The document describes three ways to find the nth highest salary from employee data: 1) Using a subquery to find salaries lower than the maximum; 2) Using a CTE with dense ranking to filter the nth ranked salary; 3) Using row numbering, which only works if there are no duplicate salaries. Examples of SQL queries are provided for each method.
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How to find nth highest salary in sql
1. How to Find nth Highest Salary
Points covered with this presentation
How to find nth highest salary using Sub-query
How to find nth highest salary using CTE
How to find the 2nd,3rd or 15th highest salary
Samir Bhogayta | 8401903277 |
2. ID FirstName LastName Gender Salary
1 Ramesh Sharma Male 70000
2 Rakesh Srivastav Male 60000
3 Nirav Gohel Male 45000
4 Suresh Rathod Male 70000
5 Samir Bhogayta Male 45000
6 Sujata Nigam Female 30000
7 Nirali Patel Female 35000
8 Kusum Patel Female 80000
Find the highest salary is very straight forward. Simply use the Max() function as
shown below.
Select max(Salary) from Employees
To find the second highest salary use a sub query along with Max() function as
shown below.
Select max(Salary) from Employee where Salary < (Select max(Salary) from
Samir Bhogayta | 8401903277 |
3. ID FirstName LastName Gender Salary
1 Ramesh Sharma Male 70000
2 Rakesh Srivastav Male 60000
3 Nirav Gohel Male 45000
4 Suresh Rathod Male 70000
5 Samir Bhogayta Male 45000
6 Sujata Nigam Female 30000
7 Nirali Patel Female 35000
8 Kusum Patel Female 80000
To find nth highest salary using Sub-query.
Select top 1 Salary from (Select distinct top N Salary from Employees order by Salary
desc) Result Order by Salary
To find nth highest salary using CTE.
With Result as (Select Salary, DENSE_RANK() over (order by Salary desc) as
DENSERANK from Employees)
Select top 1 Salary from Result where DENSERANK = N
Samir Bhogayta | 8401903277 |
4. ID FirstName LastName Gender Salary
1 Ramesh Sharma Male 70000
2 Rakesh Srivastav Male 60000
3 Nirav Gohel Male 45000
4 Suresh Rathod Male 70000
5 Samir Bhogayta Male 45000
6 Sujata Nigam Female 30000
7 Nirali Patel Female 35000
8 Kusum Patel Female 80000
Please note : On many websites, you have seen that, the following query can be
used to get the nth highest salary. The below query will only work if there are no
With Result as
(Select Salary, ROW_NUMBER() over (order by Salary desc) as ROWNUMBER from
Select Salary from Result where ROWNUMBER = N
Samir Bhogayta | 8401903277 |