Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Lamjung, Nepal
At City Development Bank
Me familar By #San CRu zul on Facebook :::: Am a SimlpLe Guy...
Name - Neeraz Crestha
Age- #
Location- Lamjung
₩£|CoMe to mah prfl
plzZ rEad it b4 adIng mE
*Dont ask me tackY ? lyk name adres phno nd bla bla bla nd if u darEd then diretly dleat
*wel i cn B ure bst fRen if u wnt to nd aT da saMe tiMe i cn b ure enemY if u try 2 show me atitude so beter doNt ad me if u R wid urE bLody so kol aTitude cOz
*Dont ask me real or nt
*dont taq mah pik widout mah permisiOn
* wil trY mah bst to b gud wid u
*Respect mah FrenshiP relAtionship
*U cn sEnd me faMily request
Mah iNtreSt nd haBitZ
*-* -_- *-*
*cRazY in Doing Crazy thinG ;D
*woKe uP whole niTe to watCh Scary
mOv othEr wize alWayz -_
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