" havE nO attitudE , classy , friEndly , cutE , innOcEnt , alwayx havE a big smilE On facE , nOt intErEstEd in fightin', ingEnuOus , sOmEtyms dEmurE n lOquaciOus , lOyal , rEliablE , cOOl-hEadEd , smart , sincErity ix in my blOOd " !! :-D
n all my grOwth n dEvElOpmEnt lEd mE 2 bEliEvE dat lyf ix full Ov surpricEx n n sErEndipity . bEing OpEn 2 unExpEctEd turnx in d rOad ix an impOrtant part Ov succEss . if v try 2 plan EvEry stEp , v may miss thOse wOndErful twistx n turnx . jux find ur nExt advEnturE n dO it wEll n enjOy it n thEn , nOt nOw , think 'bOut wOt cumx next :-P