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-presented by
Shyam Prasad
 You are not the only one in this world
 World is a local village
 MNCs are increasingly active in all parts of the
 Business expansion to emerging nations
 International businessmans point of view 2
 Chinese may become a power in
world economy
 Chinese Business Culture
 Time : Chinese are punctual
 Nodding usually means that they
are being polite and understand
 Guanxi  good connections
  who you know is more important
than what you know
 Listening is more important in Chinese
 Chinese are a collective society
 Chinese place values and principles above
 Factors lead to do business in India
 Production location, cheap
labour, unripen consumer markets
 English speaking business people.
 Culture :
 Important to be on time for meeting
 Personal questions restricted
 Titles are more important
 Right hand while accepting thing
 Indians are tolerant and
patient, we understand that they
dont know our culture
 Friendship matters
 Use local consultants (rules have
changed in recent years)
 Business ethics (greet with Gifts)
 Be patient in order to get
something done
 Stress exclusivity - Negotiations 
one firm at a time.
 Face-to-face interaction is
important, letters and faxes are
 Financial information
 Settling things too quickly  X
on it.
 Written agreements  best
when shown as they are
beneficial when they stick to
the deal.
 Social class plays important role
 Aristocracy, the upper bourgeoisie (upper
class of capitalist society)
 Upper-middle bourgeoisie, middle, lower
middle, lower.
 Social interactions are affected by
stereotypic people.
 Signs of status  knowledge of literature
and arts, decorated houses and high level
of education
 Friendly, humorous and sarcastic, Often
 They attract people who disagree with
them unlike Indians and Americans who
attract those who agree with them.
 French organisations are centralised.
 Insight into French culture follows.
 1 When shaking hands with a French person, use a quick shake with some
pressure in the grip.A firm, pumping handshake, which is so common in
the United States, is considered to be uncultured
 2. It is extremely importantto be on time for meetings
and social occasions. Being fashionably late is frowned on.
 3. During a meal, it is acceptable to engage in pleasant conversation, but
personal questions and the subject of money are never
brought up
 4. Great importance is placed on neatness and taste.
Therefore, visiting businesspeople should try very hard to be cultured and
 5. The French tend to be suspiciousof early friendliness in the
discussion and dislike first names. 11
 6. In negotiations the French try to find out what all of the other
sides aimsand demands are at the beginning, but they reveal
their own hand only late in the negotiations.
 7. The French do not like being rushedinto making a decision(unlike
Americans), and they rarely make important decisions inside the meeting.
In fact, the person who is ultimately responsible for making the decision is
often not present.
 War, terrorist actions and continuing conflicts
(Arabic countries scene.)
 Its often hard to do business in Arab
 Bukra Insha Allah in contrast to Americans
time is money
 1. It is important neverto display feelings of
superiority, because this makes the other party feel inferior. No
matter how well someone does something, the individual should let the
action speak for itself and not brag or put on a show of self-importance.
 2. One should not take credit for joint efforts. A great
deal of what is accomplished is a result of group work, and to indicate that
one accomplished something alone is a mistake.
 3. Connections are extremely importantin
conducting business.Well-connected businesspeople can get things done
much faster than their counterparts who do not know the ins and outs of
the system.
 4. Patienceis critical to the success of business transactions.This
time consideration should be built into all negotiations, thus preventing
one from giving away too much in an effort to reach a quick settlement.
 5. Important decisions usually are made in person, not by
correspondence or telephone.
 Brazil is LatinAmerican country but its different from
 Colony of Portugal till 1865.
 Relaxed work ethic
 Physical contacts of greetings
 Face to face interaction is acceptable, other than pre-
calling or emailing.
 Having strong relations ships is must as they dont trust
 Appearance plays a major role.
 Patience is the key
 Presentations should be informative and expressive.
 Cultures affect the business
 Different culture has different view of doing
 Its important to understand those differences
 Do the business according to their cultures
 Price yourself the MostValuable
Businessman in theWorld!

