ºÝºÝߣshows by User: renatocivili / http://www.slideshare.net/images/logo.gif ºÝºÝߣshows by User: renatocivili / Mon, 09 Jan 2023 09:55:59 GMT ºÝºÝߣShare feed for ºÝºÝߣshows by User: renatocivili Prezantimi i Trajnimit Per Biznesin Tuaj - Digital Academy.pdf /slideshow/prezantimi-i-trajnimit-per-biznesin-tuaj-digital-academypdf/255235753 prezantimiitrajnimitperbiznesintuaj-digitalacademy-230109095559-dae69c9f
Trajnim i dedikuar për stafin tënd rreth 'Strategjive të Marketingut, Shitjes dhe Komunikimit Dixhital'.]]>

Trajnim i dedikuar për stafin tënd rreth 'Strategjive të Marketingut, Shitjes dhe Komunikimit Dixhital'.]]>
Mon, 09 Jan 2023 09:55:59 GMT /slideshow/prezantimi-i-trajnimit-per-biznesin-tuaj-digital-academypdf/255235753 renatocivili@slideshare.net(renatocivili) Prezantimi i Trajnimit Per Biznesin Tuaj - Digital Academy.pdf renatocivili Trajnim i dedikuar për stafin tënd rreth 'Strategjive të Marketingut, Shitjes dhe Komunikimit Dixhital'. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/prezantimiitrajnimitperbiznesintuaj-digitalacademy-230109095559-dae69c9f-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Trajnim i dedikuar për stafin tënd rreth &#39;Strategjive të Marketingut, Shitjes dhe Komunikimit Dixhital&#39;.
Prezantimi i Trajnimit Per Biznesin Tuaj - Digital Academy.pdf from Infosoft Systems
76 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/prezantimiitrajnimitperbiznesintuaj-digitalacademy-230109095559-dae69c9f-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds document Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
7 Menyra Efektive Komunikimi ne Mediat Sociale /slideshow/7-menyra-efektive-komunikimi-ne-mediat-sociale/241119697 7menyrakomunikimiefektiv-pdf-210109105722
Një strategji efektive e komunikimit dixhital të ndihmon jo vetëm për të rritur ndërgjegjësimin e brandit, por edhe për të gjeneruar më shumë shitje dhe klientë vazhdimisht për të zhvilluar biznesin tënd. ]]>

Një strategji efektive e komunikimit dixhital të ndihmon jo vetëm për të rritur ndërgjegjësimin e brandit, por edhe për të gjeneruar më shumë shitje dhe klientë vazhdimisht për të zhvilluar biznesin tënd. ]]>
Sat, 09 Jan 2021 10:57:22 GMT /slideshow/7-menyra-efektive-komunikimi-ne-mediat-sociale/241119697 renatocivili@slideshare.net(renatocivili) 7 Menyra Efektive Komunikimi ne Mediat Sociale renatocivili Një strategji efektive e komunikimit dixhital të ndihmon jo vetëm për të rritur ndërgjegjësimin e brandit, por edhe për të gjeneruar më shumë shitje dhe klientë vazhdimisht për të zhvilluar biznesin tënd. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/7menyrakomunikimiefektiv-pdf-210109105722-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Një strategji efektive e komunikimit dixhital të ndihmon jo vetëm për të rritur ndërgjegjësimin e brandit, por edhe për të gjeneruar më shumë shitje dhe klientë vazhdimisht për të zhvilluar biznesin tënd.
