The document reports on various activities in Anand District related to public health programs over multiple dates from September 2013 to April 2014. It includes details on Skype calls conducted, staff presence, activities like Dlims data entry and JSSK performance, ASHA worker orientation and monitoring, and Ability Gujarat performance to track completion of various health programs across different talukas in the district over time.
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1. Dr. R B Patel - C D H O Anand
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2. District Telephone Directory
Skype activity
FHW/MO/Health staff Head Qtrs presence
Dlims Activity
Ability Gujarat Performance acitivity
Asha orientation Activity
Delivery Performance Activity
Knowledge of Programe FHW
Adverse Health news in newspaper response
4. Sr No Date Details Actitvity Remarks
1 6-3-2013 Physical1 Presence Of PHC Staff
2 8-04-2013 JSSK Performance
3 28-3-2013 Knowledge Of MO about swine Flu
4 2-4-2013 Ayush Doctor OPD Information
5 25-04-2013 MO /AYUSH HQ Stay
5. Sr No Date Details Actitvity Remarks
1 14-5-2013 Immunisation Work plan and Stock
2 9-5-2013 VArification Of Asha incntive
3 9-5-2013 Asha CUG Connectivity
4 14-5-2013 J S S K Performance
5 22-05-2013 Asha incentive
6 27-05-2013 MO Knowledge about KMC
7 29-05-2013 Asha Monitoring Mamta sakhi
6. Sr No Date Details Actitvity Remarks
1 4-6-2013 VCNC Meeting Sattus & expence
2 11-06-2013 Dlims Entry
3 15-6-2013 J S S K Performance
4 15-06-2013 GIS Mapping Report
7. Sr No Date Details Actitvity Remarks
1 26-06-2013 CY Doctor Payment Report
2 8-7-2013 Physical Presence of Staff IN PHC
3 8-07-2013 Dlims Report Status
4 15-07-2013 Staying Of FHW HQ Report
5 18-07-2013 GIS MApping Status
6 16-08-2013 Varify Asha incentive
7 22-08-2013 J S S K performance Report
8 11-09-2013 Ability Gujarat Monitoring
8. Sr No Date Details Actitvity Remarks
1 3-10-2013 Head qtrs stay of FHW
2 4-10-2013 Knowledge of FHW
3 8-10-2013 PHC H.qtrs Delivery Performance
4 9-10-2013 J.S.S.K Performance Of Health Institute
9. Sr
Date Details Actitvity Remarks
1 18-11-13 Physical Presence of Staff
2 19-11-13 CUG connectivity & Knowledge of asha
3 26-11-13 Landline Connection for health staff
4 30-11-13 Status of vector born situation & blood Examination
5 8-12-13 Skype Calling report for E-mamta Follow up
6 9-12-13 DLIMS Data Entry report
7 16-12-13 Asha Monitoring about Programme Knowledge
8 23-12-13 FHW-HQ-Deliveries Information
9 03-01-14 Asha information about GSS
10 13-01-14 Create report DILMS
11 24-01-14 Create a report All CHC OPD IPD Data
12 11-02-14 Create a report SHP Entry
13 28-02-14 Create a Delivery Report
14 06-03-14 Create a Mamtaghar report
15 24-03-14 Create a Asha report about programme
16 26-03-14 Create a NCD programme detail
17 31-03-14 Create JSSK report
18 07-04-14 Create a report Safe Childbirth Cheaklist
19 16-04-14 Report of NBCC
20 21-04-14 heavy strom & rain injuries & death & mail
21 24-04-14 Create a report SHP-Special Benificiary
22 05-05-14 DILMS report
23 05-06-14 Asha Sandesh Report