This document summarizes a study on phytoplankton nutrient limitation in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon in Portugal. The study found that phytoplankton growth was nitrogen-limited throughout the year, with nitrogen uptake and growth increasing with nitrogen additions even at concentrations up to 12 亮M. The results indicate the need to consider seasonal variations and different limiting concentrations for different phytoplankton species when establishing nutrient criteria for eutrophication assessments. The document also describes several other experiments and effects analyzed as part of the overall study.
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Phytoplankton nutrient limitation in the Ria Formosa
1. Phytoplankton nutrient limitation in the Ria Formosa:
implications for eutrophication assessment
Rita B. Domingues1,2, C叩tia C. Guerra1, Ana B. Barbosa1, Helena M. Galv達o1
1 Centro de Investiga巽達o Marinha e Ambiental, Universidade do Algarve
2 Centro de Oceanografia, Faculdade de Ci棚ncias, Universidade de Lisboa
2. What is phytoplankton?
unicellular, photosynthetic prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms whose powers
of locomotion are such that they drift freely in the water column
diatoms, dinoflagellates, coccolithophores, cyanobacteria,
Why is phytoplankton so important?
phytoplankton is the main primary producer in most aquatic ecosystems
phytoplankton is a fundamental player in many ecosystem processes
phytoplankton is a gauge of ecological condition and change
phytoplankton can be used to predict the functioning of aquatic ecosystems and
ecosystem responses to natural and anthropogenic perturbations
3. Studying phytoplankton is not straightforward
the ecological role played by different phytoplankton groups and species varies
phytoplankton in coastal ecosystems is undergoing marked changes
(biomass, composition, phenology) linked to local anthropogenic influences and
climate change
links between environmental and phytoplankton changes are difficult to establish
Importance of nutrients
Nutrient availability is a key driver of phytoplankton dynamics
Nutrient limitation is a central question for eutrophication control
How do nutrients affect phytoplankton growth, diversity and production?
Assessment of the impact of nutrient enrichment (eutrophication) and
subsequent nutrient reduction strategies
4. Why the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon?
multiple anthropogenic influences
very vulnerable to climate change
phytoplankton regulation is a critical aspect
in a fast-changing ecosystem
lack of information on phytoplankton regulation in the Ria Formosa
studies are mostly descriptive
Project PHYTORIA Environmental Regulation of Phytoplankton in the
Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (PTDC/MAR/114380/2009)
to determine the limiting nutrients for phytoplankton growth and their
seasonal variation in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon
to understand the effects of potential anthropogenic nutrient enrichment on
phytoplankton structure in the Ria Formosa
5. Approaches
nutrient addition experiments in 2 L microcosms containing natural
phytoplankton assemblages from the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon
autumn, winter, spring, summer
addition of dissolved inorganic macronutrients, alone and in combinations, in a
single, saturating pulse
in situ incubation (under in situ T and light)
phytoplankton growth (epifluorescence and inverted microscopy)
nutrient consumption
6. Results N consumption
25 13.5
Autumn 11.5 Spring
N uptake (袖M d-1)
20 9.5
N uptake (袖M d-1)
15 7.5
10 3.5
5 1.5
0 -2.5
30 Summer
25 Winter
N uptake (袖M d-1)
N uptake (袖M d-1)
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-5 -5
higher N uptake in N-enriched treatments in relation to the control indicate N
limitation phytoplankton in the Ria Formosa is N-limited throughout the
NO3- concentrations up to 12 袖M were limiting to phytoplankton growth
7. Results Establishing nutrient criteria
Application of nutrient limitation criteria based on Ks problems
Ks obtained for unialgal cultures under equilibrium conditions
Ks vary temporally, spatially, inter- and intraspecifically
Establishment of nutrient criteria
- should consider the seasonal variation of phytoplankton community (different
spp. are limited in different ways by different nutrients)
- should consider that limiting concentrations dont have to be necessarily low
concentrations (e.g., in the Guadiana estuary N is limiting up to 20 袖M:
Domingues et al., 2011)
0,5 **
Community net growth rate (d -1)
0,45 spring **
Initial N = 22 袖M
0,3 **
control N P Si NP SiN SiP NPSi
8. Results Phytoplankton net growth
Community net growth rate (d-1)
Increased nutrient uptake 0.7
phytoplankton growth
control Nit Amm P Si NP SiN SiP NPSi
luxury consumption 0.35
Net growth rate (d-1)
control Nit Amm P Si NP SiN SiP NPSi
9. Bottle effects on microcosm Effects of nutrient enrichment on Phytoplankton mortality in the
experiments bacterioplankton in the RF Ria Formosa
Effects of ultraviolet radiation and CO2 increase on winter phytoplankton
assemblages in a temperate coastal lagoon (Ria Formosa)
Rita B. Domingues, Ana B. Barbosa, Vanda Brotas
10. Thank You for Your Attention!
FCT project Phytoria Environmental regulation of phytoplankton in the Ria Formosa
coastal lagoon (PTDC/MAR/114380/2009)
Postdoctoral fellowship awarded to RBD (SFRH/BPD/68688/2010)