7 Menyra Efektive Komunikimi ne Mediat Sociale from Infosoft Systems
57 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/7menyrakomunikimiefektiv-pdf-210109105722-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Historia frymezuese e Shqiponjes /slideshow/historia-frymezuese-e-shqiponjes/238667493 inspiringstoryofaneagle-200929132434
Shumica shqiponjave jetojnë rreth 70 vite, por ka dhe nga ato që jetojnë mbi 100 vite. Çfarë i dallon ato që jetojnë më shumë se të tjerat? Ato marrin një vendim të guximshëm. Kur janë rreth të 40-tave, ato shkojnë në majën më të lartë të një mali, zgjedhin shkëmbin më të fortë, dhe sqepin që nuk i lejon më për të ngrënë, e godasin aty deri sa e thyejnë. Eshte një proçes sakrifikues i gjatë disa mujorë, por që i risjell lirinë për të jetuar mbi re edhe 30 vite të tjera. Shpesh, për të jetuar me pasion dhe dinjitet, ndryshimi bëhet i domosdoshëm. Në mënyrën e të menduarit, në zakonet që kemi, e në vendet e punës. Vetëm përmes sakrificës, mund të fitojmë lartësi të reja mendimi, krenarie e guximi për të fluturuar drejt një të ardhme më të të ndritur. ]]>

Shumica shqiponjave jetojnë rreth 70 vite, por ka dhe nga ato që jetojnë mbi 100 vite. Çfarë i dallon ato që jetojnë më shumë se të tjerat? Ato marrin një vendim të guximshëm. Kur janë rreth të 40-tave, ato shkojnë në majën më të lartë të një mali, zgjedhin shkëmbin më të fortë, dhe sqepin që nuk i lejon më për të ngrënë, e godasin aty deri sa e thyejnë. Eshte një proçes sakrifikues i gjatë disa mujorë, por që i risjell lirinë për të jetuar mbi re edhe 30 vite të tjera. Shpesh, për të jetuar me pasion dhe dinjitet, ndryshimi bëhet i domosdoshëm. Në mënyrën e të menduarit, në zakonet që kemi, e në vendet e punës. Vetëm përmes sakrificës, mund të fitojmë lartësi të reja mendimi, krenarie e guximi për të fluturuar drejt një të ardhme më të të ndritur. ]]>
Tue, 29 Sep 2020 13:24:34 GMT /slideshow/historia-frymezuese-e-shqiponjes/238667493 renatocivili@slideshare.net(renatocivili) Historia frymezuese e Shqiponjes renatocivili Shumica shqiponjave jetojnë rreth 70 vite, por ka dhe nga ato që jetojnë mbi 100 vite. Çfarë i dallon ato që jetojnë më shumë se të tjerat? Ato marrin një vendim të guximshëm. Kur janë rreth të 40-tave, ato shkojnë në majën më të lartë të një mali, zgjedhin shkëmbin më të fortë, dhe sqepin që nuk i lejon më për të ngrënë, e godasin aty deri sa e thyejnë. Eshte një proçes sakrifikues i gjatë disa mujorë, por që i risjell lirinë për të jetuar mbi re edhe 30 vite të tjera. Shpesh, për të jetuar me pasion dhe dinjitet, ndryshimi bëhet i domosdoshëm. Në mënyrën e të menduarit, në zakonet që kemi, e në vendet e punës. Vetëm përmes sakrificës, mund të fitojmë lartësi të reja mendimi, krenarie e guximi për të fluturuar drejt një të ardhme më të të ndritur. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/inspiringstoryofaneagle-200929132434-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Shumica shqiponjave jetojnë rreth 70 vite, por ka dhe nga ato që jetojnë mbi 100 vite. Çfarë i dallon ato që jetojnë më shumë se të tjerat? Ato marrin një vendim të guximshëm. Kur janë rreth të 40-tave, ato shkojnë në majën më të lartë të një mali, zgjedhin shkëmbin më të fortë, dhe sqepin që nuk i lejon më për të ngrënë, e godasin aty deri sa e thyejnë. Eshte një proçes sakrifikues i gjatë disa mujorë, por që i risjell lirinë për të jetuar mbi re edhe 30 vite të tjera. Shpesh, për të jetuar me pasion dhe dinjitet, ndryshimi bëhet i domosdoshëm. Në mënyrën e të menduarit, në zakonet që kemi, e në vendet e punës. Vetëm përmes sakrificës, mund të fitojmë lartësi të reja mendimi, krenarie e guximi për të fluturuar drejt një të ardhme më të të ndritur.
