Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Manila, Philippines
im nalz... archi student..
...loves to draw
...loves music
...loves guitar, piano & drums
...loves cloud 9, snickers & mars
...loves motorcycle and cars
...loves hanging out with friends
...loves sports DONT KNOW YET...
My name is Ronalyn Albesa Gorre, Born on July 12,1993 at the beautiful City of BAybaY..
GeTtiNg 1st Yr ColLege At FAr EasterN UniVersiTy Taking Up BS ArchiTecture
Raise by my parents Mr. RoNilO BacaLso GorRe And MRs. GeRAldiNe AlbeSa GorRe..
I hAve 2 yoUnger BrotheRs NamelY Ron GerarD goRre(buDlaT) And RonNel GeNe GorRe..
I aM aDdictiVe To SporTs.. I UsUaLly TaKiNg TeAkwonDo LEssoNs Wen i Was StiLl 6, tiLl i ReAch GRade 4 TheN afTerWarDs I ShiFt
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