Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Valenzuela City
Elementary Teacher
u dOn't hAve to be Perpect To Let SomeBody Love You" thE WAy You wAnted to bE LOveD.. AlwAyz remember thAt Being 'SiMPLe iS tHe mOst perpect wAy tO mAke SomeOne FaLL iN LOve wiTh YOu!
i admit
im a FLIRT.....
dey shud
think im
''easy 2 get''
maybe ''YES''
but definitely ''NO''..
Coz im just hanging
around 2 enjoy
my life ....
flirting with so
many guys..
kissing any lips
i WANT...
hanging out with different man...
hahahah...but ders i thing
i dont dat true about me...
im a FLIRT ...
but unfortunately
not a BITCH!!...
dats why ?
its so hard
4 me 2 find a MAN
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