Historia frymezuese e Shqiponjes from Infosoft Systems
26 0 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/inspiringstoryofaneagle-200929132434-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
CRM, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Telecommunication Industry in Albania /slideshow/crm-customer-satisfaction-and-loyalty-in-the-telecommunication-industry-in-albania/75309938 crmcustomersatisfationandloyaltyintelecommunicationindustryinalbania-170422183950
PPT Presentation of the study "CRM, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Telecommunication Industry in Albania " The purpose of this thesis is to study the CRM performance, the effective strategies and approaches that Albanian telecommunication companies are executing as well as to analyze their effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty. It is interesting to see how the telecommunication companies operate in Albania in terms of CRM and if there are differences among the same industry. In addition, we chose the telecommunication companies because it is interesting to analyze their performance in terms of CRM due also to the fact that their main outcome is related to the management of customer relationship and the quality of the service they offer to customers. To reach this purpose, the thesis starts with research questions based on the topic and literature review focused on business strategy analysis, performance measurements of CRM, and the relationship between customer satisfaction, loyalty and recommendation. Using the theoretical framework, a structured interview is chosen to collect data information about telecommunication companies such as Vodafone Albania, Telekom Albania, Eagle Mobile and Plus Communication. These companies were studied through case analysis and compared with each other and to the theory. The purpose is to see how these companies perform in terms of CRM and if there are differences in their CRM strategies that could shape their business performances. A survey on customer behavior is analyzed and a case study is conducted on Vodafone Albania, as the leading company in the telecommunications industry, related to measuring the impact of their CRM strategies and effectiveness on their business performance, customer satisfaction and loyalty. ]]>

PPT Presentation of the study "CRM, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Telecommunication Industry in Albania " The purpose of this thesis is to study the CRM performance, the effective strategies and approaches that Albanian telecommunication companies are executing as well as to analyze their effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty. It is interesting to see how the telecommunication companies operate in Albania in terms of CRM and if there are differences among the same industry. In addition, we chose the telecommunication companies because it is interesting to analyze their performance in terms of CRM due also to the fact that their main outcome is related to the management of customer relationship and the quality of the service they offer to customers. To reach this purpose, the thesis starts with research questions based on the topic and literature review focused on business strategy analysis, performance measurements of CRM, and the relationship between customer satisfaction, loyalty and recommendation. Using the theoretical framework, a structured interview is chosen to collect data information about telecommunication companies such as Vodafone Albania, Telekom Albania, Eagle Mobile and Plus Communication. These companies were studied through case analysis and compared with each other and to the theory. The purpose is to see how these companies perform in terms of CRM and if there are differences in their CRM strategies that could shape their business performances. A survey on customer behavior is analyzed and a case study is conducted on Vodafone Albania, as the leading company in the telecommunications industry, related to measuring the impact of their CRM strategies and effectiveness on their business performance, customer satisfaction and loyalty. ]]>
Sat, 22 Apr 2017 18:39:50 GMT /slideshow/crm-customer-satisfaction-and-loyalty-in-the-telecommunication-industry-in-albania/75309938 renatocivili@slideshare.net(renatocivili) CRM, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Telecommunication Industry in Albania renatocivili PPT Presentation of the study "CRM, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Telecommunication Industry in Albania " The purpose of this thesis is to study the CRM performance, the effective strategies and approaches that Albanian telecommunication companies are executing as well as to analyze their effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty. It is interesting to see how the telecommunication companies operate in Albania in terms of CRM and if there are differences among the same industry. In addition, we chose the telecommunication companies because it is interesting to analyze their performance in terms of CRM due also to the fact that their main outcome is related to the management of customer relationship and the quality of the service they offer to customers. To reach this purpose, the thesis starts with research questions based on the topic and literature review focused on business strategy analysis, performance measurements of CRM, and the relationship between customer satisfaction, loyalty and recommendation. Using the theoretical framework, a structured interview is chosen to collect data information about telecommunication companies such as Vodafone Albania, Telekom Albania, Eagle Mobile and Plus Communication. These companies were studied through case analysis and compared with each other and to the theory. The purpose is to see how these companies perform in terms of CRM and if there are differences in their CRM strategies that could shape their business performances. A survey on customer behavior is analyzed and a case study is conducted on Vodafone Albania, as the leading company in the telecommunications industry, related to measuring the impact of their CRM strategies and effectiveness on their business performance, customer satisfaction and loyalty. