Reisman on FairPay Win-Win Relationships at ISSIP Speaker Series 10/14/15.
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Reisman on FairPay Win-Win Relationships at ISSIP Speaker Series 10/14/15
1. Adaptively Seeking Win-Win
Customer Relationships for the Digital Era
Richard Reisman, Teleshuttle Corporation
fairpay [at] teleshuttle [dot] com
1Copyright 2015, Teleshuttle Corp, all rights reserved
Speaker Series
2. Tomorrows Logic
The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence,
it is to act with yesterday's logic. --Peter Drucker
FairPay -- a logic for tomorrow (not a product)
Reisman Background
Pioneering digital services for people since 1960s
Diverse businesses and roles B2B and B2C
~50 patents, licensed to >200 companies
Steeped in disruption business model crisis in content industries
Saw a new way forward simple concept deep implications
A whole new logic centered on value propositions
Changes the entire focus of customer relationships from price to value
Mission Change the world
Save news, music, video, e-books, other content industries Create new value
Work on a pro-bono basis with business and academic partners
on research, trials, and applications seeking collaborators, evangelists
and offer free consultation.
(More information at
3. A Thought Experiment
Imagine an all-knowing Economic Demon*
Read buyers & sellers minds to learn
value-in-use, in-context
Know how used, liked, value obtained,
Know economic value surplus
Arbitrate fair sharing of surplus
Set personalized and fair prices
Practice: Better strategies**
Theory: Better insights
(*Like Maxwells Demon and Laplaces Demon in physics)
(**Like B2B value/performance/outcomes-based pricing need lightweight analog for B2C)
6. Monetizing Digital Offerings in Networked Markets
A Radical Re-framing
Dilemma: Pricing for information
Information wants to be free (infinite replication)
Information also wants to be expensive (creation)
Answer: Re-think our value exchange process
Not allocating scarce resources (no invisible hand)
Still need to sustain producers
Balance value, ability to pay, cost, profit How?...
7. Adaptive, Win-Win Value Propositions
How?: Build value exchange relationships
Exploit new power of computer-mediated relationships
Co-operatively build relationships on perceived value
Learn the right price for each customer each time
An invisible handshake with each consumer
Emergent approximation of economically ideal pricing
Share more value, with more customers - sustainably
Better business profit, market reach, lifetime value
More value for society
8. Set Prices Are So Last Century!
(Taken for granted, but wrong!)
Historically: Prices personalized
Personal negotiation human buyer and seller
Personal contexts, needs, bargaining powers, relationships
Communal norms (caring, fairness, even generosity)
Mid-1800s: Price tags / institutions
Institutional sellers to mass market consumers
Scalable: simple, operationally efficient
Buyer take it or leave it exchange norms, bargain hunting
E-commerce: Mass-personalization? 1:1?
Why not price?
End race to the bottom personalize a fair price for value
How to do it effectively, efficiently???
(See set-price blog post)
9. Digital Problem=Opportunity #1
The Long Tail of Price Sensitivity
Customers are not the same!
Customer experience is not the same!
(increasing price sensitivity)
Green revenue: capped at set price
Red head: lost surplus
Amber tail: lost sales
Dynamic and context-dependent
(see Long Tail blog post) 9
10. Post-Pay
Separate the Sale from the Price!
Why not price the experience after it is known?*
Unlike typical up-front offers (Pay What You Want, etc.)
Remove the consumers risk discount (or rejection)
Signal suppliers value and trust
*= post-pay = ex-post pricing = pay in arrears = pay as you exit = price it backwards
Thanks to John Blossom,
Shore Communications
Pay as You Exit: FairPay
Explores New Content
Pricing Discovery
11. Digital Problem=Opportunity #2
A digital product?
Near-zero replication cost (Free)
Not a discrete, scarce product
Access, entitlements, usage
Valued as an experience good a service
Personalized variations (items, time, intensity, volume, )
all measurable rich instrumentation in use
New data on value for each consumer (see data blog post)
Free as a selling tool
trials, freemium, pay what you want,
Better: Embrace dynamic variability, control risk
12. Accept/buy/use
(before pricing)
Set fair price
(after buy and use)
Track price
Fair to seller???
