Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Jordan Jordan
Senior consultant HPB and liver transplantation surgeon, Head of liver transplant unit royal medical services-Jordan رئيس وحدة جراحة وزراعة الكبد والبنكرياس - مدينة الحسين الطبية
Medical / Health Care / Pharmaceuticals
pereforming surgery for: عمليات زراعة وجراحة اورام الكبد والبنكرياس والقنوات الصفراوية
عمان- الاردن
liver tumor
liver transplantation
pancreatic tumor
colonic tumors
gastric tumors
general surgical and laparascopic procedures
To see more of the work and lectures of sameer smadi search google for liver smadi
Specialties: Consultant hepatobiliary and liver transplantation surgeon
Consultant general surgery
Contact Details
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