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Cairo, Egypt
==>>> Searching fOr my RainbOw "t3ala p2a ya my rainbOw "> Every and Every day never forget tO say la illah ela allah
say with every heart beat la illah ila allah.
==>>No matter where u r Or what u dO
Remember allah is watching Over u
Obey and always say la illah illa allah.
==>> I never want to let you down
Forgive me if I slip away
Sometimes it's hard to find my ground
Cause I keep on falling as I try to get away
From this crazy world.
==>> somehow i am feeling so happy and i dont knw why maybe its just my faith that bokra is better isA :)(:
==> Not complicated but
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Users following SaMar Ahly
Mohamed Abdel Moneim
Working at إتØاد طلاب كلية الإعلام جامعة القاهرة