Married to a wonderful man with 2 awesome kids! Maiden name is de Marillac St Julien. Born as an identical twin. My sister Ivy passed away when 3 days old. Related to Patron-Saint of Nurses and Social workers, Saint Louise de Marillac.(Mdme Le Gras)
My maiden name is: de Marillac St Julien.
Born as an identical twin, however my sister Ivy Cornelia passed away a few days after birth due to hyaline membrane disease.
Paternally-Patron Saint of Nurses and Social workers, Saint Louise de Marillac, is an ancestor within our family group. (2nd cousin 11 times removed....!)
I am 3rd G-grandaughter of Marquis Francois Marie De Marillac St Julien ( Husaren Eskadron Chef), and his wife So