* a blogger
* a part-time seeker
* a wanna-be photographer
* a scrapper
Loves being in long relationships.
Likes to give a good fight for what they want.
Extremely outgoing.
Loves to help people in times of need.
Best kisser.
Good personality.
Amazing in bed. (LOL! HAHA!)
i'm Roxanne Tamayo.
20 years old.
Just got a new haircut on Jan. 19, '09.
And because i'm already 20,
it's time to be naughty.
jz having a thought of it makes me feel naughty.
haha! kiddin'.
i really don't know what to say about myself
coz this is the hardest question to be answered in a
job interview.
i already have consent from my parents about this
20 matter beca