Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
MY TAGLINE:be whatever that you can be... trust urself 1st and be confidence in whatever u do...put the effort in the 2nd line..n you will see how it will change your life.....
I'm quite sweet kinda person........caring...down to earth.... easy going person cherrfull...ambitious person....never give up easily.... love challenges.....110 % BuSinESS MindEd.......cAts LOVeR's..........
I"m WriTINg tHIS AS My WILL : dEdiCAtED to ThE pERson i love...PreVIoUSly i sAy i Don't belIeVE in LOVE..bUt yet WheN i MEet hIm i dEClInEd MY BeLiEVE...yOu MAkEs mE bELieVE in lOVE...BUt UNFORtuNETELy....n FRanKly NOw I doN'T bElIevE IN lOVe siNcE yoU"vE CREAtEd THis........I dOn't NEed LovE.........DOn'
Users following MizzluvRinda Bella

Ahmed Mohamed
مهندس كمبيوتر at المعهد العالى للخدمة الاجتماعي...