際際滷shows by User: i_kender / http://www.slideshare.net/images/logo.gif 際際滷shows by User: i_kender / Mon, 24 Dec 2012 02:09:10 GMT 際際滷Share feed for 際際滷shows by User: i_kender 仂弍亠仆仆仂亳 弍仂亞仂 亠亳仂于舒仆亳 /slideshow/ss-15746876/15746876 random-121224020910-phpapp02

Mon, 24 Dec 2012 02:09:10 GMT /slideshow/ss-15746876/15746876 i_kender@slideshare.net(i_kender) 仂弍亠仆仆仂亳 弍仂亞仂 亠亳仂于舒仆亳 i_kender <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/random-121224020910-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br>
仂弍亠仆仆仂亳 弍仂亞仂 亠亳仂于舒仆亳 from UIDesign Group
4813 5 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/random-121224020910-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Service design /slideshow/service-design-15665875/15665875 servicedesign-121217005940-phpapp02

Mon, 17 Dec 2012 00:59:40 GMT /slideshow/service-design-15665875/15665875 i_kender@slideshare.net(i_kender) Service design i_kender <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/servicedesign-121217005940-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br>
Service design from UIDesign Group
1155 3 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/servicedesign-121217005940-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Gamification /slideshow/gamification-15665756/15665756 gamification-121217005232-phpapp01

Mon, 17 Dec 2012 00:52:31 GMT /slideshow/gamification-15665756/15665756 i_kender@slideshare.net(i_kender) Gamification i_kender <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/gamification-121217005232-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br>
Gamification from UIDesign Group
15309 6 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/gamification-121217005232-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍从亳亶 亳仆亠亠亶 仗亳仍仂亢亠仆亳亶 亟仍 iPad /slideshow/ipad-12242212/12242212 codefest2012-120401081758-phpapp01
仂从仍舒亟 仗仂亳舒仆 仆舒 Codefest 2012 于 仂于仂亳弍亳于从亠 01.04.2012]]>

仂从仍舒亟 仗仂亳舒仆 仆舒 Codefest 2012 于 仂于仂亳弍亳于从亠 01.04.2012]]>
Sun, 01 Apr 2012 08:17:56 GMT /slideshow/ipad-12242212/12242212 i_kender@slideshare.net(i_kender) 仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍从亳亶 亳仆亠亠亶 仗亳仍仂亢亠仆亳亶 亟仍 iPad i_kender 仂从仍舒亟 仗仂亳舒仆 仆舒 Codefest 2012 于 仂于仂亳弍亳于从亠 01.04.2012 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/codefest2012-120401081758-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 仂从仍舒亟 仗仂亳舒仆 仆舒 Codefest 2012 于 仂于仂亳弍亳于从亠 01.04.2012
仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍从亳亶 亳仆亠亠亶 仗亳仍仂亢亠仆亳亶 亟仍 iPad from UIDesign Group
1421 3 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/codefest2012-120401081758-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
仂亠从亳仂于舒仆亳亠 iPad 仗亳仍仂亢亠仆亳亶 亟仍 从仂于仂亟亳亠仍亠亶 于亠亞仂 亰于亠仆舒 /slideshow/ipad-12138473/12138473 mobilefest2012-120324025817-phpapp01
仂从仍舒亟 于仗亠于亠 弍仍 仗仂亳舒仆 仆舒 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳 MobileFest 2012. 仍舒亞仂亟舒 亠仄舒 舒仗舒 亰舒 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂亟亞仂仂于从亠 仂亶 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳亳!]]>

