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Albrecht Durer
the man who modernized arts
Why has God given me
such magnificent talent? It is
a curse as well as a great
Albrecht Durer
Who is Albrecht Durer?
Albrecht Durer is the greatest exponent of Northern
European Renaissance art. While an important painter,
in his own day Durer was renowned foremost for his
graphic works. Artists across Europe admired and copied
Durer's innovative and powerful prints, ranging from
religious and mythological scenes, to maps and exotic
animals. Durer was a humanist and a creator. His
awareness of his own role as an artist is apparent in his
frontal, Christ-like Self Portrait, 1500, just one of many self
portraits that he painted in his career. More than simply
producing works for his own time, Durer saw his fame and
his contribution as enduring, and as part of history.
What has Albrecht Durer done?
He influenced
European art
Theory of Art
Art of fortification
Adoption of
in Nuremberg
Durers biography
Albrecht Durer was the third son of Albrecht
Durer and Barbara Holfer. He was one of their
eighteen children.
Portrait Diptych of
Durer's Parents
Albrecht Durer was born on May 21st
1471 in Imperial Free City of
At the age of fifteen Durer was
apprenticed to the principal painter of
the town, Michael Wolgemut, a prolific
if undistinguished producer of small
works in the late Gothic style. Durer
learned not only painting but also
wood carving and elementary copper
engraving under Wolgemut. At the end
of his apprenticeship in 1490 he
travelled (Wanderjahre). He practiced in
Colmar, Basel and in the Low
Countries (Holland) before he
returned to Nuremberg. From this
period, little of the work that can be
attributed to him with certainty
Portrait of the Artist
Holding a Thistle
On July 9, 1494 Durer was
married, according to an
arrangement made during
his absence, to Agnes Frey,
the daughter of a local
merchant. His relationship
with his wife is unclear and
her reputation has suffered
from a posthumous assault
by Durer's friends. He did
not remain in Nuremberg
long; in the autumn of 1494
he travelled to Italy, leaving
his wife at Nuremberg. Agnes Durer (1494)
More than any other Northern
European artist, Durer was
engaged by the artistic practices
and theoretical interests of Italy.
He visited the country twice,
from 1494 to 1495 and again
from 1505 to 1507, absorbing
firsthand some of the great
works of the Italian Renaissance,
as well as the classical
heritage and theoretical writings
of the region. The influence
of Venetian color and design can
be seen in the Feast of the Rose
Garlands altarpiece (1506)
Durer was back in
Nuremberg by mid-1507.
He remained in Germany
until 1520. His reputation
spread all over Europe. He
was on terms of friendship
or friendly communication
with all the masters of the
age, and Raphael held
himself honored in
exchanging drawings with
Durer lived and worked in this house from 1509
to 1528. Now its a museum
Durer's talent, ambition,
and sharp, wide-ranging
intellect earned him the
attention and friendship of
some of the most
prominent figures in
German society. He
became official court
artist to Holy Roman
Emperors Maximilian I and
his successor CharlesV,
for whom Durer designed
and helped execute a
range of artistic projects.
Emperor Maximilian
After another journey to the Netherlands
Durer finally returned home in July 1521,
having caught an undetermined illness
which afflicted him for the rest of his life.
Back in Nuremberg he began work on a
series of religious pictures. Many
preliminary sketches and studies survive,
but no paintings on the grand scale were
ever carried out. This was due in part to
his declining health, but more because of
the time he gave to the preparation of his
theoretical works on geometry and
perspective, proportion and fortification.
Albrecht Durer died
on April 6th 1528
Durers influence on the European art
Durer developed a new
interest in the human form, as
demonstrated by his nude and
antique studies. He was also
one of the first artists to
depict animals
As I grew older, I realized that it
was much better to insist on the
genuine forms of nature, for
simplicity is the greatest adornment
of art
Albrecht Durer
Durers influence on theory of art
He wrote Four Books of Human
Proportion (Vier B端cher von
menschlichen Proportion), only
the first of which was published
during his lifetime (1528), as well
as an introductory manual of
geometric theory for students
(Underweysung der Messung,
1525), which includes the first
scientific treatment of perspective
by a Northern European artist.
Durers influence on mathematics
Descriptive geometry originated
with Durer in his introductory
manual of geometric theory for
students although it was only put
on a sound mathematical basis in
later works of mathematicians.
One of the methods of
overcoming the problems of
projection, and describing the
movement of bodies in space, is
descriptive geometry. Durer's
remarkable achievement was
through applying mathematics to
art, he developed such
fundamentally new and
important ideas within
mathematics itself.
Durers influence on the art of fortification
In 1527 Durer published
another work, this time on
fortifications. There were
strong reasons why he
produced a work on
fortifications at this time,
for the people of Germany
were in fear of an invasion
by the Turks. Many cities,
including Nuremberg,
would improve their
fortifications using the
methods set out by Durer
in this book.
Durers influence on the adoption of
Lutheranism in Nuremberg
In Nuremberg, a vibrant center of
humanism and one of the first to
officially embrace the principles of
the Reformation, Durer had access
to some of Europe's outstanding
theologians and scholars, including
Erasmus, Philipp Melanchthon, and
Willibald Pirkheimer, each captured
by the artist in shrewd portraits.
For Nuremberg's town hall, the
artist painted two panels of the
Four Apostles (1526), bearing texts
in Martin Luther's translation that
pay tribute to the city's adoption of
Durers art is so multifarious! Explore it!
