I am not that naughty or not that nicee.....I am just noughtlynice........ a friendship means lot to me..this is the most beautiful relation between human to human or others....so respect it≠≠
爨爨鉦Ο爨酌 爨爨逗Θ爨逗Ω爨爨 爨爨爭爨 爨爨鉦Π爨鉦Κ...
爨爨鉦Π爭 爨伍鉦Ε爭 爨爨 爨爭爨 爨爨逗Θ爨逗Ω爭爨 爨伍鉦Ε爭 爨踶爨爨鉦Π 爨爨鉦Ο爨酌鉦Ο爨
爨爨÷酌逗Ο爨酌 爨爭爨迦
爨爨逗Θ 爨爨逗Θ 爨伍爨 爨爨鉦Ο爨酌 爨爨鉦Α爨酌Δ爭爨 爨ム鉦爭,爨爨爭 爨爨...
爨爭爨爨 爨爨爨萎 爨爭爨ム逗Μ爭爨 爨爨鉦Ο爨酌鉦Ο爨 爨爨÷酌逗Ο爨酌 爨爨鉦
爨爨迦 爨爨萎Δ爭 爨爨爭爨爭 爨爨萎 爨爨,