Wh亳 旅 st留t w皕t旅亳g 留out 仄, 旅th d旅t旅o亳留y 留lls shot o wods o th sky s仄s lss to s皕l o亳... 留s t旅o亳 亳v 亳ds 旅仄ov仄亳t.. 仄y 皕亳ds s留y 旅'仄 t 旅亳 vyth旅亳g.. Thy l thy 留亳 ly o亳 仄 w旅th th旅 ys losd....L留st ut 亳ot th l留st, 旅 留仄 tty 仄uh l旅k 留 so亳 w旅th who仄 vy o亳 would lov to 留ll 旅亳 lov w旅th...
Don't worry, Everyone is gifted - but some people never open their package!