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/crmcustomersatisfationandloyaltyintelecommunicationindustryinalbania-170422183950-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> PPT Presentation of the study &quot;CRM, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Telecommunication Industry in Albania &quot; The purpose of this thesis is to study the CRM performance, the effective strategies and approaches that Albanian telecommunication companies are executing as well as to analyze their effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty. It is interesting to see how the telecommunication companies operate in Albania in terms of CRM and if there are differences among the same industry. In addition, we chose the telecommunication companies because it is interesting to analyze their performance in terms of CRM due also to the fact that their main outcome is related to the management of customer relationship and the quality of the service they offer to customers. To reach this purpose, the thesis starts with research questions based on the topic and literature review focused on business strategy analysis, performance measurements of CRM, and the relationship between customer satisfaction, loyalty and recommendation. Using the theoretical framework, a structured interview is chosen to collect data information about telecommunication companies such as Vodafone Albania, Telekom Albania, Eagle Mobile and Plus Communication. These companies were studied through case analysis and compared with each other and to the theory. The purpose is to see how these companies perform in terms of CRM and if there are differences in their CRM strategies that could shape their business performances. A survey on customer behavior is analyzed and a case study is conducted on Vodafone Albania, as the leading company in the telecommunications industry, related to measuring the impact of their CRM strategies and effectiveness on their business performance, customer satisfaction and loyalty.
CRM, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Telecommunication Industry in Albania from Infosoft Systems
1781 6 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/crmcustomersatisfationandloyaltyintelecommunicationindustryinalbania-170422183950-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation 000000 http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Maximizing Customer Relationships /slideshow/maximizing-customer-relationships/75181986 renatocivilimbamasterthesis-crmcustomersatisfactionandloyaltyinalbaniantelecommunicationindustry1-170419140444
Telecommunication industry has become one of the fastest growing sectors in the economy of Albania. Companies are competing to increase their market share, implementing innovative technologies and developing new resources and capabilities to attract and keep customers with customer relationship management (CRM) strategies. The purpose of this thesis is to study the CRM performance, the effective strategies and approaches that Albanian telecommunication companies are executing as well as to analyze their effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty. It is interesting to see how the telecommunication companies operate in Albania in terms of CRM and if there are differences among the same industry. In addition, we chose the telecommunication companies because it is interesting to analyze their performance in terms of CRM due also to the fact that their main outcome is related to the management of customer relationship and the quality of the service they offer to customers. To reach this purpose, the thesis starts with research questions based on the topic and literature review focused on business strategy analysis, performance measurements of CRM, and the relationship between customer satisfaction, loyalty and recommendation. Using the theoretical framework, a structured interview is chosen to collect data information about telecommunication companies such as Vodafone Albania, Telekom Albania, Eagle Mobile and Plus Communication. These companies were studied through case analysis and compared with each other and to the theory. The purpose is to see how these companies perform in terms of CRM and if there are differences in their CRM strategies that could shape their business performances. A survey on customer behavior is analyzed and a case study is conducted on Vodafone Albania, as the leading company in the telecommunications industry, related to measuring the impact of their CRM strategies and effectiveness on their business performance, customer satisfaction and loyalty.]]>

