This document summarizes a story about siblings Renata and Rodrigo who are attending an interschool rap festival in their neighborhood on a hot summer day. Their father and school director are also present. As the story progresses, heavy rain and garbage in the streets causes a flood that endangers local families. Police officer Dantas calls for help as the flood waters rise.
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The flood0001
1. modern readers
;:fhe Flood
Eduardo Amos
Elisabeth Prescher
Ernesto Pasqualin
The Flood
"Adventure and human interest for teenagers"
Ali the kids in the neighborhood are at the Interschool
Renata is hoppy. Her bond is a success.
Rap Festival.
But there are dork clouds in the sky ond a lot 01 garboge in the square.
The roin is heovy now and Renata ond her brother try to help. But they
are in donger.
Main lheme - a flood in an urban area
Olher lhemes - lhe environment. ethics, consumer bahcvlor.
Visit readers for answ r .
more exercises. and a Teacher's Guide to Using Read r
stage 4 _ inter'T'ediate ,
~tage 3 _ lower intermediat:"
stage 2 _ elementary
, fi t n '
Richmond Publishing 辿 o selo internacional da
Editora Moderna pora os materiais de l鱈ngua inglesa.
CCX)RDENAQ EDITORIAL V棚". Regina A. Masell鱈, Kylie Mackin
ASSISTNCIA EDITORiAl Gabriela Peixoto vllanova
COORDENAO DE REVISO Estevam Vieim L辿do Jr.
REVISO Denise Ceron
EDIO DE ARTE Chrisriane Borin de Souza
PROJETO GRFICO DE MIOLO E CAPA Ricardo van Steen Comunica巽探es e Propaganda Ltda./Oliv~r Fuchs
TRATAMENTO DE IMAGENS tdcraklo Ara炭jo de Melo
SA鱈DADE FIlMES ! I辿lio P. de SOU? Filho, Mareio H. Kamoto
IMPRESSO E ACABAMENTO Yangraf Gr叩fica e Editora Lrda.
It is a very
hot summer
afternoon in
Dados Internocionais de Cataloga巽達o na Publica巽達o (CIPI Vila Buriti.
[C担moro Brasileiro do livro, SP, Brasin
Amos, Eduardo
There are
The Ilood / Eduardo Amos, Ehsabeth Prescher,
Ernesto Pasqualln: (Ilustra巽探es l辿Us) - S:10
Paulo : Moderna, 2003. - (Modern Rcaders ; stage I)
many people
in the square
1. Ingl棚s (Ensino fundumcrunl) I. Prescher,
Elisabeth. 11.Pasqualtn, Emesro. 111.L辿lis. because of the Third
IV. T鱈tulo. V. S辿rie.
Interschool Rap Festival.
03-3364 CDD-372.6S2
鱈ndices paro cat叩logo sistem叩tico:
Today is the second day of
I. Ingl棚s: Ensino fundamcmal 572.652
the festival.
15BN85-16-03727-4 .1,
Reprodu巽達o proibida. Art. 184 do C坦digo Penal e Lei 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.
Renata and Rodrigo Macedo
Todos os direi/os reservados are brother and sister. They are twins.
RU:I Padre Adelino, 758 - Belenztnho
Renata is very happy today because
S達o Paulo - SI' - Brasil - CEP 03303-904
Vendas e Atendimento: Tel. (0 __ 11) 6090-1500 her band is a success. Her brother's
Fax (0 __ 1 1) 6090-150 I
band is also in the festival.
Impresso 110 Brasil
9 10 8 6
3. The next morning. there are tons of bottles. cans
and paper bags in the square. Macedo and Roberto
Dantas are there. Dantas is Macedo's friend. He is a
Mr Macedo - How are things. Dantas?
Mr Dantas - Difficult. There is a lot of trash on the
ground. r am worried. Look at the sky!
Mr Macedo - Mmm... It's very dark. Are you afraid
of a flood?
, Mr Dantas - Yes. r am worried about the houses
down the street! Let's call for help!
Mr Macedo. the kids' father. and their school
director. Mrs Moreira. are there too.
Mrs Moreira - Hi. kids! Are you ready for the show?
Renata - Oh. yes! We sure are. The festival is
exciting and all the students in our neighborhood are
here today.
Mr Macedo - How about you. Rodrigo? Aren't you
excited too?
Rodrigo - Not really. My band isn't very good.
Mrs Moreira - Ch~p' Rodrigo! Vou are only a
beginner. What about you. Mr Macedo? Are you here
to see your kids? &-- VWfv<,
Mr Macedo - No. I'rn on duty today. There are
many people from other neighborhoods. The fire
brigade is here to help the police.
Renata - Rodrigo! There is a garbage can near
you. Throw your bottle there!
Rodrigo - Calm down. Renata! Its only a bottle.
4. Dantas is right. A few minutes later, the rain is very Mr Dantas - Macedo! Macedo! Take this family to
heavy in Vila Buriti. Together, a lot of rain and garbage the school. Hurry up! The water current is very strong.
is disastrous. In the streets below, the families are in There are still many people on the roof tops and inside
danger. The level of the water is high. There are the houses.
people at the windows and on the roofs. The fire Mr Macedo - Is your family in a safe place, Dantas?
brigade and the police are there to help. Macedo and Mr Dantas - Yes,they are at the school. How a out
Dantas are in the middle of the flood. your wife and kids, Macedo?
Mr Macedo - Julio and the twins are safe. My
house is out of the flood area.
