The document represents several social groups. It shows two teenage girls of brown and mixed race who are kidnapped by an unseen male stalker. This represents gender stereotypically, with females portrayed as vulnerable victims. The girls' social class is depicted as working class based on their parents' assumed occupations. The target audience of teenagers is represented through the focus on the young female characters.
O documento discute o tabagismo, incluindo suas causas, como a procura de prazer e imita巽達o, e doen巽as associadas como aterosclerose, c但ncer pulmonar e infertilidade. A hist坦ria do h叩bito de fumar 辿 tra巽ada desde a sua introdu巽達o na Europa no s辿culo XVI at辿 a inven巽達o da m叩quina de cigarros no s辿culo XIX que levou a sua populariza巽達o.
El m辿todo de "los seis sombreros para pensar" separa los elementos del pensamiento como las emociones, la informaci坦n y la l坦gica, representados por sombreros de diferentes colores, para eliminar la confusi坦n a la hora de pensar y tomar decisiones. Cada sombrero representa un enfoque diferente como los hechos, las emociones, el pesimismo, el optimismo, la creatividad y la organizaci坦n. Esta t辿cnica permite ver las decisiones desde diferentes perspectivas y abre oportunidades para la creatividad y el pensamiento positivo.
O palestrante segura uma nota de R$100 e pergunta quem a quer, mesmo depois de amass叩-la e suj叩-la. Isso mostra que as pessoas n達o perdem seu valor intr鱈nseco por causa de apar棚ncias. Ele ent達o pede aos participantes que nomeiem pessoas famosas versus pessoas que realmente marcaram suas vidas, como professores e amigos, mostrando o que realmente importa.
Covenant Capital Management (CCM) is a commodity trading advisor founded in 1999 that manages over $520 million in client assets across global futures markets. CCM has offices in Nashville, TN, Naperville, IL, and Denver, CO. The original CCM program has achieved compound annual returns of 13.79% since inception in September 1999 with low correlation to stock indexes. CCM currently manages $46 million in its original program with a 2/20 fee structure and daily liquidity for managed accounts over $5 million.
Este documento discute los efectos negativos de la televisi坦n en los ni単os. Indica que la televisi坦n reduce la sensibilidad de los ni単os hacia la violencia y los hace m叩s indiferentes. Tambi辿n sugiere que cuando los padres no est叩n disponibles, los ni単os usan la televisi坦n para llenar el vac鱈o afectivo. Esto hace que los ni単os pasen mucho tiempo frente al televisor. Adem叩s, los ni単os tienden a asimilar inconscientemente los valores y actitudes que ven en la televisi坦n.
This risk assessment form summarizes safety procedures for filming the production "Rum and Redbull" in 3 sentences:
Crew took measures like planning actor routes to avoid graves, having spotters for high falls, taping wires down, and stabilizing glass to mitigate risks during chase, stunt, and party scenes. Procedures also included supervision for a nonsmoking actress and bystanders during street scenes to protect crew and actress from potential hazards. Locations, objects, and performances were carefully managed to comply with regulations and ensure safety during filming.
Tres programas sociales de Banco Santander permiten la inclusi坦n financiera d...BANCO SANTANDER
La inclusi坦n financiera de comunidades desfavorecidas en Latinoam辿rica es uno de los pilares b叩sicos de actuaci坦n de Banco Santander en la regi坦n. El programa Santander Microcr辿ditos en Brasil, la cooperativa "La Juanita" en Argentina y el proyecto "Un techo para Chile", son los mejores ejemplos de c坦mo iniciativas sencillas, personales y justas pueden contribuir al progreso de los pa鱈ses. Los tres responsables para estos planes explicaron hoy en El Escorial la historia de cada uno de ellos y narraron, durante el XIV Encuentro Santander Am辿rica Latina, los beneficios que han generado en las comunidades sociales de Brasil, Chile y Argentina
El documento describe c坦mo la sociedad moderna impone fuertes modelos de belleza que llevan a las personas, especialmente adolescentes, a desarrollar trastornos alimenticios como la anorexia y la bulimia. Estos trastornos se caracterizan por una preocupaci坦n obsesiva por la comida y el peso que puede conducir a comportamientos da単inos. La anorexia y la bulimia a menudo surgen de baja autoestima y una percepci坦n distorsionada del propio cuerpo impulsada por los est叩ndares de belleza irrealistas prom
Train your Brain to convert it into Mind ~ Sajjad Hussain
This presentation is the outcome of my above quote and based on pictures alone to help you twist your brain to convert it into mind.
My expectation is that you would come up with your explanation for the pics I have chosen.
An effort to give the audience a new perspective to make analogies and understand the hidden meanings behind pictures to understand the abstract to enhance their learning capability and thus increase their knowledge base.
Acknowledgement is due to all individuals and entities for the pictures I have used in making this presentation for educational purposes. Strictly not for commercial use.
