Psychology is defined as the science that studies behavior and mental processes. It uses systematic, scientific methods to observe, describe, predict, and explain human behavior and cognitive processes. Psychology emerged in the 19th century influenced by philosophy, biology, and physiology. Some key concepts studied in psychology include motives, behaviors, beliefs, wishes, and dreams. Psychology aims to develop a scientific understanding of the mind, consciousness, unconscious processes, behavior, and motivation over the human lifespan. Important schools of thought in psychology include structuralism, functionalism, and behaviorism. Psychology is highly relevant for social workers as it provides knowledge and tools for understanding human thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, which is essential for assessing and helping clients.
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Intruduction of Psychology
1. Psychology
Simply psychology is a science dedicated to the study of behavior
and mental process. Psychology is defined with the main three
important terms:- Science, Behavior and Mental process.
Behavior can directly observed but mental process refers to the
thoughts, feelings and motives which are not directly (physically)
observable so for these observation we need the psychology.
Psychology is that science which uses systematic method (
scientific tools and techniques) to observe, describe, predict and
explain behavior and mental process of person. or it uses scientific
method (to collect and interpret its data).
2. Psychology emerged as a science in 19th
century influence by the three fields of study
philosophy, biology and physiology. As a
social worker or social case worker he/she
must remark these key to study of person (
client )
3. psychology as Science of
mind, behavior, consciousness, subcon
scious processes and motivation
According to psychologist they defined
psychology as Science of
mind, behavior, consciousness, subconscious
processes and motivation because, It studies
about the human behavior and mental process
which effect the persons life span.
4. Science of mind
: psychology contains scientific
knowledge about observation, events
measurement and experiments of
persons mind and behavior. Psychology
has general principles and law to
predict them as accurately as possible.
So it is called science of mind.
5. Behavior
Psychology studies about the persons
behavior related with the moments of
body that could seen or heard behavior
depends on feelings, attitude and
mental process which is also evaluate
with the scientific method.
6. consciousness, subconscious
processes and consciousness:
According to Sigmund Freud person have
three steps of mind
Unconscious, preconscious and conscious.
we can study this theory detail in
Psychodynamic theory this theory
developed on the basis of intensive clinical
studies of individual cases-- women with
hysterical symptoms in 1956. (ID EGO AND SUPER
7. Unconsciousness
: This stage is beyond our awareness.
In this stage of mind person cant show
positive reaction and cant make quit
right observation. For example if some
one fill this situation he dont
know why he feel sadness. Next Ex.
8. Consciousness
: In this stage of mind person
can show immediate reaction.
This is a awareness stage person
can react it may negative or
positive. Ex.
9. subconscious processes
: This level of mind contains all those
elements that are not conscious but
can became conscious with facing
some problems or difficulties.
Ex. If people have some problem at first he dont know how
this happened but after some hard effort he may know the
cause of problem.
10. Conclusion
With the help of this theory social
worker can identify the persons
psychological stage according to that
persons level of mind. Which helps to
problem solving process for the social
case worker. Thus this theory is
important in social work pactice.
11. Concept of social psychology
social psychology studies to understand
society or psychology of societies people.
How they response themselves and with the others.
This psychology is defined with the concept of
Gordon Allport this psychology study for
analysis of impact. Social psychology concern
with How ?, why ?, in which situation ?incident was
happened and whats the impact of that incident.
For ex: Maoist started civil war by using Magar people because Magars
are very simple people and when they get angry they never look any
other things they only see their goal. in this situation social
psychologys conclusion may be the anger of Maggar cast people used in
that war. Some terms are used in social psychology are as
12. Terms are used in social psychology
Group behavior (behave of that group)
Social perception (social view of point )
Leadership ( team building)
Non verbal behavior (religious and social
values which change the behavior )
Conformity (Conformation of religious
Aggression (violent behavior )
13. Person in environment system
It means that how the person affected by
his environment and what will be the cause or
result. To study of these things we
follow the ecological theory.
By the studies of this ecological theory
in psychology, The social worker can
determine the environmental effect in
persons problematic behavior. Which is
important role for the Social worker in
his professional social work.
14. Schools of Psychology:
Structural, functional, behaviorist
Structuralism : Only observe physically and
interprets how the physical appearance shows.
This is limited concept.
Functionalism : To survive in that situation or
environment person change his function to be a
better in that social environment.( astittoko lagi
bikas )
Behaviorism: John B. (1873-1953) : Building
blocks of behavior means person learn behavior
which is response of human activities. To know
behaviorism of person psychologist studied the
animals behavior as a mean.
17. Relevance of psychology for social
social work is professional activity of
helping people by utilizing
knowledge, skills and values where we
use professional relationship for
understanding people by looking others
activities to solve the problem.
18. To understand the person or to study about the
persons behavior social worker concern in these
How people do
How people think
How people feel
These things are use to evaluate social worker also.
To observe and evaluate these terms we have only
one social science that is psychology . Psychology
can study individuals and understand thinking
pattern of individuals or people . Thus psychology
has important role in the field of professional
social work by these reason we can say psychology
is relevance for social worker.