This document provides steps for creating a basic animation of a moving car in Adobe Flash. It defines key animation terms like animation, frames, key frames, and tweening. The steps instruct the user to open Flash, create a new symbol, draw a circle and lines to make wheels, add key frames, apply classic tweening to make the wheels turn, create a car body layer, position the wheels under the body, add more key frames to move the car from side to side, and press play to loop the animation. The document concludes by suggesting an exercise to create your own moving vehicle animation with a background.
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Steps on how to move a wheel of car
1. This topic are all about STEPS for
Making to move a car.
Prepared by: Mr. Nestor Miguel T. Pimentel
Computer Instructor
2. Definitions of term:
ï‚— Animation is the process of making the illusion of
motion and the illusion of change by means of the rapid
succession of sequential images that minimally differ
from each other.
3. References:
ï‚— Frame
ï‚— The drawings are called "frames" because their position
in time is measured in frames on a strip of film.
ï‚— Key Frame
ï‚— A key frame in
animation and
filmmaking is a
drawing that
defines the
starting and
ending points
of any smooth
4. Definitions of terms:
ï‚— A Motion tween is a type of animation that uses symbols to
create movement, size and rotation changes, fades, and color
ï‚— Classic tween refers to tweening in Flash CS3 and earlier,
and is maintained in Animate primarily for transition
ï‚— Next, once Adobe Flash
environment appear like
shown below select for
ï‚— Next, Create New
Symbol then press
 The ‘ActionScript3’ will be
opened as shown right.
ï‚— Next, Create now
circle then adjust on
thickness, outline,
fill color based on
your preference.
 Next,’ create circle
with lines vertically.
ï‚— Then, create line
across or
ï‚— Next, Insert a frame.
10. STEPS:
ï‚— After Inserting Frame,
this time we insert key
ï‚— Next, we apply CLASSIC TWEEN.
REF: Frame and Key Frame.
11. STEPS:
ï‚— So TWEEN is finished, next step is we create NEW
LAYER then draw a body of a CAR as show below.
12. STEPS:
ï‚— Next, let us move the
wheel and position it
under the body of a car.
ï‚— IF FINISH, let us apply now
Insert a keyframe at around
the 60-frame point
depending on how fast you
want your car. Then add a
Remember that the less
frames you have, the quicker
your animation will be.
13. STEPS:
ï‚— Next, to take effect the CLASSIC TWEEN, you must click
and choose CREATE CLASSIC TWEEN as show below.
14. STEPS:
ï‚— CLASSIC TWEEN is applied, make
sure you apply key frames of 60. Then
move your car to LEFT SIDE.
ï‚— Then, move your car to