Powerpoint rationaleKeppsyPDHPE is designed to be inclusive of all students regardless of their abilities and provides opportunities to learn about and experience things outside of their normal lives through fun physical activities. It allows students to work together in teams to achieve goals while engaging their bodies freely through movement, which can serve as an outlet to release energy.
Scientific method worksheetTaid Hadjirah1) Students play thumb wars to learn the scientific method and identify sources of experimental error.
2) They measure their wrists, thumb length, and circumference to form hypotheses on what makes a good thumb wrestler.
3) Students then play thumb wars in rounds, recording winners, and graph their results alongside the class averages to analyze which traits best predict winning.
4. sel elektrolisis belum fixArul GdgDokumen ini membahas tentang elektrolisis dan sel elektrolisis. Elektrolisis adalah proses penguraian larutan elektrolit menjadi unsur-unsurnya melalui energi listrik. Sel elektrolisis terdiri atas sumber listrik, katoda, anoda, dan elektrolit. Reaksi redoks terjadi di katoda dan anoda, dengan reduksi di katoda dan oksidasi di anoda.
Integrationlyonka021) Integrating different health IT systems in India was challenging due to a lack of political support for certain aspects and systems not being equally supported.
2) Prior to integration, different systems did not work together, forcing staff to re-enter data into multiple systems to access needed information and data.
3) The article discusses how e-infrastructure can provide shared access to data and computing resources for research, and how patient and geographic data can be more easily analyzed and reported regularly through integration. However, the article is biased as it was written by those implementing the DHIS system.
KeyWifi 27 Exec Sum deck sldshrAdam BlackKeyWifi is a disruptive platform that delivers
affordable Internet access and universal wifi
roaming by creating a peer-to-peer network
of Internet sharing that grows virally.
KeyWifi.com allows anyone, anywhere to rent
their wifi to others, opening up thousands
of hotspots in a virtual network, whilst
simultaneously lowering access cost. Our
web-based wifi sharing system requires no
additional hardware or software and is therefore
available immediately and globally. KeyWifi is
“The AirBnB of Wifi.”
We combine the most stringent
security available with a hotspot location
finding, payment and revenue gateway, plus
a tracking system that collectively enable
low cost seamless wifi access everywhere
with freedom for users, control for suppliers
and security for all.
Users pay for access, suppliers receive at
least 66% of revenue. Suppliers control when
and to whom they rent their hotspots, using
controls, ratings and a self policed system.
Contact at adam@keywifi.com
Cyber war some-recommendsnghia le trungBài trình bày bên lề sự kiện "Ngày An toàn thông tin Việt Nam 2013", khu vực phía Nam, ngày 13-14/11/2013 tại thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.
Lessons for Africa’s Integration inspired by the EU IntegrationGaia MancoThe commitment of African countries and their leaders to the ideals of regional cooperation
has been an integral part of the development discuss on the continent even before the wave of
independence in the 1960s. The promise of regional integration is the benefits to be derived
from smaller economies coming together and forming larger markets capable of attracting
meaningful investments and benefit from economies of scale. Armed with this believe
African economies have adopted ambitious integration targets towards the creation of an
African common market by 2025. This has mostly been through the creation of European
styled institutions of integration tasked with the responsibility of pushing ahead the
integration agenda. The paper argues that the adoption of EU styled institutions in Africa’s
integration experience without taking cognisance of the triggers,motivation and challenges
these institutions were created to address,explains the more degree of implementation of
regional integration commitments on the continent. It further argues that the European Unoin
is infact not the fruit of a single model of integration and can consequently not be replicated
in another part of the world though the lessons from its experience of integration remain
useful and relevant for experiences of regional integration across the world, including in
Africa. The paper closes by recommending a number of important lessons Africa can learn
from Europe’s integration experience to ensure that it moves from its current stage of rhetoric
and institutional proliferation to the active pursuit of development friendly regional
integration agenda
Results of the XI International wine exhibitionAsti Group Exhibition CompanyThe XI International Wine Exhibition "Drinks Industry/Russian Wine Fair 2011" was held from November 17-19 in Moscow. Over 250 companies from 17 countries presented over 5,000 wines. This included many of the top Russian producers from Krasnodar and Rostov, alongside leading companies from Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Portugal, and other European countries. Speeches were given by government officials and industry leaders emphasizing the importance of the wine fair and promoting the continued development of the Russian wine industry.
ACM MobileHCI 2012 - Playing it Real: Magic Lens and Static Peephole Interface…Jens GrubertJens Grubert delivered the presentation on September 29th, 2012 during the 14th edition of MobileHCI, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services in San Francisco, California, USA.
