...Cause I’m still learning the art of love
I’m still trying to not mess up
So whenever I stumble let me know
You need to spell it out for me
Cause i'm still trying to learn the art of love...
kaTa DC sich, akuwH tUwh saK-KaRePPe dEwE! Ha-Hok.. nGenTut-aN, anD aLwaYs BuRb...
kaTa Nyax siCh akuwH tUcH,,, YOU KNOW LAH...
kLo kaTa AkuWh... akUwH tuCh, nGanGenin.. (disAmBut---> CaH LaNanG kOk dikaNGenin?? oUcH,, kEjaM!!!)
>>>aku hanya seorang anak manusia yang dilahirkan ke dunia dengan ke-unik-an ku sendiri...
this is real,, this is me...