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AGRI GEN RES 068Safeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources:from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesA project co-fundedby the Commissionof the EuropeanCommunitiesfor the period01.03.2007to30.09.2010in the frameworkofAGRI GEN RES
Presentation Outline Safeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesHazelnut and Almond world productionInternal nuts market in EuropeScientific strategyMain achievementsSAFENUT added-value and impacts on European nuts area Conclusions and perspectivesAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
Hazelnut and Almond World ProductionSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesIn the last five years the world production of nuts increased more than 20%AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
Hazelnut and Almond European ProductionSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesMajor EU AlmondProducers Volume MT - ShelledBasisMajor EU HazelnutProducers Volume MT - ShelledBasisSource: FAS EuropeOfficesAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
Internal nuts market in Europe Safeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesThe per capita consumption of nuts in Greece (17 Kg/year) is the highest in the EU, followed by Spain and Italy.Nutritional valueDomestic EU hazelnut and almond production supplies less than 40 % of the local demand, the rest is imported mainly from Turkey and USA.AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
Crucial issues at the European levelSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesDisappearance of nut areas could have significant environmental, rural, social and economic consequences.Genetic erosion.Decrease in quality of hand made traditional productsAs stated in the Report Analysisof the nutsector- EU Commission SEC 2002 797improvedqualityisoneof the key factors in improving the internationalcompetitivenessof the treenutsector. AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
Social value: the case of Hazelnut and AlmondSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesNuts are strongly intertwined with the territory and the people who cultivated them for millenniaNuts are a traditional crop, grown for centuriesTheyplay a fundamental part in protecting and maintaining the environmental, social and rural balance in many regionsCommissionof the europeancommunities (Sec (2002) 797)Crops at high global indexAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
SAFENUT Action:  objectivesSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesTo increase the knowledge of the European hazelnut and almond germplasm (Corylusavellana and Prunusdulci) in order to enhance its characterisation, preservation and utilisation油To recover and valorise local endangered germplasm in the traditional productive areas of the Mediterranean basin油To enhance the utilization of the germplams through the creation of core collectionsTo strengthen the meaning of genetic resources traditional knowledge to raise stakeholders awareness on the values of biodiversity in the framework of the sustainable development. To set up an interactive web database linked with the major thematic international databases and to create a strong European network油.AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
SAFENUT DATABASE The strategy of the SAFENUT ActionSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesHazelnut/Almond genetic resourcesCentralization of germplasm at the European levelSurvey on farm conserved genetic resourcesRationalization of collections and recovery of new ecotypesEvaluationBiochemical MolecularMorphologicalCore collectionDNA bankTraditional uses and agricultural practicesTraditional uses and agricultural practicesAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
SAFENUT ResultsSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesSAFENUT results meet the goals of the AGRI GEN RES program: Re-organizing the conservation of genetic resources Data acquisition on in situ and ex situ partners collections. Recovery and valorisation of on farm conserved ecotypes to preserve the maximum genetic diversity. AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
Data acquisition of in situ and ex situ European hazelnut and almond  germplasm collectionsSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunities215 cultivars and 58 selections exist in 13 European hazelnut collections among partner Countries. A new collection of 22 hazelnut cultivars was realized in Sicily-Italy180 Almondclones are mantained in collections in Spain, Italy, France and Greece.AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
Survey on hazelnut local endangered cultivars conserved on farm.Safeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesA widespread survey was carried out in Spain, Greece, Italy, Slovenia and Portugal in order to recover the on farm conserved ecotypes at risk of genetic erosion.140 ecotypeswerepre-selected:88 wereconfirmednewgenotypesby SSR markerItaly SpainSlovenia GreecePortugalAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
NavelliSurvey on hazelnut local endangered cultivars conserved on farmSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesAlmondclonesrecovered in Abruzzo (Italy):MandorloneMandorla Pesca RomparolaPiccola Rotonda MorosinaTenerellaPugliese   Piatta Cornuta Amara122 old almond cultivars were recovered and updated in the Prunus databaseAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
