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Dr. R B Patel - C D H O Anand 
Mr. Sakil Malek Dist PMCC Assi.
 District Telephone Directory 
 Skype activity 
 FHW/MO/Health staff Head Qtrs presence 
 Dlims Activity 
 Ability Gujarat Performance acitivity 
 Asha orientation Activity 
 Delivery Performance Activity 
 Knowledge of Programe FHW 
 Adverse Health news in newspaper response
SKYPE Vedio Calling- Anand District 
39 0 4 1 4 0 18 2 2 1 4 1 71 5 76 
9 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 26 0 26 
1 0 4 1 4 0 1 2 2 1 4 1 16 5 21 
29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 0 29
Sr No Date Details Actitvity Remarks 
1 6-3-2013 Physical1 Presence Of PHC Staff 
2 8-04-2013 JSSK Performance 
3 28-3-2013 Knowledge Of MO about swine Flu 
4 2-4-2013 Ayush Doctor OPD Information 
5 25-04-2013 MO /AYUSH HQ Stay
Sr No Date Details Actitvity Remarks 
1 14-5-2013 Immunisation Work plan and Stock 
2 9-5-2013 VArification Of Asha incntive 
3 9-5-2013 Asha CUG Connectivity 
4 14-5-2013 J S S K Performance 
5 22-05-2013 Asha incentive 
6 27-05-2013 MO Knowledge about KMC 
7 29-05-2013 Asha Monitoring Mamta sakhi
Sr No Date Details Actitvity Remarks 
1 4-6-2013 VCNC Meeting Sattus & expence 
2 11-06-2013 Dlims Entry 
3 15-6-2013 J S S K Performance 
4 15-06-2013 GIS Mapping Report
Sr No Date Details Actitvity Remarks 
1 26-06-2013 CY Doctor Payment Report 
2 8-7-2013 Physical Presence of Staff IN PHC 
3 8-07-2013 Dlims Report Status 
4 15-07-2013 Staying Of FHW HQ Report 
5 18-07-2013 GIS MApping Status 
6 16-08-2013 Varify Asha incentive 
7 22-08-2013 J S S K performance Report 
8 11-09-2013 Ability Gujarat Monitoring
Sr No Date Details Actitvity Remarks 
1 3-10-2013 Head qtrs stay of FHW 
2 4-10-2013 Knowledge of FHW 
3 8-10-2013 PHC H.qtrs Delivery Performance 
4 9-10-2013 J.S.S.K Performance Of Health Institute
Date Details Actitvity Remarks 
1 18-11-13 Physical Presence of Staff 
2 19-11-13 CUG connectivity & Knowledge of asha 
3 26-11-13 Landline Connection for health staff 
4 30-11-13 Status of vector born situation & blood Examination 
5 8-12-13 Skype Calling report for E-mamta Follow up 
6 9-12-13 DLIMS Data Entry report 
7 16-12-13 Asha Monitoring about Programme Knowledge 
8 23-12-13 FHW-HQ-Deliveries Information 
9 03-01-14 Asha information about GSS 
10 13-01-14 Create report DILMS 
11 24-01-14 Create a report All CHC OPD IPD Data 
12 11-02-14 Create a report SHP Entry 
13 28-02-14 Create a Delivery Report 
14 06-03-14 Create a Mamtaghar report 
15 24-03-14 Create a Asha report about programme 
16 26-03-14 Create a NCD programme detail 
17 31-03-14 Create JSSK report 
18 07-04-14 Create a report Safe Childbirth Cheaklist 
19 16-04-14 Report of NBCC 
20 21-04-14 heavy strom & rain injuries & death & mail 
21 24-04-14 Create a report SHP-Special Benificiary 
22 05-05-14 DILMS report 
23 05-06-14 Asha Sandesh Report
Ability Gujarat Monitoring from 11-9-2013 Anand District 
Taluka Name 11-9-13 16-09- 
2013 24-09-2013 27-09-2013 30-09-2013 30-10-13 
% Total Diff % Total Diff % Total Diff % Total Diff % 
3006 5036 39.53 41.28% 5973 714 46.88% 7290 1317 57.22% 8302 1012 65.16% 9147 845 71.80% 
1412 2301 74.39 76.27% 2421 62 78.27% 2618 197 84.64% 2723 105 88.04% 2873 150 92.89% 
3813 6367 79.91 81.65% 6720 214 84.34% 6994 274 87.78% 7469 475 93.74% 7701 232 96.65% 
1639 2812 46.9 48.55% 3123 212 52.08% 3480 357 58.04% 3952 472 65.91% 4223 271 70.43% 
3340 5753 95.09 99.19% 6390 389 105.62% 6908 518 114.18% 7781 873 128.61% 8245 464 136.28% 
1047 1760 78.71 80.32% 1865 69 83.41% 1944 79 86.94% 2058 114 92.04% 2118 60 94.72% 
853 1401 75.36 76.17% 1444 28 77.68% 1505 61 80.96% 1585 80 85.26% 1621 36 87.20% 
1382 2286 57.81 59.16% 2431 92 61.48% 2503 72 63.30% 2857 354 72.26% 3518 661 88.97% 
16492 27716 63.14% 65.12% 30367 1780 69.18% 33242 2875 75.73% 36727 3485 83.67% 39,446 2719 89.86%

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  • 1. Dr. R B Patel - C D H O Anand Mr. Sakil Malek Dist PMCC Assi.
