Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
San Pedro, Laguna
if you something, let it go. if it comes back to you, its your forever. if it doesn't, then it was never meant to be.
L童 L童
I'am Sierra Lynn Santiago my friends call ME sierra,sie,alyn,lyn
a Lot oF FrieNdS I LoVe fAsHiOn
Im onLine Adik, LoViNg a pErSoN ThAt mAkEs
mE HaPPy.. nO OnE CoNfRoNt mE OuT..
Im a SiMpLe gIrL
IM A DrEsSeS DeCeNt iN SmArt
nEeDs a lItTlE AtTeNsIoN aNd a sImPlE LifE
I LovE To sinG AnD DaNcE
i LoVe eatiNg mY FaVoRiTe fOoD. LikE SiNiGaNg .aND SwEeTs fOoDs
My hObBIe iS DoInG My LaYoUtS.. Music..i love going to resort o
Users following Sierra Lynn Santiago