SAFENUT ResultsSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesSAFENUT results meet the goals of the AGRI GEN RES program: Improvement of  characterizationHarmonisation of primary descriptors.Development of suitable and effective molecular markers for genotype authentication. Definition of the quality and potential uses of the European cultivars.AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
Morphological Hazelnut characterizationSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesHarmonization of hazelnut morphological descriptors: selection of 48 specific primary descriptors65 hazelnut traditional cultivars were evaluated for three yearsPhenologyInvolucreColor of catkinsTreeNutAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
Morphological Almond characterizationSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesHarmonization of Almond  morphological descriptors based on Prunus AGRI GEN RES 061: selection of 15 specific primary descriptors68 almond recovered cultivars were evaluatedFruit charactersTree charactersPhenologyAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
ItalySpainTurkeyIranMolecular analysesSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesGenetic profiles of Hazelnut accessions obtained at 10 SSR were elaborated and compared with database at DCA-UNITO Analysis of the Almond genetic diversity by SSR molecular markersGeneticstructureamonggene pools25 selected SSR markers have been identified in the Prunus reference map covering 8 groups of the  genome.240 almond genotypes have been identified with DNA markers.275 almond genotypes have been genotyped for the co-dominant S gene (self-incompatibility gene).AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
6050403020100FranceGreeceItalyPortugalSloveniaSpainBiochemical characterizationSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesFATTY acids and tocopherol analysisVariabilityoffattyacidscontent in 110 hazelnutaccessions(3 yearsaverage)Variability of fatty acids content in hazelnut accessions from 6 European CountriesTotal contentOleic acidLinoleic acidAlpha-tocopherolAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
1    2  3 4          c1              c2  M1M2M3Biochemical characterizationSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesFATTY acids and tocopherol analysisStudy of nucleotide variability of 12 desaturase gene.Cloning and characterizationof the 5  and sequenceof fad2-gene fragmentsThe fad2 gene encodes the microsomal12 desaturasePhD in AgrobiodiversityGERMOPLASM PRESERVATION AND  QUALITY EXPLOITATION OF LOCAL HAZELNUT GENETIC RESOURCES IN TYPICAL AREAS OF CULTIVATION AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
Biochemical characterizationSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesFATTY acids and tocopherolanalysis: HazelnutGreat variability of 13 phenolic compounds determined in 53 hazelnut and almond European cultivars from 7 cultivation areas.AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
Biochemical characterizationSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesFATTY acids and tocopherolanalysis: AlmondGreat variability of 13 phenolic compounds determined in 53 hazelnut and almond European cultivars from 7 cultivation areas.AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
Biochemical characterizationSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesProtein and minerals analysisAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
SAFENUT ResultsSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesSAFENUT results meet the goals of the AGRI GEN RES program: Enhancement of the utilization of genetic resources Establishment of a core collection: a useful tool to improve the utilization of genetic resources.The Database development:  an efficient and timely device for the dissemination of germplasm information and, therefore, its utilization. AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
Almond Core-collectionSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesItalyAvolaTuonoGencoCristomortoSloveniaSaretHorvat 23Gregl9 Gregl10SpainMarconaDesmayoLarguetaRamilleteCartayeraPlanetade les GarriguesArguayo-1GarriguesBertinaFranceFournatde Br辿zenaudBartreFourcouronneBelle dAuronsLanguedocGreeceRetsouTsotilioouAg.Dimitrios 2Siastika 1BetluAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
SAFENUT ResultsSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesSAFENUT results meet the goals of the AGRI GEN RES program: Recovery of traditional knowledge and rising public awareness Survey on traditional exhibitions at European level Recovery of local uses and agricultural practices interaction with stakeholders to rise public awarenessAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
Survey on traditional knowledge and social ecological actionsSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesSurvey on the existing fruit exhibitions in Europe. Booklet on: Hazelnut and AlmondEuropeanFestivalsSavingthe memory of traditional uses and cultural practices in sustainable agricultural systemsTwo questionnaires:For the students: to promote the importance of safeguard of genetic resources - 2097 questionnaires	For the farmers: to compare the social, economic, technical issues on almond and hazelnut crops at the European level - 75 FarmsAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