Magic lens and static peephole interfaces are used in numerous consumer mobile phone applications such as Augmented Reality browsers, games or digital map applications in a variety of contexts including public spaces. Interface performance has been evaluated for various interaction tasks involving spatial relationships in a scene. However, interface usage outside laboratory conditions has not been considered in depth in the evaluation of these interfaces.
We present findings about the usage of magic lens and static peephole interfaces for playing a find-and-select game in a public space and report on the reactions of the public audience to participants‟ interactions.
Contrary to our expectations participants favored the magic lens over a static peephole interface despite tracking errors, fatigue and potentially conspicuous gestures. Most passersby did not pay attention to the participants and vice versa. A comparative laboratory experiment revealed only few differences in system usage.
Mobile User Interfaces for Efficient Verification of HologramsJens Grubert1. The document proposes and evaluates three user interface approaches (Alignment, Constrained Navigation, and Hybrid) for efficiently verifying holograms on mobile devices.
2. A user study found that the Constrained Navigation interface was fastest to complete verification tasks but was not preferred by users over the other approaches.
3. While the proposed interfaces improved on previous methods requiring precise 6 DOF alignment, verification was still too slow for most real-world applications according to the authors.
Pa la gaining insightlyonka02This document summarizes survey results from patrons at two university libraries about their preferences and frustrations when using the libraries. The top favorite spots on the main floor were the apse and soft furniture areas. Patrons indicated they would like to see more computers, outlets, tables, and printers added. The top frustrations reported were noise levels, not enough computers, printer issues, and lack of outlets. Usage data showed higher occupancy of seats in certain areas over others.
Ip and-software-patents-august-2014nghia le trungTrình bày cho đại diện các công ty phần mềm mới khởi nghiệp tham gia dự án Vietnam Silicon Valey của Bộ Khoa học & Công nghệ ngày 26/08/2014 trong không gian của dự án
Mpeg Advisor Presentation Power Point[1]maryannstaffMedical Practice Efficiency Group (MPEG) provides operational improvement solutions to help medical practices reduce costs and improve profits through their integrated software platform SILKisi and partnerships for medical malpractice insurance and captive insurance solutions, allowing financial advisors to differentiate themselves by solving practices' business problems rather than just managing their discretionary income. MPEG targets practices with over $5 million in billing and 5 practitioners to provide solutions that can improve billing and collections by 20-48% and reduce medical malpractice insurance costs by 40-60%. Financial advisors are encouraged to contact MPEG if they have opportunities to help practices improve operations and profitability.
4. sel elektrolisis belum fixArul GdgDokumen ini membahas tentang elektrolisis dan sel elektrolisis. Elektrolisis adalah proses penguraian larutan elektrolit menjadi unsur-unsurnya melalui energi listrik. Sel elektrolisis terdiri atas sumber listrik, katoda, anoda, dan elektrolit. Reaksi redoks terjadi di katoda dan anoda, dengan reduksi di katoda dan oksidasi di anoda.
Integrationlyonka021) Integrating different health IT systems in India was challenging due to a lack of political support for certain aspects and systems not being equally supported.
2) Prior to integration, different systems did not work together, forcing staff to re-enter data into multiple systems to access needed information and data.
3) The article discusses how e-infrastructure can provide shared access to data and computing resources for research, and how patient and geographic data can be more easily analyzed and reported regularly through integration. However, the article is biased as it was written by those implementing the DHIS system.
KeyWifi 27 Exec Sum deck sldshrAdam BlackKeyWifi is a disruptive platform that delivers
affordable Internet access and universal wifi
roaming by creating a peer-to-peer network
of Internet sharing that grows virally.
KeyWifi.com allows anyone, anywhere to rent
their wifi to others, opening up thousands
of hotspots in a virtual network, whilst
simultaneously lowering access cost. Our
web-based wifi sharing system requires no
additional hardware or software and is therefore
available immediately and globally. KeyWifi is
“The AirBnB of Wifi.”
We combine the most stringent
security available with a hotspot location
finding, payment and revenue gateway, plus
a tracking system that collectively enable
low cost seamless wifi access everywhere
with freedom for users, control for suppliers
and security for all.
Users pay for access, suppliers receive at
least 66% of revenue. Suppliers control when
and to whom they rent their hotspots, using
controls, ratings and a self policed system.
Contact at adam@keywifi.com
Cyber war some-recommendsnghia le trungBài trình bày bên lề sự kiện "Ngày An toàn thông tin Việt Nam 2013", khu vực phía Nam, ngày 13-14/11/2013 tại thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.
