1. Rments is leading apparel garments buying sourcing securing quality merchandise with correct timing
shipment. We are mostly providing garments merchandising, management, market planning, marketing,
costing on those type of garments products Mens, Womens and Children and Uni-Code clothing are
Woven top/ bottom, Knits top/bottom with good export quality !!!
We are collecting a buyer who is interested with garments business or related with that type of textile market
area. We are inviting you to make a good partnership.
Anyone interested guy can consult with us and can be our partner.
How can be our partner?
Choose your Sample garments,
Make sure or Approve the sample garments,
Order to make Bulk garments with Payments term,
Approve the bulk Sample garments for Shipments,
Then FOB shipment as you requires .
NB: As a Buyer Requires!!!
Governments support for Garments and Factory
while agriculture fordomesticconsumptionisBangladeshslargestemploymentsector,the moneygained
fromexportingtextilesisthe single greatestsource of economicgrowthinBangladesh.Exportsof textiles,
clothing,andready-made garmentsaccountedfor77% of Bangladeshstotal merchandise exportsin2002.Only
5% of textile factoriesare ownedbyforeigninvestors,withmostof the productionbeingcontrolledbylocal
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Workers Rights and Safety
- Support efforts by the government in Bangladesh, likeminded governments, ILO and international
companies to improve the working environment for local trade unions in the textiles sector and
support the efforts to establish a real social dialogue between employers associations, local
companies and trade unions, including on wage issues.
- Through political dialogue support the promotion of effective and genuinely representative
occupational health and safety committees as a mechanism for worker management dialogue
We are not only searching for a business man but also we are searching for a
good partnership. Because we want to make our trade not for one time!
We are based fully on faithfulness.