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Doing business in different cultures

  • 2. You are not the only one in this world World is a local village MNCs are increasingly active in all parts of the world Business expansion to emerging nations International businessmans point of view 2
  • 3. Chinese may become a power in world economy Chinese Business Culture Time : Chinese are punctual Nodding usually means that they are being polite and understand Guanxi good connections who you know is more important than what you know 3
  • 4. Listening is more important in Chinese culture Chinese are a collective society Chinese place values and principles above money 4
  • 5. Factors lead to do business in India Production location, cheap labour, unripen consumer markets English speaking business people. Culture : Important to be on time for meeting Personal questions restricted Titles are more important 5
  • 6. Right hand while accepting thing Bargaining Indians are tolerant and patient, we understand that they dont know our culture 6
  • 7. Friendship matters Use local consultants (rules have changed in recent years) Business ethics (greet with Gifts) Be patient in order to get something done Stress exclusivity - Negotiations one firm at a time. Face-to-face interaction is important, letters and faxes are discouraged. 7
  • 8. Financial information Settling things too quickly X on it. Written agreements best when shown as they are beneficial when they stick to the deal. 8
  • 9. Social class plays important role Aristocracy, the upper bourgeoisie (upper class of capitalist society) Upper-middle bourgeoisie, middle, lower middle, lower. Social interactions are affected by stereotypic people. Signs of status knowledge of literature and arts, decorated houses and high level of education Friendly, humorous and sarcastic, Often sarcastic. 9
  • 10. They attract people who disagree with them unlike Indians and Americans who attract those who agree with them. Trustworthiness French organisations are centralised. 10
  • 11. Insight into French culture follows. 1 When shaking hands with a French person, use a quick shake with some pressure in the grip.A firm, pumping handshake, which is so common in the United States, is considered to be uncultured 2. It is extremely importantto be on time for meetings and social occasions. Being fashionably late is frowned on. 3. During a meal, it is acceptable to engage in pleasant conversation, but personal questions and the subject of money are never brought up 4. Great importance is placed on neatness and taste. Therefore, visiting businesspeople should try very hard to be cultured and sophisticated. 5. The French tend to be suspiciousof early friendliness in the discussion and dislike first names. 11
  • 12. 6. In negotiations the French try to find out what all of the other sides aimsand demands are at the beginning, but they reveal their own hand only late in the negotiations. 7. The French do not like being rushedinto making a decision(unlike Americans), and they rarely make important decisions inside the meeting. In fact, the person who is ultimately responsible for making the decision is often not present. 12
  • 13. War, terrorist actions and continuing conflicts (Arabic countries scene.) Its often hard to do business in Arab countries. Bukra Insha Allah in contrast to Americans time is money 13
  • 14. 1. It is important neverto display feelings of superiority, because this makes the other party feel inferior. No matter how well someone does something, the individual should let the action speak for itself and not brag or put on a show of self-importance. 2. One should not take credit for joint efforts. A great deal of what is accomplished is a result of group work, and to indicate that one accomplished something alone is a mistake. 3. Connections are extremely importantin conducting business.Well-connected businesspeople can get things done much faster than their counterparts who do not know the ins and outs of the system. 14
  • 15. 4. Patienceis critical to the success of business transactions.This time consideration should be built into all negotiations, thus preventing one from giving away too much in an effort to reach a quick settlement. 5. Important decisions usually are made in person, not by correspondence or telephone. 15
  • 16. Brazil is LatinAmerican country but its different from other. Colony of Portugal till 1865. Relaxed work ethic Physical contacts of greetings Face to face interaction is acceptable, other than pre- calling or emailing. Having strong relations ships is must as they dont trust soon. Appearance plays a major role. Patience is the key Presentations should be informative and expressive. 16
  • 17. Cultures affect the business Different culture has different view of doing business Its important to understand those differences Do the business according to their cultures Price yourself the MostValuable Businessman in theWorld! 17
  • 18. 18
  • 19. 19