
(Public administrations, universities, research institutions and enterprises)
Equal	comprehension	of	na-onal	
authori-es	role	in	the	establishment	of	a	
regional	centre	for	disaster	preparedness
>>	Summary	
			Civil	protec>on	systems	of	the	adria>c	and	ionian	countries.	A	
>	Forecas-ng	risk	in	key	countries:		
 Seismic	Risk	
 Wild	Fire	risk	
 Volcano	and	Seaquake	risk	
 Clima>c	change	risk	
>	Risk	management	in	key	countries:		
 Technology	&	Solu>ons
>>	Forecas-ng	risk	in	key	countries:	Seismic	Risk	
>	Seismic	Hazard	Predic-on	and	Preven-on	
The	predic-on	of	an	earthquakes	occurrence	within	
a	limited	interval	of	>me,	space	and	magnitude	is	
not	possible	today		
it	is	possible	to	forecast	in	a	certain	interval	of	>me,	
space	and	magnitude	a	seismic	event	with	a	
probability	greater	than	the	average	(seismic	
precursors	)	
The	iden>鍖ca>on	of	seismogenic	areas,	the	study	of	
their	historical	and	recent	seismicity,	tectonic	and	
geological	structure	allow	to	de鍖ne	the	seismic	
hazard,	on	which	base	to	take	appropriate	
preven-ve	measures	that	can	reduce	the	e鍖ects.		
	 EUSAIR Seismic Hazard maps yellow to orange colours indicate
moderate hazard areas and red colours indicate high hazard areas
>>	Forecas-ng	risk	in	key	countries:	Seismic	Risk	
>	Preven-on	measures	
The	design	and	construc>on	of	the	
new	buildings	(and	the	adapta>on	
of	the	existent	ones)	to	seismic	
resistance	technical	
The above is of particular relevance for
PSB Public Strategic Building: hospitals,
fire stations, power plants, Civil
Protection operational rooms )
>>	Forecas-ng	risk	in	key	countries:	Seismic	Risk	
>	Recommenda-ons	
The	over	-me	monitoring	of	the	buildings	
dynamic	behavior	with	respect	to	local	
seismic	ac>vity	
 permanent	installa>on	of	accelerometers	
and	microtremors		
 periodic	fast	surveys	carried	out	by	
temporary	seismic	sta>ons		
EUSAIR	risk	func-onal	center	
 set-up	of	a	common	de鍖ni>on	of	SPB;		
 set-up	of	common	systems	of	SPB	
monitoring,	seismic	vulnerability	
assessment	and	development	of	
suggested	interven>ons;	
 Set-up	of	a	common	emergency	
communica>on	radio	network
>>	Summary	
			Civil	protec>on	systems	of	the	adria>c	and	ionian	countries.	A	
>	Forecas-ng	risk	in	key	countries:		
 Seismic	Risk	
 Wild	Fire	risk	
 Volcano	and	Seaquake	risk	
 Clima>c	change	risk	
>	Risk	management	in	key	countries:		
 Technology	&	Solu>ons
>>	Forecas-ng	risk	in	key	countries:	Wild	鍖re	risk	
>	the	risk	for	forest	鍖res	and	the	vulnerability	of	forests		
- Climate change,
- increasing number of tourists, of
road and railway infrastructures
- human settlements
a level of risk beyond which
further burning would seriously
endanger these ecosystems
and their sustainable
Satellite image showing a large number of fires in the Adriatic region on
August 30th 2012
>>	Forecas-ng	risk	in	key	countries:	Wild	鍖re	risk	
>	Joint	management	policies	for	control	of	wild-鍖re	risk		
CPC	support	to	Adria>c	and	Ionian	countries	
set-up of a common system of wildfire risk
calculation and alerting;
set-up of common systems of wildfires
monitoring, surveillance, early warning
and evacuation (especially for the coastal touristic
standardisation and harmonisation of procedures
for joint fire-fighting management particularly in
cross-border fires;
standardisation of protocols for cross-border
cooperation in fire-fighting including terrestrial and
aerial fire-fighting;
>>	Forecas-ng	risk	in	key	countries:	Wild	鍖re	risk	
>	Joint	management	policies	for	control	of	wild-鍖re	risk		
CPC	support	to	Adria>c	and	Ionian	countries	
definition of standard protocols in protection of
vulnerable natural and man-made resources;
development of efficient procedures of prevention and
control of wildfires in the wildland-urban interface areas;
set-up of a common Virtual Research Centre on wildfires,
establishing a network of scientific and research institutions of the
Adriatic and Ionian region; the Centre should promote investigation on wildfires fuel
and development of reliable wildfire propagation simulators that can support the firefighters
crews and aerial vehicles in the wildfire control and suppression activities.
development of a regional Web based system for
information exchange concerning fire-fighting activities
>>	Summary	
			Civil	protec>on	systems	of	the	adria>c	and	ionian	countries.	A	
>	Forecas-ng	risk	in	key	countries:		
 Seismic	Risk	
 Wild	Fire	risk	
 Volcano	and	Seaquake	risk	
 Clima>c	change	risk	
>	Risk	management	in	key	countries:		
 Technology	&	Solu>ons
>>	Forecas-ng	risk	in	key	countries:	Volcano	and	seaquake	risk	
>	Direc-ve	Vesuvioan	italian	exemple	of	standardiza-on	and	planning	
The	interna>onal	scien>鍖c	
community	has	indicated	the	
Vesuvius	area	among	the	most	
dangerous	in	the	world	due	to	
volcanic	ac>vity.		
Vesuvius eruption. March 1944
About	2	million	people	poten-ally	at	risk..
