Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Hoboken, Antwerpen, Belgium
Writing / Publishing
am a drop in the ocean but in that drop sits the ocean (Rumi)
I follow the flow (mindfulness/vipassana/tao/...)
since 03/1998 spiritually awakened = self-realized
am physically a man (sex) and mentally a lesbian woman (gender)
am a volunteer worker in several organizations dealing with transition
am following a lot of courses, seminars, lectures, symposia about all sorts of "knowledges" but mainly about religions (mystic & occult forms), beliefs, (medical) science, (para)psychology, human resources, philosophy, cosmology, alchemy, mysticism, mental training like NLP & Transactional analysis
am eager to learn and very curious
am writing articles, blogs, reviews and maybe later a book
Users being followed by university hospital antwerpen (uza)