Accept me as I am I have no guarantee.
A claim to perfection I have not. Perfect I cannot be.
I am human.Prone to make mistakes.
Failure is not a character flaw, Just a part of the human makeup.
I live, I laugh and I also learn. ..
[yello]fOrGet Wat yew Heard..[*_*]
ReCoGniZe Wat yew See..=D*
yOu cAn Either LOve Me..yOu CouLD Either HAte MeHh..=P*
But It Awl CuMz Tu Da FaCt DaT OnLY[;]]
"-----GOD CAN JUDGE ME-----"
i w舒 凌磷 亳仂亶 Glz L 仄..[;]]
≒≒損 NAME:Roopak Sachdeva
≒≒損 SWEETHEART : (searching is on.. )..
≒≒損 My SigN : Aquarian !