仂从仍舒亟 于仗亠于亠 弍仍 仗仂亳舒仆 仆舒 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳 MobileFest 2012. 仍舒亞仂亟舒 亠仄舒 舒仗舒 亰舒 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂亟亞仂仂于从亠 仂亶 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳亳!]]>
Sat, 24 Mar 2012 02:58:16 GMT /slideshow/ipad-12138473/12138473 i_kender@slideshare.net(i_kender) 仂亠从亳仂于舒仆亳亠 iPad 仗亳仍仂亢亠仆亳亶 亟仍 从仂于仂亟亳亠仍亠亶 于亠亞仂 亰于亠仆舒 i_kender 仂从仍舒亟 于仗亠于亠 弍仍 仗仂亳舒仆 仆舒 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳 MobileFest 2012. 仍舒亞仂亟舒 亠仄舒 舒仗舒 亰舒 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂亟亞仂仂于从亠 仂亶 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳亳! <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/mobilefest2012-120324025817-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 仂从仍舒亟 于仗亠于亠 弍仍 仗仂亳舒仆 仆舒 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳 MobileFest 2012. 仍舒亞仂亟舒 亠仄舒 舒仗舒 亰舒 仗仂仄仂 于 仗仂亟亞仂仂于从亠 仂亶 仗亠亰亠仆舒亳亳!
仂亠从亳仂于舒仆亳亠 iPad 仗亳仍仂亢亠仆亳亶 亟仍 从仂于仂亟亳亠仍亠亶 于亠亞仂 亰于亠仆舒 from UIDesign Group
826 2 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/mobilefest2012-120324025817-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
丐亠仆亟亠仆亳亳 仄亳舒 UX: 仆仂于亠 于亰仂于 亳 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亳 /slideshow/ux-10365708/10365708 ux-111128074747-phpapp01

Mon, 28 Nov 2011 07:47:44 GMT /slideshow/ux-10365708/10365708 i_kender@slideshare.net(i_kender) 丐亠仆亟亠仆亳亳 仄亳舒 UX: 仆仂于亠 于亰仂于 亳 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亳 i_kender <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/ux-111128074747-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br>
丐亠仆亟亠仆亳亳 仄亳舒 UX: 仆仂于亠 于亰仂于 亳 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亳 from UIDesign Group
2614 4 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/ux-111128074747-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
仂亞 仍亳 于亳舒仍仆亠 从仆仂仗从亳 弍 仍亠 舒仗仗舒舒仆 /i_kender/ss-7943469 random-110512141834-phpapp01
仂从仍舒亟 亟仍 FlashGAMM - 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳 亳亰亟舒亠仍亠亶 亳 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 Flash 亳亞. 舒仄从舒 仂亞仂 仄亠仂仗亳亳 仗仂仍舒 亠从亳 仗仂 仄仂弍亳仍仆亠 亳亞.]]>

仂从仍舒亟 亟仍 FlashGAMM - 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳 亳亰亟舒亠仍亠亶 亳 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 Flash 亳亞. 舒仄从舒 仂亞仂 仄亠仂仗亳亳 仗仂仍舒 亠从亳 仗仂 仄仂弍亳仍仆亠 亳亞.]]>
Thu, 12 May 2011 14:18:32 GMT /i_kender/ss-7943469 i_kender@slideshare.net(i_kender) 仂亞 仍亳 于亳舒仍仆亠 从仆仂仗从亳 弍 仍亠 舒仗仗舒舒仆 i_kender 仂从仍舒亟 亟仍 FlashGAMM - 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳 亳亰亟舒亠仍亠亶 亳 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 Flash 亳亞. 舒仄从舒 仂亞仂 仄亠仂仗亳亳 仗仂仍舒 亠从亳 仗仂 仄仂弍亳仍仆亠 亳亞. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/random-110512141834-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 仂从仍舒亟 亟仍 FlashGAMM - 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳 亳亰亟舒亠仍亠亶 亳 舒亰舒弍仂亳从仂于 Flash 亳亞. 舒仄从舒 仂亞仂 仄亠仂仗亳亳 仗仂仍舒 亠从亳 仗仂 仄仂弍亳仍仆亠 亳亞.
仂亞 仍亳 于亳舒仍仆亠 从仆仂仗从亳 弍 仍亠 舒仗仗舒舒仆 from UIDesign Group
2085 3 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/random-110512141834-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation White http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
仍亳亳 于 亟亳亰舒亶仆亠 仗亳仍仂亢亠仆亳亶 仗仂亟 iOS 亳 Android /slideshow/ios-android/7141041 iosandroid-110303151243-phpapp02