Saving the memory of traditional uses and cultural practices in sustainable agricultural systemsSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesThree almond growers accepted to plant orchards with old French cultivars:M. Morin Eric - Bourret, Lot et Garonne (82)
M. LauzierHerv辿 - Chateauneuf du Rhone, Drome (26)
M. Morin Jean-Fran巽ois - Donzere, Drome (26).Two growers in Jouques near Aix-en-ProvenceSeedlings in soil in March 2008After 6 months Grafting in September 2008Trees in June 2010 AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
DisseminationSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesInterplay with  EUROPEAN Projects on communicationPublicationsSAFENUT websitehttp://safenut.casaccia.enea.itScientific PapersConference proceedingsMagazinesNewspapersRELATE Project REsearchLAbs for TEaching journalistsEU-funded project aimed at bridging the gap between science and society (http://relateproject.eu/)DESIRE_NETDevelopment and Sustainability with International Renewable Energies network(http://www.desire-net.enea.it/)DESERTARTEEducation, training and awareness of young generations to the desertification related issues(http://www.desertarte.enea.it)SAFENUT DATABASEAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
SAFENUT DatabaseSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesLinkedwithPrunus AGRI GEN RES databaseTobeincluded in the ECP/GR network http://www.safenut.netAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
Information available for public access in the SAFENUT databaseSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesList of contributorsList of curatorsList and location of ex situin situ European collectionsList of old endangered accessionsList of Nut Exhbition in EuropePassport data: from Multicrop Passport descriptors (Biodiversity International)Specific descriptors: harmonized descriptor for hazelnut,Pictures Information on  biochemical data, molecular markers (type, number, allele number).Query and view accession, download data in xml formatAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
Accessions dataSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesPassport data, specific descriptorsand other informationAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
SAFENUT impacts on the European nuts areaSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesContribute to increase nut production competitiveness  in European Countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, France, Slovenia)Improve local economies by the valorisation of on farm maintained  traditional cultivarsEnlarge the genepoolsAdd plus value to recover traditional memory for future generation.Make available relevant information on the conservation, characterization, collection and utilization of nuts genetic resources to other Member States, the Community and, at the international level, particularly to Developing Countries.AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
SAFENUT Action: conclusions and perspectivesSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesThe SAFENUT Action represents an important opportunity to share, in a more efficient manner, the hazelnut and almond European genetic resources by meeting the EU goal on halting the loss of biodiversity.The definition of the core collections will allow to gather information on traits of economic importance promoting new economic opportunities. The SAFENUT work on traditional knowledge contributes to increase the public awareness on the importance of safeguarding old endangered cultivars that could be irremediably lost.The communication and dissemination of the SAFENUT Action paved the way to new synergies and interactions with other programs and project, at the National and European level  (http://safenut.casaccia.enea.it/).AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010
SAFENUT Action: conclusions and perspectivesSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesAbout the perspectivesThe AGRI GEN RES Program plays a strategic role in the conservation, characterization and utilization of genetic resources in agriculture. It is the only European Program that has supported, through international collaboration, the coordination among national and regional initiatives. Still, the fulfillment of the several issues related to nuts genetic resources is incomplete, particularly on breeding and diseases, promotion and integration of databases, involvement of partners outside of EU border. This Action should represent the first step towards an effective management and valorization of nuts European germplasm, and the fundament for a wider strategy on nuts genetic resources.AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation  Brussels, December 2 2010

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Safenut final presentation - Bacchetta - Dec 02 2010

  • 1. AGRI GEN RES 068Safeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources:from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesA project co-fundedby the Commissionof the EuropeanCommunitiesfor the period01.03.2007to30.09.2010in the frameworkofAGRI GEN RES