Lessons for Africa’s Integration inspired by the EU IntegrationGaia MancoThe commitment of African countries and their leaders to the ideals of regional cooperation
has been an integral part of the development discuss on the continent even before the wave of
independence in the 1960s. The promise of regional integration is the benefits to be derived
from smaller economies coming together and forming larger markets capable of attracting
meaningful investments and benefit from economies of scale. Armed with this believe
African economies have adopted ambitious integration targets towards the creation of an
African common market by 2025. This has mostly been through the creation of European
styled institutions of integration tasked with the responsibility of pushing ahead the
integration agenda. The paper argues that the adoption of EU styled institutions in Africa’s
integration experience without taking cognisance of the triggers,motivation and challenges
these institutions were created to address,explains the more degree of implementation of
regional integration commitments on the continent. It further argues that the European Unoin
is infact not the fruit of a single model of integration and can consequently not be replicated
in another part of the world though the lessons from its experience of integration remain
useful and relevant for experiences of regional integration across the world, including in
Africa. The paper closes by recommending a number of important lessons Africa can learn
from Europe’s integration experience to ensure that it moves from its current stage of rhetoric
and institutional proliferation to the active pursuit of development friendly regional
integration agenda
Results of the XI International wine exhibitionAsti Group Exhibition CompanyThe XI International Wine Exhibition "Drinks Industry/Russian Wine Fair 2011" was held from November 17-19 in Moscow. Over 250 companies from 17 countries presented over 5,000 wines. This included many of the top Russian producers from Krasnodar and Rostov, alongside leading companies from Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Portugal, and other European countries. Speeches were given by government officials and industry leaders emphasizing the importance of the wine fair and promoting the continued development of the Russian wine industry.
ACM MobileHCI 2012 - Playing it Real: Magic Lens and Static Peephole Interface…Jens GrubertJens Grubert delivered the presentation on September 29th, 2012 during the 14th edition of MobileHCI, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services in San Francisco, California, USA.
Magic lens and static peephole interfaces are used in numerous consumer mobile phone applications such as Augmented Reality browsers, games or digital map applications in a variety of contexts including public spaces. Interface performance has been evaluated for various interaction tasks involving spatial relationships in a scene. However, interface usage outside laboratory conditions has not been considered in depth in the evaluation of these interfaces.
We present findings about the usage of magic lens and static peephole interfaces for playing a find-and-select game in a public space and report on the reactions of the public audience to participants‟ interactions.
Contrary to our expectations participants favored the magic lens over a static peephole interface despite tracking errors, fatigue and potentially conspicuous gestures. Most passersby did not pay attention to the participants and vice versa. A comparative laboratory experiment revealed only few differences in system usage.
Mobile User Interfaces for Efficient Verification of HologramsJens Grubert1. The document proposes and evaluates three user interface approaches (Alignment, Constrained Navigation, and Hybrid) for efficiently verifying holograms on mobile devices.
2. A user study found that the Constrained Navigation interface was fastest to complete verification tasks but was not preferred by users over the other approaches.
3. While the proposed interfaces improved on previous methods requiring precise 6 DOF alignment, verification was still too slow for most real-world applications according to the authors.
Pa la gaining insightlyonka02This document summarizes survey results from patrons at two university libraries about their preferences and frustrations when using the libraries. The top favorite spots on the main floor were the apse and soft furniture areas. Patrons indicated they would like to see more computers, outlets, tables, and printers added. The top frustrations reported were noise levels, not enough computers, printer issues, and lack of outlets. Usage data showed higher occupancy of seats in certain areas over others.
Ip and-software-patents-august-2014nghia le trungTrình bày cho đại diện các công ty phần mềm mới khởi nghiệp tham gia dự án Vietnam Silicon Valey của Bộ Khoa học & Công nghệ ngày 26/08/2014 trong không gian của dự án
Mpeg Advisor Presentation Power Point[1]maryannstaffMedical Practice Efficiency Group (MPEG) provides operational improvement solutions to help medical practices reduce costs and improve profits through their integrated software platform SILKisi and partnerships for medical malpractice insurance and captive insurance solutions, allowing financial advisors to differentiate themselves by solving practices' business problems rather than just managing their discretionary income. MPEG targets practices with over $5 million in billing and 5 practitioners to provide solutions that can improve billing and collections by 20-48% and reduce medical malpractice insurance costs by 40-60%. Financial advisors are encouraged to contact MPEG if they have opportunities to help practices improve operations and profitability.
906702 Enhancing Business Processes Using Enterprise Information SystemssirorosChapter 7: Enhancing Business Processes Using Enterprise Information Systems