A promo of PAF KIET to Welcome New Students to Seminar and Workshop conducted for every new intake.
The presentation is meant to motivate students to explore themselves through active participation in the workshop for their own good.
Creativity and innovation are the essence of student life, which has been made part of the presentation, to let students think out of the box.
Inspired by the song; We are the World, by the pop stars of the 80s in the wake of famine in Ethiopia, I have molded the song to match the needs of our time.
Covenant Capital Management (CCM) is a commodity trading advisor founded in 1999 that manages over $520 million in client assets across global futures markets. CCM has offices in Nashville, TN, Naperville, IL, and Denver, CO. The original CCM program has achieved compound annual returns of 13.79% since inception in September 1999 with low correlation to stock indexes. CCM currently manages $46 million in its original program with a 2/20 fee structure and daily liquidity for managed accounts over $5 million.
Este documento discute los efectos negativos de la televisi坦n en los ni単os. Indica que la televisi坦n reduce la sensibilidad de los ni単os hacia la violencia y los hace m叩s indiferentes. Tambi辿n sugiere que cuando los padres no est叩n disponibles, los ni単os usan la televisi坦n para llenar el vac鱈o afectivo. Esto hace que los ni単os pasen mucho tiempo frente al televisor. Adem叩s, los ni単os tienden a asimilar inconscientemente los valores y actitudes que ven en la televisi坦n.
This risk assessment form summarizes safety procedures for filming the production "Rum and Redbull" in 3 sentences:
Crew took measures like planning actor routes to avoid graves, having spotters for high falls, taping wires down, and stabilizing glass to mitigate risks during chase, stunt, and party scenes. Procedures also included supervision for a nonsmoking actress and bystanders during street scenes to protect crew and actress from potential hazards. Locations, objects, and performances were carefully managed to comply with regulations and ensure safety during filming.
Tres programas sociales de Banco Santander permiten la inclusi坦n financiera d...BANCO SANTANDER
La inclusi坦n financiera de comunidades desfavorecidas en Latinoam辿rica es uno de los pilares b叩sicos de actuaci坦n de Banco Santander en la regi坦n. El programa Santander Microcr辿ditos en Brasil, la cooperativa "La Juanita" en Argentina y el proyecto "Un techo para Chile", son los mejores ejemplos de c坦mo iniciativas sencillas, personales y justas pueden contribuir al progreso de los pa鱈ses. Los tres responsables para estos planes explicaron hoy en El Escorial la historia de cada uno de ellos y narraron, durante el XIV Encuentro Santander Am辿rica Latina, los beneficios que han generado en las comunidades sociales de Brasil, Chile y Argentina
El documento describe c坦mo la sociedad moderna impone fuertes modelos de belleza que llevan a las personas, especialmente adolescentes, a desarrollar trastornos alimenticios como la anorexia y la bulimia. Estos trastornos se caracterizan por una preocupaci坦n obsesiva por la comida y el peso que puede conducir a comportamientos da単inos. La anorexia y la bulimia a menudo surgen de baja autoestima y una percepci坦n distorsionada del propio cuerpo impulsada por los est叩ndares de belleza irrealistas prom
Train your Brain to convert it into Mind ~ Sajjad Hussain
This presentation is the outcome of my above quote and based on pictures alone to help you twist your brain to convert it into mind.
My expectation is that you would come up with your explanation for the pics I have chosen.
An effort to give the audience a new perspective to make analogies and understand the hidden meanings behind pictures to understand the abstract to enhance their learning capability and thus increase their knowledge base.
Acknowledgement is due to all individuals and entities for the pictures I have used in making this presentation for educational purposes. Strictly not for commercial use.
A promo of PAF KIET to Welcome New Students to Seminar and Workshop conducted for every new intake.
The presentation is meant to motivate students to explore themselves through active participation in the workshop for their own good.
Creativity and innovation are the essence of student life, which has been made part of the presentation, to let students think out of the box.
Inspired by the song; We are the World, by the pop stars of the 80s in the wake of famine in Ethiopia, I have molded the song to match the needs of our time.
Inspired by the song "Silence Must be Heard" by Enigma, I have tried to reflect child labour and domestic violence in the song. Dedicated to the Silent Majority.
Please do comment to make it more effective.
Inspired by the song Eagle by ABBA, I have tried to motivate youth by making use of the song for instigating an urge in youth to rise above as SKY IS THE LIMIT.
Inspired by the song Yesterday by Foreigner, I have changed the concept of songs for a better cause. I would appreciate your comments, positive or otherwise. Plz do suggest for improvement in my work.
This one sentence document discusses how the idea for a video came spontaneously while creating a promotional video for a student event at PAF KIET, which is a university located in Karachi, Pakistan.
Illusions is a compilation of optical illusions conceptualized by Sajjad Hussain. The document was created by Sajjad Hussain and can be found on his website, which focuses on visual phenomena including optical illusions.