  • 2. District Telephone Directory Skype activity FHW/MO/Health staff Head Qtrs presence Dlims Activity Ability Gujarat Performance acitivity Asha orientation Activity Delivery Performance Activity Knowledge of Programe FHW Adverse Health news in newspaper response
  • 3. total SKYPE Vedio Calling- Anand District 39 0 4 1 4 0 18 2 2 1 4 1 71 5 76 MONTH DPMCC ADHO RCHO EMO DMO CDHO Total PHC CHC PHC CHC PHC CHC PHC CHC PHC CHC PHC CHC PHC CHC Total Sep- 13 9 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 26 0 26 Oct- 13 1 0 4 1 4 0 1 2 2 1 4 1 16 5 21 Dec- 13 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 0 29
  • 4. Sr No Date Details Actitvity Remarks 1 6-3-2013 Physical1 Presence Of PHC Staff 2 8-04-2013 JSSK Performance 3 28-3-2013 Knowledge Of MO about swine Flu 4 2-4-2013 Ayush Doctor OPD Information 5 25-04-2013 MO /AYUSH HQ Stay
  • 5. Sr No Date Details Actitvity Remarks 1 14-5-2013 Immunisation Work plan and Stock 2 9-5-2013 VArification Of Asha incntive 3 9-5-2013 Asha CUG Connectivity 4 14-5-2013 J S S K Performance 5 22-05-2013 Asha incentive 6 27-05-2013 MO Knowledge about KMC 7 29-05-2013 Asha Monitoring Mamta sakhi
  • 6. Sr No Date Details Actitvity Remarks 1 4-6-2013 VCNC Meeting Sattus & expence 2 11-06-2013 Dlims Entry 3 15-6-2013 J S S K Performance 4 15-06-2013 GIS Mapping Report
  • 7. Sr No Date Details Actitvity Remarks 1 26-06-2013 CY Doctor Payment Report 2 8-7-2013 Physical Presence of Staff IN PHC 3 8-07-2013 Dlims Report Status 4 15-07-2013 Staying Of FHW HQ Report 5 18-07-2013 GIS MApping Status 6 16-08-2013 Varify Asha incentive 7 22-08-2013 J S S K performance Report 8 11-09-2013 Ability Gujarat Monitoring
  • 8. Sr No Date Details Actitvity Remarks 1 3-10-2013 Head qtrs stay of FHW 2 4-10-2013 Knowledge of FHW 3 8-10-2013 PHC H.qtrs Delivery Performance 4 9-10-2013 J.S.S.K Performance Of Health Institute
  • 9. Sr No Date Details Actitvity Remarks 1 18-11-13 Physical Presence of Staff 2 19-11-13 CUG connectivity & Knowledge of asha 3 26-11-13 Landline Connection for health staff 4 30-11-13 Status of vector born situation & blood Examination 5 8-12-13 Skype Calling report for E-mamta Follow up 6 9-12-13 DLIMS Data Entry report 7 16-12-13 Asha Monitoring about Programme Knowledge 8 23-12-13 FHW-HQ-Deliveries Information 9 03-01-14 Asha information about GSS 10 13-01-14 Create report DILMS 11 24-01-14 Create a report All CHC OPD IPD Data 12 11-02-14 Create a report SHP Entry 13 28-02-14 Create a Delivery Report 14 06-03-14 Create a Mamtaghar report 15 24-03-14 Create a Asha report about programme 16 26-03-14 Create a NCD programme detail 17 31-03-14 Create JSSK report 18 07-04-14 Create a report Safe Childbirth Cheaklist 19 16-04-14 Report of NBCC 20 21-04-14 heavy strom & rain injuries & death & mail 21 24-04-14 Create a report SHP-Special Benificiary 22 05-05-14 DILMS report 23 05-06-14 Asha Sandesh Report
  • 10. Ability Gujarat Monitoring from 11-9-2013 Anand District Taluka Name 11-9-13 16-09- 2013 24-09-2013 27-09-2013 30-09-2013 30-10-13 Total % Complete d % Total Diff % Total Diff % Total Diff % Total Diff % ANAND 3006 5036 39.53 41.28% 5973 714 46.88% 7290 1317 57.22% 8302 1012 65.16% 9147 845 71.80% ANKLAV 1412 2301 74.39 76.27% 2421 62 78.27% 2618 197 84.64% 2723 105 88.04% 2873 150 92.89% BORSAD 3813 6367 79.91 81.65% 6720 214 84.34% 6994 274 87.78% 7469 475 93.74% 7701 232 96.65% KHAMBHAT 1639 2812 46.9 48.55% 3123 212 52.08% 3480 357 58.04% 3952 472 65.91% 4223 271 70.43% PETLAD 3340 5753 95.09 99.19% 6390 389 105.62% 6908 518 114.18% 7781 873 128.61% 8245 464 136.28% SOJITRA 1047 1760 78.71 80.32% 1865 69 83.41% 1944 79 86.94% 2058 114 92.04% 2118 60 94.72% TARAPUR 853 1401 75.36 76.17% 1444 28 77.68% 1505 61 80.96% 1585 80 85.26% 1621 36 87.20% UMRETH 1382 2286 57.81 59.16% 2431 92 61.48% 2503 72 63.30% 2857 354 72.26% 3518 661 88.97% 16492 27716 63.14% 65.12% 30367 1780 69.18% 33242 2875 75.73% 36727 3485 83.67% 39,446 2719 89.86%