  • 2. Presentation Outline Safeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesHazelnut and Almond world productionInternal nuts market in EuropeScientific strategyMain achievementsSAFENUT added-value and impacts on European nuts area Conclusions and perspectivesAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 3. Hazelnut and Almond World ProductionSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesIn the last five years the world production of nuts increased more than 20%AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 4. Hazelnut and Almond European ProductionSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesMajor EU AlmondProducers Volume MT - ShelledBasisMajor EU HazelnutProducers Volume MT - ShelledBasisSource: FAS EuropeOfficesAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 5. Internal nuts market in Europe Safeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesThe per capita consumption of nuts in Greece (17 Kg/year) is the highest in the EU, followed by Spain and Italy.Nutritional valueDomestic EU hazelnut and almond production supplies less than 40 % of the local demand, the rest is imported mainly from Turkey and USA.AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 6. Crucial issues at the European levelSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesDisappearance of nut areas could have significant environmental, rural, social and economic consequences.Genetic erosion.Decrease in quality of hand made traditional productsAs stated in the Report Analysisof the nutsector- EU Commission SEC 2002 797improvedqualityisoneof the key factors in improving the internationalcompetitivenessof the treenutsector. AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 7. Social value: the case of Hazelnut and AlmondSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesNuts are strongly intertwined with the territory and the people who cultivated them for millenniaNuts are a traditional crop, grown for centuriesTheyplay a fundamental part in protecting and maintaining the environmental, social and rural balance in many regionsCommissionof the europeancommunities (Sec (2002) 797)Crops at high global indexAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 8. SAFENUT Action: objectivesSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesTo increase the knowledge of the European hazelnut and almond germplasm (Corylusavellana and Prunusdulci) in order to enhance its characterisation, preservation and utilisation油To recover and valorise local endangered germplasm in the traditional productive areas of the Mediterranean basin油To enhance the utilization of the germplams through the creation of core collectionsTo strengthen the meaning of genetic resources traditional knowledge to raise stakeholders awareness on the values of biodiversity in the framework of the sustainable development. To set up an interactive web database linked with the major thematic international databases and to create a strong European network油.AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 9. SAFENUT DATABASE The strategy of the SAFENUT ActionSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesHazelnut/Almond genetic resourcesCentralization of germplasm at the European levelSurvey on farm conserved genetic resourcesRationalization of collections and recovery of new ecotypesEvaluationBiochemical MolecularMorphologicalCore collectionDNA bankTraditional uses and agricultural practicesTraditional uses and agricultural practicesAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 10. SAFENUT ResultsSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesSAFENUT results meet the goals of the AGRI GEN RES program: Re-organizing the conservation of genetic resources Data acquisition on in situ and ex situ partners collections. Recovery and valorisation of on farm conserved ecotypes to preserve the maximum genetic diversity. AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 11. Data acquisition of in situ and ex situ European hazelnut and almond germplasm collectionsSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunities215 cultivars and 58 selections exist in 13 European hazelnut collections among partner Countries. A new collection of 22 hazelnut cultivars was realized in Sicily-Italy180 Almondclones are mantained in collections in Spain, Italy, France and Greece.AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 12. Survey on hazelnut local endangered cultivars conserved on farm.Safeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesA widespread survey was carried out in Spain, Greece, Italy, Slovenia and Portugal in order to recover the on farm conserved ecotypes at risk of genetic erosion.140 ecotypeswerepre-selected:88 wereconfirmednewgenotypesby SSR markerItaly SpainSlovenia GreecePortugalAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 13. NavelliSurvey on hazelnut local endangered cultivars conserved on farmSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesAlmondclonesrecovered in Abruzzo (Italy):MandorloneMandorla Pesca RomparolaPiccola Rotonda MorosinaTenerellaPugliese Piatta Cornuta Amara122 old almond cultivars were recovered and updated in the Prunus databaseAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 14. SAFENUT ResultsSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesSAFENUT results meet the goals of the AGRI GEN RES program: Improvement of characterizationHarmonisation of primary descriptors.Development of suitable and effective molecular markers for genotype authentication. Definition of the quality and potential uses of the European cultivars.AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 15. Morphological Hazelnut characterizationSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesHarmonization of hazelnut morphological descriptors: selection of 48 specific primary