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Organization / Workplace
Ukraine Ukraine
Entrepreneur | CEO | Marketing Expert. Going to the USA in Sept. (SF, Boston, Clevelend), looking for partners there
Technology / Software / Internet
Entrepreneur with professional experience in Icon Design, Web, UX-,UI- and Mobile spheres. In addition have 12 years experience in eCommerce, eMarketing, software development and software sales. Have a good understanding of business, business-processing and I integrate this vision in design sphere. As a result we provide not only good looking design, also it acquits all assigned business functions for 100%. Recently the most significant tool for my work became people. My team has over 9 years of experience in design sphere in different IT projects: from severe corporate b2b Windows software or SaaS solutions to b2c iOS/Android programs and games. My work consist of: a project fin...
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Who are IconDesignLAB.comWho are IconDesignLAB.com
Who are IconDesignLAB.com
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