The document provides instructions for learning about food in English, including asking about food preferences, learning to describe likes and dislikes, making a lunch, and giving instructions. It also covers asking about available food items using questions, confirming what food items are present or not, and providing options for a simple meal including vegetable salad, fruit salad, and eggs. The overall document focuses on building English language skills for discussing and preparing basic foods.
This document discusses learning English grammar structures like questions, numbers, and telling time. It provides examples of asking questions about abilities and activities using "can", examples of telling time using "o'clock", and examples of everyday activities like getting up, playing sports, and hobbies using pronouns like "I", "you", and "they". Numbers from 20 to 100 are also listed.
9 r angi english tsahim hicheel unur-erdenesaixana
The document outlines the agenda for an English lesson, which includes reviewing the previous lesson, checking homework, introducing a new lesson, and reviewing the new material. The previous lesson covered relative pronouns like who, which, that, and where. The new lesson teaches vocabulary related to beauty, including pierced ears, tattoos, dyed hair, shaved heads, permed hair, pierced lips, and pierced eyebrows. Examples are provided to demonstrate using "who," "where," and "which."
9 r angi english tsahim hicheel unur-erdenesaixana
The document outlines the agenda for an English lesson, which includes reviewing the previous lesson, checking homework, introducing a new lesson, and reviewing the new material. The previous lesson covered relative pronouns like who, which, that, and where. The new lesson teaches vocabulary related to beauty, including pierced ears, tattoos, dyed hair, shaved heads, permed hair, pierced lips, and pierced eyebrows. Examples are provided to demonstrate using "who," "where," and "which."