descriptors65 hazelnut traditional cultivars were evaluated for three yearsPhenologyInvolucreColor of catkinsTreeNutAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 16. Morphological Almond characterizationSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesHarmonization of Almond morphological descriptors based on Prunus AGRI GEN RES 061: selection of 15 specific primary descriptors68 almond recovered cultivars were evaluatedFruit charactersTree charactersPhenologyAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 17. ItalySpainTurkeyIranMolecular analysesSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesGenetic profiles of Hazelnut accessions obtained at 10 SSR were elaborated and compared with database at DCA-UNITO Analysis of the Almond genetic diversity by SSR molecular markersGeneticstructureamonggene pools25 selected SSR markers have been identified in the Prunus reference map covering 8 groups of the genome.240 almond genotypes have been identified with DNA markers.275 almond genotypes have been genotyped for the co-dominant S gene (self-incompatibility gene).AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 18. 6050403020100FranceGreeceItalyPortugalSloveniaSpainBiochemical characterizationSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesFATTY acids and tocopherol analysisVariabilityoffattyacidscontent in 110 hazelnutaccessions(3 yearsaverage)Variability of fatty acids content in hazelnut accessions from 6 European CountriesTotal contentOleic acidLinoleic acidAlpha-tocopherolAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 19. 1 2 3 4 c1 c2 M1M2M3Biochemical characterizationSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesFATTY acids and tocopherol analysisStudy of nucleotide variability of 12 desaturase gene.Cloning and characterizationof the 5 and sequenceof fad2-gene fragmentsThe fad2 gene encodes the microsomal12 desaturasePhD in AgrobiodiversityGERMOPLASM PRESERVATION AND QUALITY EXPLOITATION OF LOCAL HAZELNUT GENETIC RESOURCES IN TYPICAL AREAS OF CULTIVATION AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 20. Biochemical characterizationSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesFATTY acids and tocopherolanalysis: HazelnutGreat variability of 13 phenolic compounds determined in 53 hazelnut and almond European cultivars from 7 cultivation areas.AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 21. Biochemical characterizationSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesFATTY acids and tocopherolanalysis: AlmondGreat variability of 13 phenolic compounds determined in 53 hazelnut and almond European cultivars from 7 cultivation areas.AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 22. Biochemical characterizationSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesProtein and minerals analysisAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 23. SAFENUT ResultsSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesSAFENUT results meet the goals of the AGRI GEN RES program: Enhancement of the utilization of genetic resources Establishment of a core collection: a useful tool to improve the utilization of genetic resources.The Database development: an efficient and timely device for the dissemination of germplasm information and, therefore, its utilization. AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 24. Almond Core-collectionSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesItalyAvolaTuonoGencoCristomortoSloveniaSaretHorvat 23Gregl9 Gregl10SpainMarconaDesmayoLarguetaRamilleteCartayeraPlanetade les GarriguesArguayo-1GarriguesBertinaFranceFournatde Br辿zenaudBartreFourcouronneBelle dAuronsLanguedocGreeceRetsouTsotilioouAg.Dimitrios 2Siastika 1BetluAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 25. SAFENUT ResultsSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesSAFENUT results meet the goals of the AGRI GEN RES program: Recovery of traditional knowledge and rising public awareness Survey on traditional exhibitions at European level Recovery of local uses and agricultural practices interaction with stakeholders to rise public awarenessAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 26. Survey on traditional knowledge and social ecological actionsSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesSurvey on the existing fruit exhibitions in Europe. Booklet on: Hazelnut and AlmondEuropeanFestivalsSavingthe memory of traditional uses and cultural practices in sustainable agricultural systemsTwo questionnaires:For the students: to promote the importance of safeguard of genetic resources - 2097 questionnaires For the farmers: to compare the social, economic, technical issues on almond and hazelnut crops at the European level - 75 FarmsAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 27. Saving the memory of traditional uses and cultural practices in sustainable agricultural systemsSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesThree almond growers accepted to plant orchards with old French cultivars:M. Morin Eric - Bourret, Lot et Garonne (82)
  • 28. M. LauzierHerv辿 - Chateauneuf du Rhone, Drome (26)
