爛むイ爐爐萎ぞ爐爐 爐むた爐む爐爐 爐爛爐橿さ爐鉦さ爐鉦イ爐爐項ぞ爐萎ぞ爐劇爐爛爐 爐оぐ爛爐 爐朽ぞ爐∇さ爐鉦さ爐鉦イ爛 爐爛 爐爐萎ぞ爐爛 爐爐伍げ爛爐爐鉦爐 爐爐迦ぞ 爐爐爐逗ぎ爐鉦え 爐爐項....爐爛 爐爐萎ぞ爐爛 爐爐項ぞ爐萎ぞ爐劇爐爛爐 爐爐鉦爐 ..!!爐爐 爐爐項ぞ爐萎ぞ爐劇爐爛爐!!
I'm a simply person, I like to live with friends who is honest with his/her life , I like to chatting and meet them......
Nice thoughts
Dont compare yourself with anyone in this world. If you do so, you are insulting yourself.
You are not responsible for what people think about you. But you are responsible for what you giv