The document summarizes research from the SAFENUT project on the mineral nutrient and protein contents of hazelnuts from Greece. It found that Greek hazelnut genotypes have among the highest mineral and protein contents. Specifically, certain cultivars from Greece had the highest measured levels of potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and protein compared to other European hazelnut growing regions. Principal component analysis showed samples varied in their nutrient profiles between different growing sites and years. The research revealed new information about Greek hazelnut genotypes and their nutritional qualities.
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Viterbo hazelnut greece 2010
1. Hazelnut Genetic Resources in Greece- Effects of Environment and Genotype on Mineral Nutrient and Protein Contents in Hazelnut in the SAFENUT project. 1 Pomology Institute, NAGREF, Greece 2 Institute for Olive Tree and Subtropical Plants, N.AG.RE.F., Greece. 3 Istituto Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura, Rome, Italy. 4 ENEA, Italy 5 Universit degli Studi di Torino, Grugliasco (TO), Italy 6 IRTA , Spain 7 ANPN , France 8 CRAB, Italy 9 UTAD, Portugal 10 Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniska Fakulteta, Slovenia DROGOUDI, P. 1 , PANTELIDIS G. 1 , METZIDAKIS I. 2 , AVANZATO, D. 3 , BACCHETTA, L. 4 , BOTTA, R. 5 , ROVIRA, M. 6 , SARRAQUIGNE, J.P. 7 , SPERA D 8 , SILVA, A.P. 9 , SOLAR, A. 10
2. The hazelnut cultivation in Greece originated from Greek immigrants coming from the region of Pontus (northern Turkey). They brought Turkish cultivars which are cultivated until today. Mr. Elias Elefteriadis is a hazelnut grower from Drama. He is the son of an immigrant family coming from Turkey.
3. Source: Hellenic Statistical Authority Intensive hazelnut cultivation initiated in early 70s, reaching a maximum of 8000 hectares in early 80s and later diminished to only 652 hectares (2007). Production is now only 1497 tonnes (2007). Some of the reasons in hazenut decline have been the antagonistic selling prices from other countries- mainly Turkey, and the presence of Pseudomonas syringae pv. Avellanae, which was firstly identified in 1976 in areas of Kilkis and Drama.
4. Now days the existing few organized orchards are situated in Northern Greece (mainly the prefectures of Pieria, Drama and Xanthi) They are cultivating cvs originated from Turkey such as Sivri Giaghli, Extra giaghli and Tombul giaghli They have small sized farms
6. Hazelnut trees are found in gardens for local use Wild hazelnuts are found in many areas of Greece
7. Actions taking place in the context of the SAFENUT project Field survey, morphological and molecular characterisation: A field survey of hazelnut genetic material was realized in Northern Greece and the Crete. Morphological characterization was made on 14 hazelnut genotypes, which were kept at the Pomology Institute core collection (3 accessions) or sampled from farms in the prefectures of Pieria (3 accessions), Drama (6 accession), and the island Grete (2 accessions). Samples were sent for molecular characterization where the synonyms were revealed. Results show one Greek genotype named Argyroupoli.
9. Actions taking place in the context of the SAFENUT project Biochemical characterisation of the hazelnut core collection. Samples were sent to CRAB and Univ. of Lubjiana for tocopherol, lipid content, fatty acid and phenolic characterisation. Mineral and protein content analyses were made at the Pomology Institute. Results show that the genotypes cultivated in Greece are among those having the highest contents of minerals and proteins.
11. Highest values (18 19.7 %) were found in: T/10 (SLO-BF) Tombul giaghli A (PI NAGREF) Pellicola bianca (SLO-BF) Barrettona Vico (ENEA) Merveille de Bolwiller (ANPN) Which were up to 4.1 times greater compared to the rest accessions
12. Highest values (810 828 mg 100 g -1 ) were found in: Merveille de Bolwiller ( ANPN), Casina ( ANPN) Feriale (ANPN) and Karydato (Greece) Which were up to 1.9 times greater compared to the rest accessions
13. Highest values were found in: Vermellet ( IRTA) (552 mg 100 g -1 ) Potami 1 ( ISPOT) (477 mg 100 g -1 ) Which were up to 2.3 times greater compared to the rest accessions
14. Highest values (442 462 mg 100 g -1 ) were found in: Extra giaghli Sivri giaghli (Katherini) Palaz Tombul giaghli Which were up 2.7 to greater compared to the rest accessions
15. Highest values (211 mg 100 g -1 ) were found in: Corylus max. a pel.blanche (ANPN) Comun (UTAD) Nostrale (ENEA) Which were up 1.7 to greater compared to the rest accessions
16. Cultivars Barcelona Gironell Merveille de Bollwiller Negret Pauetet Tonda di Giffoni T. Gentile Langhe Sites France Italy Central Italy North Portugal Slovenia Spain To understand more fully the contribution of the individual mineral nutrient and protein to the variation observed, principal component analysis (PCA) was carried out to mean values of measured traits on seven cultivars which were analysed in 6 different collection sites , during 2008 and 2009 . This method allows us to highlight similarities and differences between groupings of samples.
17. Samples from France tended to separate exhibiting high potassium and magnesium contents, and samples from Northern and Southern Italy were grouped together showing high calcium and low potassium and magnesium contents.
18. Samples were clearly separated between harvesting years, showing higher phosphorus, magnesium and protein contents in year 2009, compared to 2008.
19. Actions taking place in the context of the SAFENUT project With regard to traditional knowledge a s tudent and parent Questionnaire was made in a secondary school in Pieria. Due to the limited traditional importance of the hazelnut cultivation it was not possible to find traditional recipes with hazelnuts, or to collect information on traditional practices in hazelnut cultivation. With regard to dissemination on SAFENUT: Three poster presentations were made in Greek scientific conferences: the 23rd and 24th conference of the Greek Society for Horticultural Sciences, and the 12th conference of the Hellenic Scientific Society for Genetics and Plant Breeding. A poster, promoting SAFENUT actions, was exhibited in the event-festival-exhibition Agricultural August, which was taken place at Chania, in Aug. 2009, 2010.
20. Conclusions Morphological and molecular characterization on Greek hazelnut genotypes were realized, which revealed cases of synonymity and new genotypes. Cultivar Argyroupoli was found to be a Greek genotype with good agronomical characteristics. A great genetic variation was found in all mineral nutrient and protein contents. Potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and protein contents varied 1.9, 2.3, 1.7, 2.7 and 4.1 times, respectively. Samples from France tended to exhibit high potassium and magnesium contents , and samples from Northern and Southern Italy were grouped together showing high calcium and low potassium and magnesium contents . Samples were clearly separated between harvesting years, showing higher phosphorus, magnesium and protein contents in year 2009, compared to 2008.