  • 29. M. Morin Jean-Fran巽ois - Donzere, Drome (26).Two growers in Jouques near Aix-en-ProvenceSeedlings in soil in March 2008After 6 months Grafting in September 2008Trees in June 2010 AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 30. DisseminationSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesInterplay with EUROPEAN Projects on communicationPublicationsSAFENUT websitehttp://safenut.casaccia.enea.itScientific PapersConference proceedingsMagazinesNewspapersRELATE Project REsearchLAbs for TEaching journalistsEU-funded project aimed at bridging the gap between science and society (http://relateproject.eu/)DESIRE_NETDevelopment and Sustainability with International Renewable Energies network(http://www.desire-net.enea.it/)DESERTARTEEducation, training and awareness of young generations to the desertification related issues(http://www.desertarte.enea.it)SAFENUT DATABASEAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 31. SAFENUT DatabaseSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesLinkedwithPrunus AGRI GEN RES databaseTobeincluded in the ECP/GR network http://www.safenut.netAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 32. Information available for public access in the SAFENUT databaseSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesList of contributorsList of curatorsList and location of ex situin situ European collectionsList of old endangered accessionsList of Nut Exhbition in EuropePassport data: from Multicrop Passport descriptors (Biodiversity International)Specific descriptors: harmonized descriptor for hazelnut,Pictures Information on biochemical data, molecular markers (type, number, allele number).Query and view accession, download data in xml formatAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 33. Accessions dataSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesPassport data, specific descriptorsand other informationAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 34. SAFENUT impacts on the European nuts areaSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesContribute to increase nut production competitiveness in European Countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, France, Slovenia)Improve local economies by the valorisation of on farm maintained traditional cultivarsEnlarge the genepoolsAdd plus value to recover traditional memory for future generation.Make available relevant information on the conservation, characterization, collection and utilization of nuts genetic resources to other Member States, the Community and, at the international level, particularly to Developing Countries.AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 35. SAFENUT Action: conclusions and perspectivesSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesThe SAFENUT Action represents an important opportunity to share, in a more efficient manner, the hazelnut and almond European genetic resources by meeting the EU goal on halting the loss of biodiversity.The definition of the core collections will allow to gather information on traits of economic importance promoting new economic opportunities. The SAFENUT work on traditional knowledge contributes to increase the public awareness on the importance of safeguarding old endangered cultivars that could be irremediably lost.The communication and dissemination of the SAFENUT Action paved the way to new synergies and interactions with other programs and project, at the National and European level (http://safenut.casaccia.enea.it/).AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 36. SAFENUT Action: conclusions and perspectivesSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesAbout the perspectivesThe AGRI GEN RES Program plays a strategic role in the conservation, characterization and utilization of genetic resources in agriculture. It is the only European Program that has supported, through international collaboration, the coordination among national and regional initiatives. Still, the fulfillment of the several issues related to nuts genetic resources is incomplete, particularly on breeding and diseases, promotion and integration of databases, involvement of partners outside of EU border. This Action should represent the first step towards an effective management and valorization of nuts European germplasm, and the fundament for a wider strategy on nuts genetic resources.AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 37. Research Groups involved in the SAFENUT ActionSafeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesENEA (Italy)AraminiM., BernardiniC., CaneseS., Di Giovanni B., MassiniG., TronciC., Padovani L.,Tosini C. , Bacchetta L.PI NAGREF (Greece)Pantelidis G., Drogoudi P.Univerza v Ljubljani, BiotehniskaFakulteta (Slovenia) Pliber邸ekT., Jurhar J., Veberi R., Vrhovnik I., Solar A.CRAB (Italy)Di Giammatteo V., Spera D. Istituto Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura (Italy)Vaccaro A., De Salvador R., Avanzato D. CITA- Zaragoza (Spain) Alonso J. M., Kodad O., Fern叩ndeziMart鱈 ., Espiau M. T., MateoA., Ans坦n J. M., Frontera O., B炭bal J., Socias R.DCA-Universita' degli Studi di Torino (Italy) Botta. R., Boccacci P., Calizzano F., Valentini N., Caviglione M., Torello Marinoni油 D. IRTA- Mas de Bover (Spain) Tous J., Romero A., Aramburu J., Rovira M.SERIDA-Villaviciosa (Spain) Ferreira J. Jos辿 UTAD (Portugal)Carrnide V., lvares dos Santos A., Gon巽alves B. M., Bacelar E. A., Carvalho R. P., PiresR. S., Silva A. P.INRA (France)Duval H.ISPOT NAGREF (Greece)GiannakakiA., Mezidakis I.ANPN (France)Sarraquigne J. P.AGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010
  • 38. Thank you!Safeguard of hazelnut and almond genetic resources: from traditional uses to novel agro-industrial opportunitiesSAFENUT PartnersAGRI GEN RES 068 SAFENUT FinalPresentation Brussels, December 2 2010