Telecommunication industry has become one of the fastest growing sectors in the economy of Albania. Companies are competing to increase their market share, implementing innovative technologies and developing new resources and capabilities to attract and keep customers with customer relationship management (CRM) strategies. The purpose of this thesis is to study the CRM performance, the effective strategies and approaches that Albanian telecommunication companies are executing as well as to analyze their effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty. It is interesting to see how the telecommunication companies operate in Albania in terms of CRM and if there are differences among the same industry. In addition, we chose the telecommunication companies because it is interesting to analyze their performance in terms of CRM due also to the fact that their main outcome is related to the management of customer relationship and the quality of the service they offer to customers. To reach this purpose, the thesis starts with research questions based on the topic and literature review focused on business strategy analysis, performance measurements of CRM, and the relationship between customer satisfaction, loyalty and recommendation. Using the theoretical framework, a structured interview is chosen to collect data information about telecommunication companies such as Vodafone Albania, Telekom Albania, Eagle Mobile and Plus Communication. These companies were studied through case analysis and compared with each other and to the theory. The purpose is to see how these companies perform in terms of CRM and if there are differences in their CRM strategies that could shape their business performances. A survey on customer behavior is analyzed and a case study is conducted on Vodafone Albania, as the leading company in the telecommunications industry, related to measuring the impact of their CRM strategies and effectiveness on their business performance, customer satisfaction and loyalty.]]>
Wed, 19 Apr 2017 14:04:44 GMT /slideshow/maximizing-customer-relationships/75181986 renatocivili@slideshare.net(renatocivili) Maximizing Customer Relationships renatocivili Telecommunication industry has become one of the fastest growing sectors in the economy of Albania. Companies are competing to increase their market share, implementing innovative technologies and developing new resources and capabilities to attract and keep customers with customer relationship management (CRM) strategies. The purpose of this thesis is to study the CRM performance, the effective strategies and approaches that Albanian telecommunication companies are executing as well as to analyze their effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty. It is interesting to see how the telecommunication companies operate in Albania in terms of CRM and if there are differences among the same industry. In addition, we chose the telecommunication companies because it is interesting to analyze their performance in terms of CRM due also to the fact that their main outcome is related to the management of customer relationship and the quality of the service they offer to customers. To reach this purpose, the thesis starts with research questions based on the topic and literature review focused on business strategy analysis, performance measurements of CRM, and the relationship between customer satisfaction, loyalty and recommendation. Using the theoretical framework, a structured interview is chosen to collect data information about telecommunication companies such as Vodafone Albania, Telekom Albania, Eagle Mobile and Plus Communication. These companies were studied through case analysis and compared with each other and to the theory. The purpose is to see how these companies perform in terms of CRM and if there are differences in their CRM strategies that could shape their business performances. A survey on customer behavior is analyzed and a case study is conducted on Vodafone Albania, as the leading company in the telecommunications industry, related to measuring the impact of their CRM strategies and effectiveness on their business performance, customer satisfaction and loyalty. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/renatocivilimbamasterthesis-crmcustomersatisfactionandloyaltyinalbaniantelecommunicationindustry1-170419140444-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Telecommunication industry has become one of the fastest growing sectors in the economy of Albania. Companies are competing to increase their market share, implementing innovative technologies and developing new resources and capabilities to attract and keep customers with customer relationship management (CRM) strategies. The purpose of this thesis is to study the CRM performance, the effective strategies and approaches that Albanian telecommunication companies are executing as well as to analyze their effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty. It is interesting to see how the telecommunication companies operate in Albania in terms of CRM and if there are differences among the same industry. In addition, we chose the telecommunication companies because it is interesting to analyze their performance in terms of CRM due also to the fact that their main outcome is related to the management of customer relationship and the quality of the service they offer to customers. To reach this purpose, the thesis starts with research questions based on the topic and literature review focused on business strategy analysis, performance measurements of CRM, and the relationship between