This document provides information about grant management and global grants. It discusses that grants are funded through district designated funds and outlines the requirements for global grants, including having a minimum budget of $30,000 and involving an international partner. It also summarizes the application process, project planning, budgeting, implementation, funding, and evaluation aspects of global grants.
2. Grants Are Funded with DDF
District Designated Fund
Contributed to TRF Annual Fund 3 years ago
Invested by TRF
Returned to Clubs in the form of GRANTS
4. Global Grants
Must be in at least one Area of Focus
Can be:
- Humanitarian Projects
- Scholarship graduate level
- Vocational Training Team (VTT)
$30,000 minimum total budget
Host & International partners
6. Successful Global Grants
Meet Community needs
Measurable Goals
Have an Implementation Plan
Involve an International Partner
Actively involve Rotarians from both Clubs
Stewardship and Reporting
7. Application Process
Both clubs must be qualified, Every Year
Complete application online
Each club has a 3 Person Project Committee
Submit any time before June 30
Funded on a rolling basis
8. Project Planning
Form a three-person grant committee
Assign roles
Make an implementation plan
Establish a budget
Have a contingency plan
Have a document retention plan
9. Creating A Budget
Competitive bidding
Reasonable prices
Disclose conflicts of interest
10. Disclosing Conflicts Of Interest
Exists when a Rotarian benefits financially or
personally from a grant
Might directly or indirectly benefit to a
Must be disclosed
12. Project Funding
Total budget must be at least $30,000
Minimum request from TRF is $15,000
30% of contributions must come from
outside Host Club & District
Club contributions are matched by TRF, 50
cents on the Dollar (1:0.5)
District contributions matched by TRF,
Dollar for Dollar (1:1)
All cash contributions will incur a 5%
administration fee
13. Partner Contribution TRF Match
Host Club
Host District
Partner Total
Foundation Total
Project Total
5% Admin Fee
Total Club Cash
$200+ $200