Ricercatore RTD-A / Fixed-term research assistant (post-doc) presso Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Technology / Software / Internet
After earning a master degree in Computer Science with scoring 107/110, I won a one year grant as a research collaborator funded by the EU-FP7 SAPERE Project (http://www.sapere-project.eu). I am now a Ph.D. student at the Doctoral School in Computer Science and Engineering of the Alma Mater Studiorum—Università di Bologna, Italy.
During the first year of my Ph.D., I worked as adjunct professor at the Alma Mater for the laboratory modules of the courses of “Concurrent and Distributed Programming” and “Distributed Systems”. During the second year of my Ph.D. I spent three months as a visiting student by the Distributed Systems Group of the Technische University Wien, Austria. There, I start...