Thu, 03 Mar 2011 15:12:41 GMT /slideshow/ios-android/7141041 i_kender@slideshare.net(i_kender) 仍亳亳 于 亟亳亰舒亶仆亠 仗亳仍仂亢亠仆亳亶 仗仂亟 iOS 亳 Android i_kender <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/iosandroid-110303151243-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br>
仍亳亳 于 亟亳亰舒亶仆亠 仗亳仍仂亢亠仆亳亶 仗仂亟 iOS 亳 Android from UIDesign Group
6607 4 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/iosandroid-110303151243-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Designing for i pad the creation of new interactive language /slideshow/designing-for-i-pad-the-creation-of-new-interactive-language/5796478 designingforipadthecreationofnewinteractivelanguage-101116072156-phpapp01
iPad is the first successful and marketable pad computer. It is widely thought to be exactly in the middle between classic PC and mobile phone. However, it is not. iPad is absolutely new class of devices. New expressive means are needed so that users receive unforgettable and quality experience from working with iPad. There is still a scarcity of necessary interaction idioms, that is why designers and developers have a large field for innovations.]]>

iPad is the first successful and marketable pad computer. It is widely thought to be exactly in the middle between classic PC and mobile phone. However, it is not. iPad is absolutely new class of devices. New expressive means are needed so that users receive unforgettable and quality experience from working with iPad. There is still a scarcity of necessary interaction idioms, that is why designers and developers have a large field for innovations.]]>
Tue, 16 Nov 2010 07:21:42 GMT /slideshow/designing-for-i-pad-the-creation-of-new-interactive-language/5796478 i_kender@slideshare.net(i_kender) Designing for i pad the creation of new interactive language i_kender iPad is the first successful and marketable pad computer. It is widely thought to be exactly in the middle between classic PC and mobile phone. However, it is not. iPad is absolutely new class of devices. New expressive means are needed so that users receive unforgettable and quality experience from working with iPad. There is still a scarcity of necessary interaction idioms, that is why designers and developers have a large field for innovations. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/designingforipadthecreationofnewinteractivelanguage-101116072156-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> iPad is the first successful and marketable pad computer. It is widely thought to be exactly in the middle between classic PC and mobile phone. However, it is not. iPad is absolutely new class of devices. New expressive means are needed so that users receive unforgettable and quality experience from working with iPad. There is still a scarcity of necessary interaction idioms, that is why designers and developers have a large field for innovations.
Designing for i pad the creation of new interactive language from UIDesign Group
627 2 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/designingforipadthecreationofnewinteractivelanguage-101116072156-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
弍亰仂 仗仂亞舒仄仄 亟仍 iPad 亳仗亳仆仄亳 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳 仂亳弍从舒仄亳 /slideshow/ipad-4713964/4713964 ipad-ui-100708163242-phpapp01

Thu, 08 Jul 2010 16:32:32 GMT /slideshow/ipad-4713964/4713964 i_kender@slideshare.net(i_kender) 弍亰仂 仗仂亞舒仄仄 亟仍 iPad 亳仗亳仆仄亳 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳 仂亳弍从舒仄亳 i_kender <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/ipad-ui-100708163242-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br>
弍亰仂 仗仂亞舒仄仄 亟仍 iPad 亳仗亳仆仄亳 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳 仂亳弍从舒仄亳 from UIDesign Group
779 4 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/ipad-ui-100708163242-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
舒从 iPad 仍仂仄舒亠 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆亳亠 仂 从仂仄仗ム亠舒 亳 仂从于舒亠 仆仂于亠 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亳 亟仍 弍亳亰仆亠舒 /slideshow/i-pad-4524817/4524817 ipad-100617054749-phpapp01
仂从仍舒亟 亳舒仍 仆舒 仄亠仂仗亳亳亳 Enabling Meeting, 从仂仂仂亠 仗仂于仂亟亳仍 弍亳亰仆亠-亳仆从弍舒仂 "仆亞亳" (弌舒仆从-亠亠弍亞). 亠仂仗亳亳亠 仗仂仂亟亳仍仂 9 亳ミ術 2010 亞. 亳 弍仍仂 仗仂于亠仆仂 弍亳亰仆亠 仗亠仗亠从亳于舒仄 Apple iPad 亳 于仂仗仂舒仄 舒亰舒弍仂从亳 仗亳仍仂亢亠仆亳亶 仗仂亟 仆亠亞仂.]]>