Gated FP Offer
(Seller )
FairPay Dialog Cycle
Ongoing adaptation, continue indefinitely
Price it BackwardExtend it Forward
(after trial)(limit FairPay credit)
13. FairPay Value Discovery Engine
Frame/nudge and track continuing adaptation
gated Basic
of Price
Seller Sets Price
(take or leave it)
Buyer Accepts
Set-Price Offer ?
Buyer Uses
Product /Service
FairPay Zone (revocable privilege)
Conventional Set-Price Zone
14. Seller Control and Predictability?
Frame/nudge and track
Managed dialog choice architecture fully personalized
reports usage
provides a suggested price personalized to that buyers usage
frames the pricing rationale, and nudges with incentives (+, -)
sets FairPay prices (as a differential from suggested price)
states reasons for their differential (multiple choice)
evaluates fairness of reasons reciprocal value proposition
frames new offers manages FairPay credit and incentives
Nudge buyers toward suggested prices as fair exchange
Test/review value propositions, offers, framing, incentives
15. A new twist of the Invisible Hand
Creating Shared Value over relationship
15(see invisible hand post, and invisible handshake post)
16. Aligning Price with Value
Pricing for the Co-Creation of Value
Intuitive blend of diverse factors, emerging over the relationship
From provider to consumer
Value-in-use / experience / outcomes
Other Soft value
Service / support
Participation / listening / responsiveness
Social value / triple bottom line
From consumer to provider
Monetary payments
Other currency -- Consumer as provider of value to provider
Attention to ads / Personal data to exploit
User-Generated Content
Promotion / virality / leads to others
Up-sell/cross-sell revenue potential
Can extend through the ecosystem value chain
Designations of value share to creators/suppliers (vs. intermediaries)
17. Key Evidence and Enablers
Behavioral Economics
People are not heartless profit maximizers (eg: PWYW generosity)
Traits: Fairness, reciprocity, altruism, self-image, acceptance,
Situations: Social/communal norms vs. economic/exchange norms
Treat me as a patron, make me want to be a patron
Computer-mediated dialog
Facilitate automated dialog about what I value, on what basis and act on it
Engage me as a patron, show you hear/understand me
Big Data + Predictive analytics
Use data to validate customer dialogs on value, incentivize honesty
Customize offerings and how they are framed
Show that you recognize and respect my desires as a patron
Adaptive, cooperative relationships
1. Nudge buyers toward fairness, perception of value, sharing value surplus
2. Foster social/communal norms (participation and dialog)
3. Segment based on fairness traits (social values) and value propositions
18. FairPay can be tested, phased in
Toe-in-the-water examples for News Subscriptions
Acquisition =Fuzzy Freemium
Paywall balkers? special limited usage trial
versions, tie-ins, gamification, membership
Retention (Saves) low usage, low price
Premium club/patron segments curated, early access/new releases, quality,
downloads/offline use, added features
Usage /style segments
Limited usage?
low/high usage, low/high cost,
song frequency,
Content segments: Long-tail / genre indies, back-list, genres
Device segments phones, embedded systems
Family Plans seats, concurrent use
Deserving sellers compensation to artist/creator
Trials, sampling, coupons, specials limited offers
Special branding distinct from conventional
Acquisition =Fuzzy Freemium
(Revenue from day one)
versions, tie-ins, gamification, membership
Retention (Saves)
(Revenue recapture)
low usage, low price
Premium club/patron segments
(Eg: NY Times Premier/Insider)
curation, early access, journalist access,
archives, downloads/offline, extra features
Usage /style segments low/high usage, low/high cost, alerts acted
Content segments: Long-tail / genre investigative journalism, analysis, financial
insight, sports insight, crosswords
Device segments phones, embedded systems
Family Plans seats, concurrent use
Deserving sellers compensation to journalists, field reporting
Trials, sampling, coupons, specials limited offers
Distinct branding separate from conventional offering 18
19. Change the Game with FairPay!
From invisible hand to invisible handshake
From: set prices
shop for lowest price commoditization
To: FairPay participative value exchange
shop for value, relationship engagement, loyalty
Analogous to tipping
Easy, intuitive, with rich multi-dimensional nuance
Often happily pay more than you need
Free is an option, not a price
Delight your customers, give them pricing freedom,
focus on value, gain their loyalty
Treat me as a patron; make me want to be a patron
Engage me as a patron; show that you understand what I care about
Emergent strategy
Pricing legitimacy
Higher profits + deeper market penetration (+ad $)
(See Handshake post)
20. Thank You
Call to Action
Follow on ISSIP talks?