This all is DURER
Resources used

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Albrecht Durer of Nuremberg

  • 1. Albrecht Durer the man who modernized arts Why has God given me such magnificent talent? It is a curse as well as a great blessing Albrecht Durer
  • 2. Who is Albrecht Durer? Albrecht Durer is the greatest exponent of Northern European Renaissance art. While an important painter, in his own day Durer was renowned foremost for his graphic works. Artists across Europe admired and copied Durer's innovative and powerful prints, ranging from religious and mythological scenes, to maps and exotic animals. Durer was a humanist and a creator. His awareness of his own role as an artist is apparent in his frontal, Christ-like Self Portrait, 1500, just one of many self portraits that he painted in his career. More than simply producing works for his own time, Durer saw his fame and his contribution as enduring, and as part of history.
  • 3. What has Albrecht Durer done? He influenced European art Theory of Art Mathematics Art of fortification Adoption of Lutheranism in Nuremberg
  • 4. Durers biography Albrecht Durer was the third son of Albrecht Durer and Barbara Holfer. He was one of their eighteen children. Portrait Diptych of Durer's Parents (1490)
  • 5. Albrecht Durer was born on May 21st 1471 in Imperial Free City of Nuremberg. At the age of fifteen Durer was apprenticed to the principal painter of the town, Michael Wolgemut, a prolific if undistinguished producer of small works in the late Gothic style. Durer learned not only painting but also wood carving and elementary copper engraving under Wolgemut. At the end of his apprenticeship in 1490 he travelled (Wanderjahre). He practiced in Colmar, Basel and in the Low Countries (Holland) before he returned to Nuremberg. From this period, little of the work that can be attributed to him with certainty survives. Portrait of the Artist Holding a Thistle (1493)
  • 6. On July 9, 1494 Durer was married, according to an arrangement made during his absence, to Agnes Frey, the daughter of a local merchant. His relationship with his wife is unclear and her reputation has suffered from a posthumous assault by Durer's friends. He did not remain in Nuremberg long; in the autumn of 1494 he travelled to Italy, leaving his wife at Nuremberg. Agnes Durer (1494)
  • 7. More than any other Northern European artist, Durer was engaged by the artistic practices and theoretical interests of Italy. He visited the country twice, from 1494 to 1495 and again from 1505 to 1507, absorbing firsthand some of the great works of the Italian Renaissance, as well as the classical heritage and theoretical writings of the region. The influence of Venetian color and design can be seen in the Feast of the Rose Garlands altarpiece (1506)
  • 8. Durer was back in Nuremberg by mid-1507. He remained in Germany until 1520. His reputation spread all over Europe. He was on terms of friendship or friendly communication with all the masters of the age, and Raphael held himself honored in exchanging drawings with Durer. Durer lived and worked in this house from 1509 to 1528. Now its a museum
  • 9. Durer's talent, ambition, and sharp, wide-ranging intellect earned him the attention and friendship of some of the most prominent figures in German society. He became official court artist to Holy Roman Emperors Maximilian I and his successor CharlesV, for whom Durer designed and helped execute a range of artistic projects. Emperor Maximilian (1518)
  • 10. After another journey to the Netherlands Durer finally returned home in July 1521, having caught an undetermined illness which afflicted him for the rest of his life. Back in Nuremberg he began work on a series of religious pictures. Many preliminary sketches and studies survive, but no paintings on the grand scale were ever carried out. This was due in part to his declining health, but more because of the time he gave to the preparation of his theoretical works on geometry and perspective, proportion and fortification. Albrecht Durer died on April 6th 1528
  • 11. Durers influence on the European art Durer developed a new interest in the human form, as demonstrated by his nude and antique studies. He was also one of the first artists to depict animals photorealistically. As I grew older, I realized that it was much better to insist on the genuine forms of nature, for simplicity is the greatest adornment of art Albrecht Durer
  • 12. Durers influence on theory of art He wrote Four Books of Human Proportion (Vier B端cher von menschlichen Proportion), only the first of which was published during his lifetime (1528), as well as an introductory manual of geometric theory for students (Underweysung der Messung, 1525), which includes the first scientific treatment of perspective by a Northern European artist.
  • 13. Durers influence on mathematics Descriptive geometry originated with Durer in his introductory manual of geometric theory for students although it was only put on a sound mathematical basis in later works of mathematicians. One of the methods of overcoming the problems of projection, and describing the movement of bodies in space, is descriptive geometry. Durer's remarkable achievement was through applying mathematics to art, he developed such fundamentally new and important ideas within mathematics itself.
  • 14. Durers influence on the art of fortification In 1527 Durer published another work, this time on fortifications. There were strong reasons why he produced a work on fortifications at this time, for the people of Germany were in fear of an invasion by the Turks. Many cities, including Nuremberg, would improve their fortifications using the methods set out by Durer in this book.
  • 15. Durers influence on the adoption of Lutheranism in Nuremberg In Nuremberg, a vibrant center of humanism and one of the first to officially embrace the principles of the Reformation, Durer had access to some of Europe's outstanding theologians and scholars, including Erasmus, Philipp Melanchthon, and Willibald Pirkheimer, each captured by the artist in shrewd portraits. For Nuremberg's town hall, the artist painted two panels of the Four Apostles (1526), bearing texts in Martin Luther's translation that pay tribute to the city's adoption of Lutheranism.
  • 16. Durers art is so multifarious! Explore it!
  • 17. This all is DURER
  • 18. Resources used http://www.albrecht-durer.org/biography.html http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/durr/hd_durr.htm http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Biographies/Durer.html http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/durer_albrecht.html http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/a/albrecht_durer.html http://meganandvince.blogspot.ru/2011/03/nuremberg-bavarian- secret-to-pass-on.html