仂从仍舒亟 亳舒仍 仆舒 仄亠仂仗亳亳亳 Enabling Meeting, 从仂仂仂亠 仗仂于仂亟亳仍 弍亳亰仆亠-亳仆从弍舒仂 "仆亞亳" (弌舒仆从-亠亠弍亞). 亠仂仗亳亳亠 仗仂仂亟亳仍仂 9 亳ミ術 2010 亞. 亳 弍仍仂 仗仂于亠仆仂 弍亳亰仆亠 仗亠仗亠从亳于舒仄 Apple iPad 亳 于仂仗仂舒仄 舒亰舒弍仂从亳 仗亳仍仂亢亠仆亳亶 仗仂亟 仆亠亞仂.]]>
Thu, 17 Jun 2010 05:47:44 GMT /slideshow/i-pad-4524817/4524817 i_kender@slideshare.net(i_kender) 舒从 iPad 仍仂仄舒亠 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆亳亠 仂 从仂仄仗ム亠舒 亳 仂从于舒亠 仆仂于亠 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亳 亟仍 弍亳亰仆亠舒 i_kender 仂从仍舒亟 亳舒仍 仆舒 仄亠仂仗亳亳亳 Enabling Meeting, 从仂仂仂亠 仗仂于仂亟亳仍 弍亳亰仆亠-亳仆从弍舒仂 "仆亞亳" (弌舒仆从-亠亠弍亞). 亠仂仗亳亳亠 仗仂仂亟亳仍仂 9 亳ミ術 2010 亞. 亳 弍仍仂 仗仂于亠仆仂 弍亳亰仆亠 仗亠仗亠从亳于舒仄 Apple iPad 亳 于仂仗仂舒仄 舒亰舒弍仂从亳 仗亳仍仂亢亠仆亳亶 仗仂亟 仆亠亞仂. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/ipad-100617054749-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 仂从仍舒亟 亳舒仍 仆舒 仄亠仂仗亳亳亳 Enabling Meeting, 从仂仂仂亠 仗仂于仂亟亳仍 弍亳亰仆亠-亳仆从弍舒仂 &quot;仆亞亳&quot; (弌舒仆从-亠亠弍亞). 亠仂仗亳亳亠 仗仂仂亟亳仍仂 9 亳ミ術 2010 亞. 亳 弍仍仂 仗仂于亠仆仂 弍亳亰仆亠 仗亠仗亠从亳于舒仄 Apple iPad 亳 于仂仗仂舒仄 舒亰舒弍仂从亳 仗亳仍仂亢亠仆亳亶 仗仂亟 仆亠亞仂.
舒从 iPad 仍仂仄舒亠 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆亳亠 仂 从仂仄仗ム亠舒 亳 仂从于舒亠 仆仂于亠 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂亳 亟仍 弍亳亰仆亠舒 from UIDesign Group
582 2 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/ipad-100617054749-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
仂亠从亳仂于舒仆亳亠 仗仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍从亳 亳仆亠亠亶仂于 仂 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳 从 仗仂仂亳仗亳仂于舒仆亳 /slideshow/ss-3603500/3603500 192kopylov-100331092838-phpapp02
Alexey Kopylov's talk at UIC2010 in Izhevsk - 19 March 2010]]>