) r
5. Mr Macedo - Hello! Julio? ... Yes, I'rn fine. What? ..
The children are not at home with you? They are at
Helena's house? ... But it is close to the market! They
are in the flood area!
Mr Macedo is back at the flood area. There are
many streets underwater now. Many houses are
destroyed and many people are
hurt. Mr Macedo is in the boat
again. He is worried about
An hour late r, Mr Rodrigo and Renata.
Macedo is at the Dantas - Macedo! Macedo!
school. There are Quick! Renata and Rodrigo are
many firefighters near the market. They are in the
and police officers middle of the flood. Hurry up!
too. And there are Follow me!
many tornltie s from I
the flood area. The ~
young children are 1rightened and
hungry. Their mothers are tired and
UpS辿t. All their things ore still inside the
--- -
Mr Macedo - Mrs Moreira! Here
are more children. They are from the
flood area. They're hungry and cold.
Mrs Moreira - Don't worry, Mr
Macedo. There are sandwiches and
fruit juice for everyone. How are things
in the streets below and near the market?
Mr Macedo - Not good! A lot of people are still there.
Suddenly, ... RIIIINNG It's Macedo's cell phone.
6. Mr Macedo - Where are they? Where are my kids? One hour later, Rodrigo is in an ambulance. He is
Mr Dantas - Over there, Macedo. On that tree, in too tired to walk. He is very frightened and cold. But
the middle of the flood! Look! The girl is on the tree. he isn't badly hurt. Renata is in shock and very weak.
The boy is in the water. But the rain is finally over.
Mr Macedo - Oh no! The current is too strong there. Mr Macedo - Renata! Rodrigo! Are you OK?
They are in terrible danger! Let's go, Dantas! Rodrigo - Yes, Dad. But I'rn very tired and cold,
Mr Dantas - No! Stay here! Your men are already very cold.
there. The situation is under control. Look! They are Mr Macedo - Renata, talk to me! Are you OK?
dl ose to the kids now.
Mr Macedo - I'rn afraid. Renata isn't strong and
Rodrigo is too tired.
Mr Dantas - Calm down Macedo! Look! Rodrigo
is already in the boat. And now, Renata too! They
are safe.
10 fi
7. Mrs Moreira - Look at the kids, Mr tv1acedo. Aren't
you proud of them?
Mr Macedo - I sure amoTheir campaign "Put the -
trash in the con" is a success. .,
The meaning of each word corresponds to its use in the context of
Mrs Moreira - You're right. Today is the last day of the story (see page number 00)
the festival and the streets are clean. No bottles, no
cans, no paper bags! But look! There are dark clouds a lot of (5) muito firefighter (8) bombeiro
afraid of (12) medo de f100d (5) enchente
in the sky.
afternoon (3) tarde frightened (11) assustado
Mr Macedo - Are you afraid of the rain, Mrs Moreira? again (9) de novo garbage can (4) lata de lixo
Mrs Moreira - Not now, Mr Macedo. Not now. also (3) tamb辿m ground (5) ch探o
back (9) de volta happy (3) feliz
because (3) porque heavy (6) pesado
beginner (4) iniciante help (4) ajudar
below (6) abaixo high (6) alto
boat (9) barco hot (3) quente
bottle (4) garrafa hour (8) hora
brother (3) irm探o hungry (8) com fome
campaign (12) campanha hurt (9) machucado
can (5) lata inside (7) dentro
child. children (8) crian巽a/s kld, kids (4) crian巽a/s
clean (12) limpo later (8) mais tarde
close (10) perto mano men (10) homem/ns
cloud (12) nuvem many (3) muitos
cold (8) frio market (8) mercado
current (10) correnteza middle (10) meio
danger (6) perigo near (4) perto
dark (5) escuro neighborhood (4) bairro
destroyed (9) destru鱈do next (5) pr坦ximo
.. disastrous (6) desastroso
down (5) abaixo
only (4) apenas
out of (7) fora
everyone (8) todos paper bag (5) saquinho de
exciting (4) divertido papel
family. families (6) fam鱈lia/s people (3) pessoas
fire brigade (4) corpo de place (7) lugar
bombeiros police officer (8) policial
8. proud (12) orgulhoso upset (8) nervoso
rain (6) chuva very (3) muito. bastante
ready (4) pronto water (10) 叩guo
root, roofs (6) telhado/s weak (11)fraco
safe (7) seguro wife (7) esposo
sandwich. sandwiches (8) window (6) janela
sandu鱈che/s worried (5) preocupado
second (3) segundo young (8) pequeno
sister (3) irm達
sky (5) c辿u
square (3) pra巽a Calm down! (4) Colmo!
stay (10) ficar Cheer up! (4) Anime-se!
still (7) ainda Don't worry! (8) N達o se preocupe!
strong (10) forte Follow me! (9) Sigo-me!
summer (3) ver達o How about you ... ? (4) E voc棚?
sure (4) certamente How are things? (5) Como v達o
take (7) levar os coisas?
thing (8) coisa Hurry up! (7) Apresse-se!
throw (4) atirar in shock (11)em estado de
tired (8) cansado choque
together (6) juntos Let's go! (10) Vamos!
tons (5) toneladas Not now (12) Agora n達o
too (4) tamb辿m Not really (4) No realidade n達o
trash (5) lixo Over there (10) L叩
twin. twins (3) g棚meo/s Quick! (9) R叩pido!
underwater (9) embaixo d'叩gua under control (10) sob controle