Spread the word
Test FairPay in use Extensive information
E-mail Reisman: fairpay [at] teleshuttle [dot] com
Additional Commentary Follows
21. Value-Based Pricing
for Consumer Markets!
Prices based on actual performance/outcomes
Used very effectively in some B2B markets*
Win-win: Buyer and seller agree to share in the
actual product value surplus
High economic efficiency
But: high pricing cost for custom analysis
FairPay: a simplified, intuitive, highly-
automated analog for mass consumer markets
*See this 2014 HBR article, and this 2002 HBS article.
Advanced Economics:
22. Usage/Value Pricing - Buyer-friendly
Deadweight loss of all you can eat
unlimited subscriptions (See deadweight blog post)
No ticking meter / No usage shock
Price considering usage, but
Buyer factors in:
Usage history
Volume discounts
(with seller guidance)
Soften the extremes averaging out
Price tracks to value (with affordability)
Warm and fuzzy, good feelings
Advanced Economics:
23. Price Discrimination - Buyer-accepted
Economic optimum: price tracks to value
Buyer self-discrimination Legitimacy
Engages buyers a rewarding process,
centered on personalized value propositions
Infinite segmentation, in all dimensions
Context, ability-to-pay, usage, time, devices, users,
Price discrimination can be good!
Advanced Economics:
25. Product / Service Category Examples
Anything with low marginal cost
Long-tail / low-demand products (expand market / gain revenue)
Short-head / high-demand products (expand market / gain revenue)
Digital content / products /services (by item or by subscription)
News / information / magazines
Apps / Software
Other Digital Services
Real products /services (especially experience goods)
Low marginal cost (primary product or extras/support)
Sampling / trials /coupons (eg: Groupon)
Perishable excess (eg: hotels, transport, performances)
26. Platform and Database Opportunities
Single vendor internal process solutions
Cross-vendor added leverage, information
Shared infrastructure and processes
= Pricing as a Service (PaaS)
New: FairPay Fairness Reputation Database
Across vendors and contexts (fairness ratings + details)
Use like credit rating database (FairPay credit line)
Detailed value perception data
Database asset, first mover advantage
Interest by potential platform vendors (Zuora)
Plug-ins / SaaS
27. Engage Customers in Real Dialog
Real-time, Real-life Market Research
Dynamic pricing and value discovery
Real willingness to pay
Specific to actual product/buyer/context/usage
New kinds of Big Data at a micro level
Ongoing trials of mutual value discovery
Focused, flexible value propositions
Match to customer perceptions, specific contexts, times
Sell value: a positive experience (not focus on price)
Build a relationship - get not just customers, but patrons
28. A Flexible, Extensible Architecture
Coexist with conventional pricing (segment by fairness)
Tunable parameters (choice architectures)
Gating, nudging, warning, dispute-resolution
Up-selling, down-grading
Liberal or tight control
Analogs of conventional methods, plus new ones,
in any combination
Freemium, Paywalls (metered/soft)
Tiers, segments, dynamic/usage pricing
Custom mix of customer revenue and advertising
Phasing: Survey mode, Simple Pay What You Want
29. Phasing in
Can limit to a contained niche offering
Can build and apply in incremental stages
1. Free survey mode
(free, for value feedback only no fairness gating process)
2. Simple Pay What You Want As You Exit
(pricing unrestricted by fairness no fairness gating process)
(post-pay as you exit makes PWYW more meaningful)
3. Full FairPay
(gated by fairness, by seller most of the cost, complexity)