Alexey Kopylov's talk at UIC2010 in Izhevsk - 19 March 2010]]>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 09:26:47 GMT /slideshow/ss-3603500/3603500 i_kender@slideshare.net(i_kender) 仂亠从亳仂于舒仆亳亠 仗仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍从亳 亳仆亠亠亶仂于 仂 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳 从 仗仂仂亳仗亳仂于舒仆亳 i_kender Alexey Kopylov's talk at UIC2010 in Izhevsk - 19 March 2010 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/192kopylov-100331092838-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Alexey Kopylov&#39;s talk at UIC2010 in Izhevsk - 19 March 2010
仂亠从亳仂于舒仆亳亠 仗仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍从亳 亳仆亠亠亶仂于 仂 亳仍亠亟仂于舒仆亳 从 仗仂仂亳仗亳仂于舒仆亳 from UIDesign Group
3796 5 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/192kopylov-100331092838-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍从亳亶 亳仆亠亠亶 - 仗亠亠亟仆亳亶 从舒亶 弍亳于 /slideshow/ss-3465543/3465543 random-100318064424-phpapp01
Aleksey Kopylov's presentation for #UIC2010]]>

Aleksey Kopylov's presentation for #UIC2010]]>
Thu, 18 Mar 2010 06:44:17 GMT /slideshow/ss-3465543/3465543 i_kender@slideshare.net(i_kender) 仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍从亳亶 亳仆亠亠亶 - 仗亠亠亟仆亳亶 从舒亶 弍亳于 i_kender Aleksey Kopylov's presentation for #UIC2010 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/random-100318064424-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Aleksey Kopylov&#39;s presentation for #UIC2010
仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍从亳亶 亳仆亠亠亶 - 仗亠亠亟仆亳亶 从舒亶 弍亳于 from UIDesign Group
2319 4 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/random-100318064424-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
仂亠从亳仂于舒仆亳亠 舒亟仄亳仆仂从 亟仍 #uidesignersmeetup /slideshow/uidesignersmeetup/2594901 uimeetup-preso-adminka-97-091127030051-phpapp01
Presentation by Alexey Kalenyuk for #uidesignersmeetup 亠亰亠仆舒亳 仍亠从亠 舒仍亠仆ミ歳 亟仍 #uidesignersmeetup]]>

Presentation by Alexey Kalenyuk for #uidesignersmeetup 亠亰亠仆舒亳 仍亠从亠 舒仍亠仆ミ歳 亟仍 #uidesignersmeetup]]>
Fri, 27 Nov 2009 03:00:48 GMT /slideshow/uidesignersmeetup/2594901 i_kender@slideshare.net(i_kender) 仂亠从亳仂于舒仆亳亠 舒亟仄亳仆仂从 亟仍 #uidesignersmeetup i_kender Presentation by Alexey Kalenyuk for #uidesignersmeetup 亠亰亠仆舒亳 仍亠从亠 舒仍亠仆ミ歳 亟仍 #uidesignersmeetup <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/uimeetup-preso-adminka-97-091127030051-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Presentation by Alexey Kalenyuk for #uidesignersmeetup 亠亰亠仆舒亳 仍亠从亠 舒仍亠仆ミ歳 亟仍 #uidesignersmeetup
仂亠从亳仂于舒仆亳亠 舒亟仄亳仆仂从 亟仍 #uidesignersmeetup from UIDesign Group
718 2 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/uimeetup-preso-adminka-97-091127030051-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
弍亰仂 仍亠亶 个仂仄仍 1 /slideshow/1-2527036/2527036 1-091118061553-phpapp02
弍亰仂 仍亠亶 个仂仄仍 1. 于仂: 亠仄 舒仗亠. 仍 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 仗仂于亠仆仆仂亶 亠仄亳仆仂仄 亟仆 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳. 14 仆仂磡 2009 Formula 1 steering wheels review by Artem Ostapets for World Usability Day conference in Moscow, 14 November 2009]]>

