Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Alexandria, Egypt
I dn'T knW hOw i Can TaLk abOuT mY seLf BuT i Will TrY .. ^_^
I believe in this .. "Be who U want to Be .. not others WaNt to SeE " (琪脈¬)
So.. i MaY nt be perfect BuT um AlwaYS me :)
Sure i made mistakes buT i don't spend too much time worrying about My mistakes Cuz mistakes becoMe experieNce :) aNd if u juDge mE by My paSt , dUn gEt maDe if i put U theRe
- I aDoRe My SmAll FaMiLy モ垂 MoM,DaD,anD mY bro 3mr モ垂
and My friendzZz >>> all of theM (rbna y5leko lia )
AnD i nEvEr hatE pEople Especially who are jEalous of mE , But rEspEct their jealoUsy cUz they r PeoPle who thiNk that i aM bettEr thAn tHem ;)
AlSo LiFe iS toO shOrT tO wAsTe tiMe HaTi
Users being followed by Sarah Ahmed