Four levels of alert
≒ base	level	(green),		
≒ a	level	of	a8en>on	(yellow),		
≒ a	pre-alarm	level	(orange)	
≒ 	an	alarm	level	(red)	
>>	Forecas-ng	risk	in	key	countries:	Volcano	and	seaquake	risk	
>	DPCM	14	February	2014		
Two	plans	for	the	two	areas	
≒ Red	and	yellow	zone	of	"Vesuvius	Plan,	
≒ Red	and	yellow	zone	of	the	"	Campi	Flegrei	
Plan	,		
≒ The	twinning	between	the	towns	of	the	red	
zone	and	the	Regions	and	the	Autonomous	
>>	Forecas-ng	risk	in	key	countries:	Volcano	and	seaquake	risk	
>	DCDPC	31	march	2015	
Opera>onal	instruc>ons	that	
components	and	opera>onal	
structures	of	the	Na>onal	Service	
should	follow	to	update	their	
emergency	plans	in	case	
evacua>on	of	the	red	zone:	
 Technical	corps	
 Public	Administra>ons	
 Twinned	regions
>>	Forecas-ng	risk	in	key	countries:	Volcano	and	seaquake	risk	
>	Vesuvio	and	Campi	Flegrei	status	
Campi	Flegrei
>>	Summary	
			Civil	protec>on	systems	of	the	adria>c	and	ionian	countries.	A	
>	Forecas-ng	risk	in	key	countries:		
 Seismic	Risk	
 Wild	Fire	risk	
 Volcano	and	Seaquake	risk	
 Clima-c	change	risk	
>	Risk	management	in	key	countries:		
 Technology	&	Solu>ons
>>	Forecas-ng	risk	in	key	countries:	Clima-c	change	risk	
>	The	clima-c	changes	
The Mediterranean basin and the
Balkan are two of the most
vulnerable regions in the world,
due to the impacts of Climatic
Change interrelated consequences
Volume	of	Mediterranean	sea	masses	while	having	an	indirect	impact	on	
precipita>ons,	habitats,	and	associated	ecosystems.		
The expected growth of the
average annual temperature in
the Mediterranean region will be
slightly higher than that of the
world level
LATEST NEWS from Marrakech Climatic Change Conference
According to UN Meteorological Agency, 2016 world temperature is 1,2属C higher than pre-
industrial levels. 2016 is one of the 16 hottest years in known temperature history.
>	Joint	management	policies	for	control	of	clima-c	change	risk		
>>	Forecas-ng	risk	in	key	countries:	Clima-c	change	risk	
CPC	support	to	Adria>c	and	Ionian	countries	
set-up of a common system of climatic risk calculation and alerting;
set-up of common system of monitoring, surveillance, early warning and
evacuation (especially for the coastal touristic settlements);
standardization and harmonization of procedures for joint management of
emergency, particularly in cross-border floods
improvement of weather monitoring, through the installation of new weather
monitoring stations and X-band weather radars in not adequately monitored areas,
especially in those with the highest tourist density, and in those at high risk of more
floods and landslides
improvement of weather monitoring respect to heat waves in urban areas more densely
>>	Mari>me	and	land	migra>ons		
CPC	support	to	Adria>c	and	Ionian	countries	
set-up of common system of monitoring,
surveillance, early warning and rescue;
standardization and harmonization of
procedures for joint management of
emergency, particularly in cross-border
Central management of operative and
technical structures
>>	Summary	
			Civil	protec>on	systems	of	the	adria>c	and	ionian	countries.	A	
>	Forecas-ng	risk	in	key	countries:		
 Seismic	Risk	
 Wild	Fire	risk	
 Volcano	and	Seaquake	risk	
 Clima>c	change	risk	
>	Risk	management	in	key	countries:		
 Technology	&	Solu-ons
>	Manage	Resilience	with	Innova-ve	Technology	
>>	Risk	management	in	key	countries:	Technology	&	Solu-ons	
The	anatomy	of	a	city	is	complex	as	it	consists	of	di鍖erent	elements.	These	are:	
(individuals, groups of people, government..)
Services and Infrastructures
that contribute to the welfare of citizens
Technology solutions and
capabilities are able to
cover the different risk
Forest Fire,
Migration & Border
>	Manage	Resilience	with	Innova-ve	Technology	
>>	Risk	management	in	key	countries:	Technology	&	Solu-ons
>	Manage	Resilience	with	Innova-ve	Technology	
>>	Risk	management	in	key	countries:	Technology	&	Solu-ons	
Such system(s) must support the the Managers who will be in charge for managing both the cross layer
and the Silo during day by day activities and immediately before, during and post the critical event.
>	From	data	gathering..		
>>	Risk	management	in	key	countries:	Technology	&	Solu-ons
>	..to	informa-on	visualiza-on..	
>>	Risk	management	in	key	countries:	Technology	&	Solu-ons	
Events management
Standard sensors
Events/Alarms list
Events correlation
Events/Alarms description
Workflow Physical resources localization
2D and satellite mapping
>	to	decision	support	
>>	Risk	management	in	key	countries:	Technology	&	Solu-ons
Riccardo Cocozza
IKRAN SERVICES Chief Innovation Officer
Holistic Program Working Group Member
@ riccardo.cocozza@ikranservices.it
Ph. +39 331 19 73 404
On behalf of the working group, composed of:
Dott. Nicola Pavone  Molise Region & Working Group Leader
Avv. Mario Ialenti - Molise Region
Dott.ssa Maria Luisa Esposito - MA in Comparative and European
Dott. Gino Verrocchi - European Project Expert
Prof. Marco Marchetti - Molise University
Prof. Massimiliano Fazzini - Camerino University
Dott. Antonio Cardillo - Civil Protection Service, Molise Region
Ing. Giorgio Mosca  Head of Strategies and Solutions, Leonardo
Thank you for your attention

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International civil protection and risk reduction Functional Center