I, ME n Maself LOVE 'me' ! ;) ..I am who I am and your approval is neither needed or wanted !!...
: I don't need your attitude. I have one of my own and trust me mines much worse... ;)
I am stronger Today than I was Yesterday ~ I'll be stronger Tomorrow than I was Today ~*~
You start it; I end it.
.sometimes I'm not everything i wish i could be, but I'm everything i need to be, I'm just me and i like it like that.....
SoMe PeOpLe DoN't UnDeRsTaNd ThE wAy I aM...
SoMe GeT hUrT bY tHe WaY i TaLk...BuT WhAt CaN i Do If ThAt'S tHe ReAl Me...
SoRrY I m NoT pErFeCt BuT dEfInItElY nOt 'FaKe' ..... Itz me >>>>>>> Ordinary boy with some very high ambitions :)
I am