Media Economics Group established HispanicWebMonitor in 2001 to track Hispanic advertising across nearly 200 websites. The service provides comprehensive competitive intelligence on advertisers, categories, brands, and creative content appearing online. Subscribers use the data for business development, identifying sales opportunities, and researching where to advertise. HispanicWebMonitor automatically collects advertising data, classifies it, and allows users to uncover new advertisers, local businesses, and competitors in specific categories and websites.
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Meg Webmonitor Overview
1. Media Economics Group
HispanicWebMonitor Overview
Business development tools for todays competitive world
2. Media Economics Group:
Company established in 2002.
Opportunity to meet market need/demand for Hispanic-specific
research data.
HispanicWebMonitor (2001); HispanicMagazineMonitor (2002)
services launched to meet market needs for competitive
Currently provide most extensive coverage of Hispanic
advertising in magazine and online media available. 60+
Hispanic magazines; 200 Hispanic internet sites and portals.
3. Winning NEW Business
with HispanicWebMonitor
Key Strategies to Uncover New Opportunities
Category Analysis: Which categories are of online advertising are
largest/smallest? Growing/declining?
Sales leads: Which advertisers are active this month on which
sites? Which of their brands have been advertised? What NEW
brands/advertisers have appeared in the past month, quarter, year?
What does their creative look like? What size/formats of online ads
are they using?
Competitor Set Analysis: Which brands/advertisers have been
active on my competitors sites? Which advertisers are running ads
on my competitors sites but not mine (Missing Advertisers)?
Which advertisers do we have in common?
Local Advertisers: Which businesses in your DMA are actively
advertising on Hispanic websites?
4. HispanicWebMonitor:
Methodology Overview
Tracking of nearly 200 Hispanic portals and verticals (historical
data from Jan-2001).
Automated collection of raw advertising information from
tracked sites via proprietary spider.
Classification by: Advertiser, Brand/Campaign, Ad category, Ad
Special classifications: Local Advertisers, Contests &
Promotions, House Ads (separate report from outside
We can show you: Who is advertising online, When, Where, and
What does the creative look like? 70,000+ creatives online.
5. Who subscribes?
Accentmarketing Mindshare Multicultural OMD Latino
Bravo People en Espa単ol/
Bromley Communications
Conill Advertising
Siboney USA
Cuatro Media
Tapestry Partners
dExposito & Partners
Dieste, Harmel & Partners Telemundo Digital
Hispanic Business/ Televisa Publishing/Televisa Digital
Impremedia Univision Interactive Media Magazine US Media Consulting
LatinWorks Vidal Partnership
Meredith Corp. The Miami Herald Online
6. HispanicWebMonitor:
Some of the almost 200 sites that we track
Portals: News:
AOL Latino Diario las Americas El Nuevo Herald
MSN Latino El Diario La Prensa (NY)
MySpace Latino (Orlando Sentinel) (South Florida Sun-
Starmedia (U.S. Hispanic)
Terra (U.S. Hispanic) (Hoy in L.A., NY,
Yahoo! Telemundo (Orlando)
Entertainment (Music, Sports,
Batanga (incl.
7. Providing Superior Client Insights
with HispanicWebMonitor
Business Development: Which advertisers are active this month
on which sites? Which of their brands have been advertised? What
NEW brands/advertisers have appeared in the past month, quarter,
year? What does their creative look like? What size/formats of
online ads are they using?
Provide unique insights to your Agencys clients: Which
brands/advertisers have been active in my clients category? What
NEW campaigns have they launched recently? What
contests/promotions are they running?
Where are they advertising? What does their creative look like?.
Research websites to place your clients campaigns: What new
websites have launched? Where are my clients competitors
advertising? What other advertisers are on this site? What kinds of
creative are running on this site?