_♥A simplE gUrL whO drEaMs aLOts,,
bUt siMplE thiNgs mAkEs mE hAppy♥_
_♥swEet, cAriNg, en'sOmetiMEs mOOdy♥_
_♥iyAkiN dAw..huhu..peRo pAlAbAn toh!♥_
_♥hMm..thEy sAy im mAsUngit, mAtaRAy, en'snObish..appROach mEh first en'gEt aLong with meH..♥
_♥I cOmE cLosEr with diff.rULEs in diff.wAys tHat nO oNe cAn pUt me dOwn!!♥
♥♥ExpResSiNg hUrt fELiNgs mAYbe hArd
bUt it is im4taNt,
ThAt LOvE bLenDs twO livEs into 1,
sO lEt yoUrsElf gEt invOlvEd
cOmpLetEly en'honEstly en'enjOy
thE posSibiLity dAt whAt hAppEns
might bE d'OnLy rEAl sOurcE of
♥My GOD, FamiLy n hOnEy
♥eAtiNg swEet, soUr en'cheEsy fuDs