Two friends, Butch and Khristoffer, went hiking in the mountains near a friend's house, Harry. Harry warned them not to go deep into the woods, where an old witch was rumored to live. While camping, Butch was mysteriously attacked. The next day, despite Harry's warnings, Khristoffer insisted on exploring deeper in the woods. They encountered strange sights and sounds until discovering a small house, where they found Harry in the form of a black cat. It turned out Harry had been secretly courting a beautiful young woman, Liwliwa, who lived there.
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The Big Secret
1. One day, two friends, Butch and Khristoffer, went off to have mountain hiking near a friend’s
house name Harry. They invited Harry to join them in the adventure which the latter agreed.
Harry told Butch and Khristoffer that there are exciting adventures in the mountain area but
warnedthemnotto go deeper in the woods. Early in the morning they started their hike going up the
mountain. Alongthe way,theysawa lotof treesandwildplantsand flowers. But since they are not so
familiar with the place they went the wrong way and had a hard time finding their way up. And soon
they found themselves going deeper into the woods.
When night came, they find an open place where they can camp. As soon as the darkness
spreadout andcoveredthe sky, they made a bonfire to keep them warm and lighted. When suddenly
Butch felt the necessity for a nature’s call, so, he went near the woods, while the two were busy
preparing their dinner.
Without a bit of a second, Harry and Khristoffer heard the loud shout of Butch in a frightened
voice. So they hurried up to see what happened and they saw Butch lying flat on the ground
unconscious. Theycarried himback to camp wonderingwhathadtaken place. Khristoffer got curious,
he went back to the place where they found Butch and look around. He saw nothing but darkness.
Khristofferasked Harry what is in the woods that he doesn’t want them to see. Harry told him
that there is an oldwomanlivinginthe woods whom they believed it is a witch. And that anyone who
goesto herterritorycan no longergoback to the cityunharmed. Usually,according to Harry, once they
wentinto the woods, they can no longer find their way out of the woods for the witch had taken their
memory already.
After dinner, Butch had not gained consciousness yet but his vitals are stable, Khristoffer
wandered off near the woods curious what does the witch looks like, when he saw a pair of piercing
eyeslookingat him from the dark. And when he tried to go near it, it was gone. The more he became
curious to investigate.
Khristoffer went back to the camping area and sit near the fire and had some coffee, when he
heard a screeching sound from the woods. He took his gun and went off the woods, again he saw
nothing. He plannedto ask helpfromHarry so he wentback to the campingsite andfoundHarry asleep
beside Butch. So he just continued drinking his coffee and later fell asleep.
Butch woke upearlyfeelingbadthe next morning but still manage to tell Harry and Khristoffer
what happened before they found him lying unconscious on the ground. He related to them what he
saw and how the big dog almost snap his head with his big mouth.
Khristofferinsistedthattheyshouldcontinue theiradventure deeperintothe woods to find the
witch. She mightgive the answerontheirqueriesaboutthe mysteries of the pair of eyes and the giant
dog. But Harry didnot give inandinsteadinsistedthattheyshouldgobackhome andforget everything
that has taken place in there.
2. KhristofferandButch insistedsotheywentoff. Harrywas leftbehind. Astheygodeeper to the
woodstheyagain saw the piercing eyes from the dark and when they ran to check on it, it was already
gone before theycangrab it. They continued their walk when suddenly Butch fell in a pit deeper than
the height of a regular man. Khristoffer helped him out of the pit. Khristoffer saw at the back of his
eyesa bigblackcat that wasabout to attack him. Andwithall hisstrength he threw hisbag towards the
attackingcat, that made it fell tothe ground. And that was the moment when Butch saw a small house
at the heart of the woods. So they dragged the big black cat towards the hut and knocked.
And before the door opens, the big black cat moved and jumped over Butch hurting him in his
leg. But Khristoffer was quick to respond and knocked off the cat. But to their surprised the big black
cat shouted who happened to be Harry.
Andwhentheylookedatthe opendoorof the hut theysaw a verybeautiful youngladywithfair
complexion and smiling eyes standing at the doorway. Harry knew all about Liwliwa and he had been
courtingherfor quite a time and he want to keep it a secret to hi friends afraid to have competitors to
Liwliwa’s heart. Harry apologized to his two friends and now he revealed his big secret to his two
friends, his Liwliwa.