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Sexual tourism against minors is a world plague that encompasses mainly the south east Asian region, Latin America, Africa and eastern Europe. Western countries are those which register the biggest outgoing fluxes. Sexual tourists abuse of the common channels and networks of tourism to reach their victims. Companies and workers in the sector may play an important role in the prevention and struggle against this practice. To be able to do this, they must learn how to identify and prevent it, they need to possess the knowledge and skills to identify it and have the tools to actively prevent those who exploit and those that make use of this practice from making use of tourist services
imprese contrastare lo sfruttamento sessuale dei m
turismo sessuale
struggle against child sexual exploitation
reti del turismo
sexual tourism
contrastare lo sfruttamento sessuale dei bambini
channels and networks of tourism
contrastare lo sfruttamento sessuale delle bambine
child exploitataion
fight against child exploitation in the tourism se
sfruttamento sessuale di minori
to reach their victims
turisti sessuali
sexual tourists
against minors
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