弍亰仂 仍亠亶 个仂仄仍 1. 于仂: 亠仄 舒仗亠. 仍 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 仗仂于亠仆仆仂亶 亠仄亳仆仂仄 亟仆 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳. 14 仆仂磡 2009 Formula 1 steering wheels review by Artem Ostapets for World Usability Day conference in Moscow, 14 November 2009]]>
Wed, 18 Nov 2009 06:15:39 GMT /slideshow/1-2527036/2527036 i_kender@slideshare.net(i_kender) 弍亰仂 仍亠亶 个仂仄仍 1 i_kender 弍亰仂 仍亠亶 个仂仄仍 1. 于仂: 亠仄 舒仗亠. 仍 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 仗仂于亠仆仆仂亶 亠仄亳仆仂仄 亟仆 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳. 14 仆仂磡 2009 Formula 1 steering wheels review by Artem Ostapets for World Usability Day conference in Moscow, 14 November 2009 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/1-091118061553-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 弍亰仂 仍亠亶 个仂仄仍 1. 于仂: 亠仄 舒仗亠. 仍 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 仗仂于亠仆仆仂亶 亠仄亳仆仂仄 亟仆 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳. 14 仆仂磡 2009 Formula 1 steering wheels review by Artem Ostapets for World Usability Day conference in Moscow, 14 November 2009
弍亰仂 仍亠亶 个仂仄仍 1 from UIDesign Group
630 2 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/1-091118061553-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
仗仗亠仆 仂仂亳仗亠仆 II /slideshow/ii-2527016/2527016 ii-091118061110-phpapp02
亠亰亠仆舒亳 仍亠从亠 仂仗仍仂于舒 亟仍 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 仗仂于亠仆仆仂亶 亠仄亳仆仂仄 亟仆 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳. 14 仆仂磡 2009, 仂从于舒. Alexey Kopylov's presentation for World Usability Day conference in Moscow, 14 November 2009.]]>

亠亰亠仆舒亳 仍亠从亠 仂仗仍仂于舒 亟仍 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 仗仂于亠仆仆仂亶 亠仄亳仆仂仄 亟仆 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳. 14 仆仂磡 2009, 仂从于舒. Alexey Kopylov's presentation for World Usability Day conference in Moscow, 14 November 2009.]]>
Wed, 18 Nov 2009 06:11:07 GMT /slideshow/ii-2527016/2527016 i_kender@slideshare.net(i_kender) 仗仗亠仆 仂仂亳仗亠仆 II i_kender 亠亰亠仆舒亳 仍亠从亠 仂仗仍仂于舒 亟仍 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 仗仂于亠仆仆仂亶 亠仄亳仆仂仄 亟仆 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳. 14 仆仂磡 2009, 仂从于舒. Alexey Kopylov's presentation for World Usability Day conference in Moscow, 14 November 2009. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/ii-091118061110-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 亠亰亠仆舒亳 仍亠从亠 仂仗仍仂于舒 亟仍 从仂仆亠亠仆亳亳, 仗仂于亠仆仆仂亶 亠仄亳仆仂仄 亟仆 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳. 14 仆仂磡 2009, 仂从于舒. Alexey Kopylov&#39;s presentation for World Usability Day conference in Moscow, 14 November 2009.
仗仗亠仆 仂仂亳仗亠仆 II from UIDesign Group
1490 3 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/ii-091118061110-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
豫亰舒弍亳仍亳亳-亠: 从舒亠于仂 仗仂亳于 从仂仍亳亠于舒 /slideshow/ss-2364467/2364467 upa09sprogiscopylove-091028050656-phpapp02
亠亰亠仆舒亳 舒舒仍亳亳 弌仗仂亞亳 亳 仍亠从亠 仂仗仍仂于舒, UIDesign Group, 仂弍 亟舒仍亠仆仆 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳-亠亳仂于舒仆亳 亟仍 UPA Europe - UX Russia 2009 Presentation of Natalia Sprogis and Aleksey Kopylov, UIDesign Group, about remote usability testing for UPA Europe - UX Russia 2009]]>