customer satisfaction, loyalty and recommendation. Using the theoretical framework, a structured interview is chosen to collect data information about telecommunication companies such as Vodafone Albania, Telekom Albania, Eagle Mobile and Plus Communication. These companies were studied through case analysis and compared with each other and to the theory. The purpose is to see how these companies perform in terms of CRM and if there are differences in their CRM strategies that could shape their business performances. A survey on customer behavior is analyzed and a case study is conducted on Vodafone Albania, as the leading company in the telecommunications industry, related to measuring the impact of their CRM strategies and effectiveness on their business performance, customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Maximizing Customer Relationships from Infosoft Systems
311 6 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/renatocivilimbamasterthesis-crmcustomersatisfactionandloyaltyinalbaniantelecommunicationindustry1-170419140444-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds document 000000 http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Office 365 Presentation - Renato Civili, Infosoft Systems /slideshow/office-365-presentation-renato-civili-infosoft-systems/74150452 prezantimiioffice365business1-170401130022
Office 365 is the best-in-class productivity platform for a modern business. It works the way you want to. It is a consistent, familiar and synced experience across your smartphone, tablet, and desktop. ]]>

Office 365 is the best-in-class productivity platform for a modern business. It works the way you want to. It is a consistent, familiar and synced experience across your smartphone, tablet, and desktop. ]]>
Sat, 01 Apr 2017 13:00:22 GMT /slideshow/office-365-presentation-renato-civili-infosoft-systems/74150452 renatocivili@slideshare.net(renatocivili) Office 365 Presentation - Renato Civili, Infosoft Systems renatocivili Office 365 is the best-in-class productivity platform for a modern business. It works the way you want to. It is a consistent, familiar and synced experience across your smartphone, tablet, and desktop. <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/prezantimiioffice365business1-170401130022-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br> Office 365 is the best-in-class productivity platform for a modern business. It works the way you want to. It is a consistent, familiar and synced experience across your smartphone, tablet, and desktop.
Office 365 Presentation - Renato Civili, Infosoft Systems from Infosoft Systems
1213 8 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/prezantimiioffice365business1-170401130022-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds presentation Black http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
Renato Civili MBA Master Thesis - CRM, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Albanian Telecommunication Industry /slideshow/renato-civili-mba-master-thesis-crm-customer-satisfaction-and-loyalty-in-albanian-telecommunication-industry-64384561/64384561 399f763b-7d7e-4395-9c41-4a0604307c77-160726073416

Tue, 26 Jul 2016 07:34:16 GMT /slideshow/renato-civili-mba-master-thesis-crm-customer-satisfaction-and-loyalty-in-albanian-telecommunication-industry-64384561/64384561 renatocivili@slideshare.net(renatocivili) Renato Civili MBA Master Thesis - CRM, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Albanian Telecommunication Industry renatocivili <img style="border:1px solid #C3E6D8;float:right;" alt="" src="https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/399f763b-7d7e-4395-9c41-4a0604307c77-160726073416-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&amp;height=120&amp;fit=bounds" /><br>
Renato Civili MBA Master Thesis - CRM, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Albanian Telecommunication Industry from Infosoft Systems
1428 7 https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/399f763b-7d7e-4395-9c41-4a0604307c77-160726073416-thumbnail.jpg?width=120&height=120&fit=bounds document 000000 http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/post http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/posted 0
https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/profile-photo-renatocivili-48x48.jpg?cb=1673256926 MBA in International Business Management, and MSc in Public Administration. He has more than 10 years work experience in management positions, in marketing & sales and business development in different companies, in the fields of: telecommunications, business consultancy and international real estates. He is expert in marketing, customer service and business management. infosoftsystems.al/ https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/prezantimiitrajnimitperbiznesintuaj-digitalacademy-230109095559-dae69c9f-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/prezantimi-i-trajnimit-per-biznesin-tuaj-digital-academypdf/255235753 Prezantimi i Trajnimit... https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/7menyrakomunikimiefektiv-pdf-210109105722-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/7-menyra-efektive-komunikimi-ne-mediat-sociale/241119697 7 Menyra Efektive Komu... https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/inspiringstoryofaneagle-200929132434-thumbnail.jpg?width=320&height=320&fit=bounds slideshow/historia-frymezuese-e-shqiponjes/238667493 Historia frymezuese e ...