亠亰亠仆舒亳 舒舒仍亳亳 弌仗仂亞亳 亳 仍亠从亠 仂仗仍仂于舒, UIDesign Group, 仂弍 亟舒仍亠仆仆 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳-亠亳仂于舒仆亳 亟仍 UPA Europe - UX Russia 2009 Presentation of Natalia Sprogis and Aleksey Kopylov, UIDesign Group, about remote usability testing for UPA Europe - UX Russia 2009]]>
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 05:06:53 GMT /slideshow/ss-2364467/2364467 i_kender@slideshare.net(i_kender) 豫亰舒弍亳仍亳亳-亠: 从舒亠于仂 仗仂亳于 从仂仍亳亠于舒 i_kender 亠亰亠仆舒亳 舒舒仍亳亳 弌仗仂亞亳 亳 仍亠从亠 仂仗仍仂于舒, UIDesign Group, 仂弍 亟舒仍亠仆仆 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳-亠亳仂于舒仆亳 亟仍 UPA Europe - UX Russia 2009 Presentation of Natalia Sprogis and Aleksey Kopylov, UIDesign Group, about remote usability testing for UPA Europe - UX Russia 2009 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/upa09sprogiscopylove-091028050656-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 亠亰亠仆舒亳 舒舒仍亳亳 弌仗仂亞亳 亳 仍亠从亠 仂仗仍仂于舒, UIDesign Group, 仂弍 亟舒仍亠仆仆 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳-亠亳仂于舒仆亳 亟仍 UPA Europe - UX Russia 2009 Presentation of Natalia Sprogis and Aleksey Kopylov, UIDesign Group, about remote usability testing for UPA Europe - UX Russia 2009
豫亰舒弍亳仍亳亳-亠: 从舒亠于仂 仗仂亳于 从仂仍亳亠于舒 from UIDesign Group
744 2 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/upa09sprogiscopylove-091028050656-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
亅仍亠从仂仆仆亶 弍舒仆从亳仆亞: 仆亠 亟仍 亠亟仆亳 仄仂于? /slideshow/ss-2364418/2364418 random-091028045948-phpapp01
亠亰亠仆舒亳 仂 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳 亳仆亠仆亠-弍舒仆从仂于 仍亠从亠 舒仍亠仆ミ歳, UIDesign Group, 亟仍 UPA Europe - UX Russia 2009 Presentation by Alekey Kalenyuk, UIDesign Group, about Internet banks interfaces design for UPA Europe - UX Russia 2009]]>

亠亰亠仆舒亳 仂 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳 亳仆亠仆亠-弍舒仆从仂于 仍亠从亠 舒仍亠仆ミ歳, UIDesign Group, 亟仍 UPA Europe - UX Russia 2009 Presentation by Alekey Kalenyuk, UIDesign Group, about Internet banks interfaces design for UPA Europe - UX Russia 2009]]>
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 04:59:39 GMT /slideshow/ss-2364418/2364418 i_kender@slideshare.net(i_kender) 亅仍亠从仂仆仆亶 弍舒仆从亳仆亞: 仆亠 亟仍 亠亟仆亳 仄仂于? i_kender 亠亰亠仆舒亳 仂 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳 亳仆亠仆亠-弍舒仆从仂于 仍亠从亠 舒仍亠仆ミ歳, UIDesign Group, 亟仍 UPA Europe - UX Russia 2009 Presentation by Alekey Kalenyuk, UIDesign Group, about Internet banks interfaces design for UPA Europe - UX Russia 2009 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/random-091028045948-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 亠亰亠仆舒亳 仂 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳 亳仆亠仆亠-弍舒仆从仂于 仍亠从亠 舒仍亠仆ミ歳, UIDesign Group, 亟仍 UPA Europe - UX Russia 2009 Presentation by Alekey Kalenyuk, UIDesign Group, about Internet banks interfaces design for UPA Europe - UX Russia 2009
亅仍亠从仂仆仆亶 弍舒仆从亳仆亞: 仆亠 亟仍 亠亟仆亳 仄仂于? from UIDesign Group
712 3 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/random-091028045948-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
丼仂 仆舒 舒仄仂仄 亟亠仍亠 亟仄舒亠 从仍亳亠仆 仂 于舒亠仄 舒亶亠? /slideshow/ss-2364387/2364387 riw09sprogis-091028045310-phpapp02
亠亰亠仆舒亳 舒舒仍亳亳 弌仗仂亞亳 仂弍 亟舒仍亠仆仆 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳-亠亳仂于舒仆亳 亟仍 亠亟亠仍亳 仂亳亶从仂亞仂 仆亠仆亠舒 2009 Presentation by Natalia Sprogis about remote testing for Russian Internet Week 2009]]>

亠亰亠仆舒亳 舒舒仍亳亳 弌仗仂亞亳 仂弍 亟舒仍亠仆仆 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳-亠亳仂于舒仆亳 亟仍 亠亟亠仍亳 仂亳亶从仂亞仂 仆亠仆亠舒 2009 Presentation by Natalia Sprogis about remote testing for Russian Internet Week 2009]]>
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 04:53:09 GMT /slideshow/ss-2364387/2364387 i_kender@slideshare.net(i_kender) 丼仂 仆舒 舒仄仂仄 亟亠仍亠 亟仄舒亠 从仍亳亠仆 仂 于舒亠仄 舒亶亠? i_kender 亠亰亠仆舒亳 舒舒仍亳亳 弌仗仂亞亳 仂弍 亟舒仍亠仆仆 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳-亠亳仂于舒仆亳 亟仍 亠亟亠仍亳 仂亳亶从仂亞仂 仆亠仆亠舒 2009 Presentation by Natalia Sprogis about remote testing for Russian Internet Week 2009 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/riw09sprogis-091028045310-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> 亠亰亠仆舒亳 舒舒仍亳亳 弌仗仂亞亳 仂弍 亟舒仍亠仆仆 ミ経夷頴湖姉狐亳-亠亳仂于舒仆亳 亟仍 亠亟亠仍亳 仂亳亶从仂亞仂 仆亠仆亠舒 2009 Presentation by Natalia Sprogis about remote testing for Russian Internet Week 2009
丼仂 仆舒 舒仄仂仄 亟亠仍亠 亟仄舒亠 从仍亳亠仆 仂 于舒亠仄 舒亶亠? from UIDesign Group
684 2 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/riw09sprogis-091028045310-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Measuring UX by Tim Bosenick, SirValUse /slideshow/measuring-ux-by-tim-bosenick-sirvaluse-2347626/2347626 2009usabilitymarathon-091026050505-phpapp02
Presentation by Tim Bosenick, SirValUse, Germany for the Usability Marathon 2009]]>

Presentation by Tim Bosenick, SirValUse, Germany for the Usability Marathon 2009]]>
Mon, 26 Oct 2009 05:04:56 GMT /slideshow/measuring-ux-by-tim-bosenick-sirvaluse-2347626/2347626 i_kender@slideshare.net(i_kender) Measuring UX by Tim Bosenick, SirValUse i_kender Presentation by Tim Bosenick, SirValUse, Germany for the Usability Marathon 2009 <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/2009usabilitymarathon-091026050505-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Presentation by Tim Bosenick, SirValUse, Germany for the Usability Marathon 2009
Measuring UX by Tim Bosenick, SirValUse from UIDesign Group
1176 4 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/2009usabilitymarathon-091026050505-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/profile-photo-i_kender-48x48.jpg?cb=1522825726 UIDesign Group is a leader in interaction design and usability testing in the Russian market. uidesign.ru https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/random-121224020910-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/ss-15746876/15746876 仂弍亠仆仆仂亳 弍仂亞仂 ... https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/servicedesign-121217005940-phpapp02-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/service-design-15665875/15665875 Service design https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/gamification-121217005232-phpapp01-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/gamification-15665756/15665756 Gamification